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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. Yeah, I was aware they are on here, but to be honest, I'm not really making a big deal out of it, and I probably would look at using them again if and when I next needing to order something. The point I was trying to make really was that even those retailers who are generally regarded as being the best of the bunch can also slip up from time to time. I guess it was only bad luck on my part that both of my orders have been this way.
  2. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1397988525' post='2429176'] This isnt just about music shops though. Time and time again local shops think 'service' is being able to process payments quickly [/quote] Completely agree with that. Popped into House Of Fraser in Glasgow last week with my wife to return some clothes she had ordered for her holiday in a few months time, we ended up having to trail through various departments and queue up at THREE different desks in order to return the stuff. Their whole returning of goods experience has obviously been set up for the sole benefit of House Of Fraser and not the customer. Very poor. God, I like a good ol' moan..........fnarr, fnarr.......
  3. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1397947682' post='2429001'] With exception to Bass Direct and maybe a couple of others I have not frequented, this seems to be the norm these days [/quote] I keep reading on here about how good Bass Direct are, but in my experience, they are not the 'holier than thou' retailer they are painted to be on here. I've only ordered online from them twice, but on both occasions, I have had to chase up my order. The first time, it took three emails from me to chase up the correct speakon cable I had ordered along with with a Genz Benz 1x12" Focus cabinet, with me having to send the initial incorrectly sent cable back to them AT MY EXPENSE. The second order, I had to chase up my Darkglass Vintage Microtubes pedal two days after I placed the order, despite being told it would be posted the day I placed it. I'm sure Bass Direct are one of, if not THE, best bass retailers in the UK, but they also are not without fault.
  4. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1394834484' post='2395894'] I have played/owned most of the Aguilar pedal range and we have the MXR pedal range at work. The MXR bass octave deluxe is (imo) more versatile than the Octamizer and there are arguments about whether the Filter Twin is better than the Envelope filter (I like the Filter Twin more but feel the MXR envelope filter is more fiddly/adjustable which some may like!) but the rest of the Aguilar range is better than MXR stuff by quite a way. The tone and tonal shaping you get from the Tone hammer pre is awesome. The DI is great quality and as a result, I've often gigged without an amp and just used my Tone Hammer direct to the PA. I use it EVERY time I record as it gives a great quality signal from the DI and the tone is always nice. Also the headroom it gives is excellent. I also like the AGS function when I want to drive the signal slightly but must admit I use it rarely. I wouldn't be without the Tone Hammer pre amp now and nothing I've tried yet has even come close to turning my head. Try one out and see if you still want to keep your MXR stuff. My opinion might be TOTALLY different to yours but it's worth trying as much as you can until you settle on one you like [/quote] Sorry skej, I missed this when you posted, thanks for your feedback.
  5. I've been GASsing for a MM Bongo ever since I saw Gail Ann Dorsey playing a graphite 5'er with Bowie on his Reality tour at the SECC in Glasgow back in November 2003...still never even had a play on one, yet alone owned one!
  6. Ach, any excuse to repost......... [url="https://imageshack.com/i/4j9d7tj"][/url] Left to right... 2002 Lakland Skyline 44-60 Joe Osborn "Dudepit" Ltd Ed 2007 Lakland Skyline 44-64 Custom "Duck" Dunn 2002 Fender Jazz AVRI '75 FSR
  7. I want to go but sadly the minimum £500 I'd need for tickets/trains/hotel/beer/food the weekend before I go on holiday dictates not! :-(
  8. Been following Steve via Facebook. He's got some cracking gear. Awesome player as well. I'll have a wee gander at that tomorrow, cheers.
  9. Oops, sorry 'bout that!!
  10. Picked up an MXR Analogue Chorus off eBay for just over £50. Result!
  11. Find a new drummer and form a Royal Blood tribute act. I'd be fairly confident of you being the first on the circuit!
  12. I was in the [i]exact[/i] same situation as this earlier in the year, but I never took steps to address it. Got on really well with the lead guitarist, drummer wasn't the best and a bit of a control freak as he always saw it as being "his band", given that he started the original line up. We were also ditching songs that were about 85% gig ready as some were getting bored of it. It basically came to a head when after two or three particularly fruitless rehearsals on the bounce, I decided enough was enough. In the ten months or so I lasted, I think I saw around 14 - 15 different members in that time, trying to get a settled line up and when we did, the age old argument of songs choices basically got in the way. Can safely say that it will be my first and last...at least for a very long time...attempt at forming / joining a covers band!!
  13. I'm interested in this discussion also. Been checking out a few YouTube videos for each and I can't say I'm convinced about the flanger option on the bass deluxe version. I'll probably be more inclined to go for the analogue chorus myself.
  14. Awwww......poor London. For the rest of the UK we need to pay extra for the privilege to get there first.
  15. [quote name='Wud' timestamp='1395789636' post='2406469'] Somebody needs to buy my BassBalls Nano though, seriously... [/quote] I'm not falling for your Jedi mind tricks!
  16. Why is it always the way you get rid of something and within a few weeks the thing you get rid of is exactly the thing you need? I sold my MXR on here as I could see no use for it, and the very week after, the singer / guitarist brought to the band a new tune where it fits in perfectly in the demo and now I've no pedal to play it on! Goddam!!
  17. lou24d53


    Independence Tax?
  18. I keep drooling over this every time it's bumped, not only because it is in absolutely stunning condition, but it is also my Y.o.B bass. IF ONLY it was fretted, it would've been on my credit card a few months ago. GLWTS
  19. Recently sold an MXR M82 Bass Envelope Filter to Ant with no problems at all, very speedy payment and good communications throughout, would have no problems doing business again anytime, cheers Dougie.
  20. Well that love affair never lasted long! I still kinda miss her a bit, but still having too much fun with the '75 Jazz to notice really!
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