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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. Cheers all, best get investigating myself!
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1370114232' post='2096651'] If you had been really passionate about it, you wouldn't have listened to your parent's . . . . [/quote] Seriously? I was 14, 15...how passionate are you about anything at that age?
  3. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1370112934' post='2096623'] If you've big money to spend, Vigier necks are lovely. (And thin!) [/quote] I've not checked the lottery numbers yet tonight, so perhaps!
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1370102922' post='2096496'] In that case maybe a yammy or ibby? [/quote] I had been thinking Ibanez actually as I previously had a K5 - yeah, I know! - which I used to get on with.
  5. Fair point, I'll change the title...erm, if I can figure out how to!! For the avoidance of doubt, I'm meaning the 'width' of the fingerboard, in particular at and beyond the 12th fret.
  6. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1370093786' post='2096376'] I should have followed my heart and done Music A level rather than do subjects that I thought would allow me a career. [/quote] This. Over 20 years later I still regret listening to the 'advice' of my parents instead. But like the Murphy's, I'm not bitter. Much.
  7. Hey I have currently got my Lakland Skyline 55-02 Deluxe for sale on here, absolutely beltin' bass, but I just don't get on with the wide neck. Initially, I was prepared to move away from 5's and stick with 4's, but now I'm not so sure. I was wondering if any the more knowledgeable gear heads on here can point me in the direction of any 'thinner' 5'er necks could maybe check and try out. Ta much, Dougie.
  8. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=140QmUnAGeI&feature=em-subs_digest-vrecs&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D140QmUnAGeI%26feature%3Dem-subs_digest-vrecs Link didn't work on iPad!
  9. Regardless of whether you choose to leave or have it out with the rest of the band, one things for certain, you DO need to deal with this or it'll eat you up.
  10. Cheers for that, I'll look into it, next session starts on Monday as well, so good timing.
  11. Part of me wants to continue with the lessons, but at £125.00 for a six hour block course, I'm not really flush enough at present to continue with it in the long run when I'm not seeing the end results I'm wanting to see, which is - holding my hands up - purely on account of myself and absolutely no fault on the part of my tutor. Perhaps I need to set my own goals and timescales myself. Create a learning plan for myself and stick to it? I've bought an absolute tonne of theory books - probably waaaaaay more than I need - and I have downloaded umpteen lessons from the internet and here, from Scott Devine's website / The Major's Bass Boot Camp for instance. I now seem to have far too much literature on my hands I don't know where to start. Feeling a little overwhelmed and daunting at the thought. I had started with Hal Leonard's three bass lessons books (in the one, with the CD's) but seem to have drifted away and probably by now have forgotten more since than I had l learned!!!
  12. Me: "Can I please request a Saturday delivery to ensure I will be in to collect?" GAK: "Sure, not a problem...erm, by the way, we're out of stock, and it won't be back in for 3-5 working days". Me: "Can you give me a stock update and date for delivery please?" GAK: "Being packaged up for delivery today will be with you tomorrow (Friday)". Me: "Aaaarrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"
  13. Apologies in advance for the long post...!! I'm looking for some advice... I've been playing bass for around 20 years and up until last November, I had never taken a single lesson in my entire playing life. I learned to play the bass solely by ear, simple trial and error, playing along to stuff on the radio and CD's etc. Ok, I freely admit that it might not have been perfect what I was playing, but it always tended to fit in with the groove and with the songs I was playing along to. Last year though, at the tender age of 38, I had an epifany moment and suddenly realised - "you know what Dougie, after 20 years, you know absolutely jack sh!t theory" - honestly, aside from the open strings, 5th and 12th frets, I really struggled to name any of the notes on the fingerboard. Still not exactly lightning quick at naming them if I'm honest. So I decided there and then that I was going to take myself along to lessons for the first time in my life, which was a rather daunting prospect at first, and I found a really good tutor in Glasgow, really cool guy, very laid back, very patient, very helpful and had knowledge of all things bass that I can only dream to have. To date I have taken 6 lessons since I started and I have to say that they have been extremely helpful and beneficial to me as a player, although more from a technique point of view than a theory at present. Here's the thing though... The way I'm wired internally, unless I'm pressured into doing something, I'm really struggling at home in my personal life to dedicate time and effort into practicing what I am being shown at these one-to-one lessons, even though I absolutely love playing bass and really want to improve as a player - appreciate that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense! I find it way too easy to find other things to jam and mess around with rather than concentrate on what I should be learning...call it "bass procrastination" if you will...and I have came to the conclusion that I need something to aim for. I was thinking I'd much rather enrole for a short or part-time course with an actual qualification as an end result, which would give me something to focus on rather than turning up for lessons on a monthly basis. It's not a laziness problem as such, as I said I think it is more of a lack of focus I'm strucggling with. I've already been to Uni whilst working, and have studied and passed three seperate BSc courses during this time, so I know I can do it if I'm 'pressured' into working towards an end-goal with some time contraints applied. Problem is, I'm working full-time, 9am-5pm, 5 days a week and I can't find anywhere in my area who will provide such a course, let alone one which will accommodate my timescales. What would you do?
  14. My 2nd hand MV4 I bought in December only cost me £999, only one owner since new and very minor dings, blemishes etc. It was set up absolutely beautifully as well when I bought it, never had to mess around with it in any way. There's deals to be had if you can find them. I've paid out more on basses before, but this one is for keeps, definitely.
  15. Me and Bon... [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/5/s1050963.jpg/][IMG]http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/4585/s1050963.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]
  16. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1369604374' post='2090865'] Perhaps it would help if you edited this thread title to add Steve Harris's name in it? Then it might be more likely to attract the attention of anyone with a SH connection. Good luck. S x [/quote] Indeed. Rename it "A Steve Harris Plea". Good work fella!
  17. I might actually, placed the order then GAK emailed to say it was out of stock!
  18. Cheers for the advice Lozz, appreciated.
  19. Having only joined a month ago, it's still very early days in the band I'm playing with and as much as it was [b]extremely [/b]tempting to over-GAS and spend a fair bit more than I really need to at this stage, I've decided to see sense and go for the 2x10 combo option. I had also been looking at seperate options from GB, GK and Hartke which would have meant me needing to spend at least twice - possibly three times - as much as the GB combo costs. Like I said, was extremely tempting, but head ruled the heart as I've still got £600 to pay off for my Sadowsky I bought in December. Don't really need to be taking on more debt at this point!!! The cheapest I've found the CTR500-210T was on GAK, at £369.00, so I'm going to go for that option for now giving me 300w to run with to start off and if I feel I need more, I'll add on a 1x15 extension at a later date.
  20. Cheers for the reply, think I'll investigate further, seem to be changing my mind again already!
  21. Nice. I've been eyeing up this look as well...works really well!
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