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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. Very similar to the colour Dave Swift was sporting on the BGM cover a few months ago, Mocha I think? Lovely...
  2. Sad new after Saturdays gig in Glasgow... [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-22935494"]h[/url][url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-22935494"]ttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-22935494[/url] That's twice in two years now someone has died either at, or having been at, The Stone Roses summer gigs after the young bloke who died in Manchester last year.
  3. Just as long as you're not the type of guy where one night you both end up bladdered together and it gets blurted out?
  4. Nice! The 1974 would be my YOB.
  5. Noticed there's only 182 'likes' on the Facebook page, seems awful low considering the number of forum members on here.
  6. Feel free to venture further up north...we don't bite across the border...much!
  7. I nearly bought this a few weeks ago, ended up getting one elsewhere on the forum. Absolutely loving mine, tonal qualities are awesome and the jazz neck, for me, is the icing on the cake. Lovely, lovely bass. Good luck with the sale!
  8. Trade feeler? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203055-fs-lakland-skyline-55-02-deluxe-2nd-pricedrop/page__st__40"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203055-fs-lakland-skyline-55-02-deluxe-2nd-pricedrop/page__st__40[/url]
  9. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1371137282' post='2110370'] 10 just isn't enough. [/quote] Indeed. I missed Andrew Levy off my list.
  10. In no particular order... James Jamerson Nate Watts Paul McCartney Flea Les Claypool Jason Newsted Steve Harris Mani John Entwistle John Paul Jones Geezer Butler* * I allowed myself a subtitute!
  11. Certainly not had any QC issues with mine to date, although granted it is still early days. Says on the back, "Designed in the USA. Assembled in Taiwan." There is a three way switch on the back of the unit for the tweeter - On, Off or -6dB.
  12. Yeah, got it delivered on Saturday, came in early as I'd ordered it as part of an early bird ticket package for the Glasgow date in December...if the Glasgow Hydro ever f*ckin' opens that is...!! Was actually pleasantly surprised. I was expecting a car crash to be honest, it's actually very decent I think. The tunes sound like they could be taken straight from the '70's era Sabbath in my opinion, although perhaps 'die hard' Sabbath fans might suggest differently. But all in all, can't say I found myself wincing uncomfortably at any tune on the album as I expected I would. As some have alluded previously, the lyrics are somewhat 'sketchy', but that's only to be expected from a band who thought it acceptable to rhyme the word "Masses" with the word "Masses" in one of their biggest hits. Been a very decent few weeks for rock albums I think with the superb Alice In Chains "The Devil Put Dinosuars Here" album followed by the QoTSA "...Like Clockwork", which is an absolutely beltin' album followed by the Sabbath album.
  13. Cheers. Hope I can manage to sell my Lakie beforehand to fund it then!
  14. Early days with mine as I only picked it up Monday and have only used it at home as a practice amp, so I've not had the chance to crank it up yet. Certainly impressed with what I'm hearing so far, clear top end - I'm running with the tweeter on just now - clear mids and big bassy bottom end. Would need to try it out in a live setting to give you a more comprehensive review, but bearing in mind the price of these, mines was under £370 for the 210T, I would certainly suggest checking them out. I took a chance and bought mine only after reading reviews online as I couldn't find a stockist nearby to try mines out first, but worthwhile if you have anywhere near you to check it out. There's also a couple of (very short) youtube clips I found on it.
  15. Cheers, early days yet, but well impressed with it so far. Next up, search out a decent Fender MIJ Precision for a sonic blue refin project...it's been high on my GAS list for long time!
  16. Link not working. Correction, it is, sorry... Anyway, Fender Persion?
  17. Yeah, it's a jazz neck, ideal for me and already one I think will be with me for a good length of time!! It's a 2007, Korean made, Lakland Skyline Duck Dunn, now called the 44-64 Custom.
  18. Problems with ipod and imageshack lately...let's try that again...!! [IMG]http://imageshack.us/a/img546/2550/20130603155354.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://imageshack.us/a/img13/3307/20130603155529.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://imageshack.us/a/img268/2668/20130603155611.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://imageshack.us/a/img208/3480/20130603155554.jpg[/IMG]
  19. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1370284139' post='2098644'] Had a set of Elixirs on my main bass for a few weeks and i'm liking them so far, though next time i think i may try the stainless steel ones, as i do like a very bright tone. The nickels are still bright, but not entirely what i want, though they do sound good. Liam [/quote] I have a set of Elixir stainless steels on delivery at present. I've never tried them myself but after reading some good reports on here made want to check the out. Not the cheapest though, so they better be good!
  20. Arrived yesterday morning, gave it a run out last night at band rehearsal and aboslutely loving it already!! [IMG]http://imageshack.us/a/img825/7152/imagemqp.jpg[/IMG]
  21. Took delivery earlier this morning of a Lakland Skyline "Duck" Dunn from Ryan. The bass was received in really decent condition all round and definitely in accordance with the description. Excellent correspondence throughout the deal ensured it was completely hassle free from start to completion! I always had a wee niggle of doubt about carrying out my first ever transaction from the Basschat marketplace forum wondering if everything was going to go down smoothly. I needn't have worried, couldn't have hooked up with a better seller for my first deal! Cheers, Dougie.
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