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Posts posted by lou24d53

  1. I'm a Wishaw lad too...last year I came home from a Glasgow gig, got home nearly 1.00am and was too excited for my fat, greasy kebab, that not only did I leave my car unlocked, I had left the the rear drivers side door wide open after I forgot to go back out...leaving inside a Barefaced Super Twin and Fender Am. Standard Precision wide to the world...

    Thankfully the local Lanarkshire junkie neds had an off night, but it fair shook me up thinking how bloomin' stoooooopid I'd been...!!

  2. I've never owned a 'V' shaped neck, but they certainly don't look all that comfortable going by that guide.

    A bit like the OP, I also struggle with neck descriptions.

    Of the 4 basses I own - Lakland Dudepit Jazz; Fender 2011 Am.St P; Fender 2002 AVRI 75 Jazz; and 54P self-build with a TB neck - out of all three of them, perhaps rather surprisingly, the chunkiest neck of them all (to me at least) I would say is the AVRI Jazz.

  3. There's something a bit Gerald Ratner about all of this.

    For this discussion to now extend to 6 pages, on the biggest Bass Guitar forum in Europe, with the discussion seemingly now attracting more and more comments from other similar posters who have suffered poor quality / poor attitude / poor service, without any (or inadequate) attempt at response or closure from the builder, just seems utterly bizarre to me.

    Strikes me that there's a train of thought that the builder doesn't care if the order book is busy and full for the foreseeable, but he might have a lot more time on his hands to brush up on his service technique if potential customers research this thread first.

    Btw, I haven't ever owned, nor played, a Maruszcyck, but they definitely had my interest, I read most of the threads about them on here and have contemplated buying one in the past. I think I'd stick to the 2nd hand market though now, given some of the comments and the prices involved.

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  4. I dont know why you would get a lovely finish like that then hide half the body with a big muckle black pick guard. That finish deserves to be seen fully. I think the black guard completely takes away from the look personally.

  5. Interesting read - I seem to be noticing far more short scale basses on the market than I used to.

    As someone who's never even played a short scale, let alone owned one, what would be the main driver to buy one for a player?

    Is it mainly a 'comfort' decision rather than a 'tonal sound' one?

    I'm curious, I think I'd like to experiment with one, but I've no doubt it for me would be a fad and I'd more than likely have it relisted on here shortly after.  

  6. I love this, sadly money is an issue (isn't it always!) but I'd have been all over this had I had the spare cash. Would look just the part on my Who covers band, we go for a black and white theme too...!!

  7. My 54p self-build from last year...as much as I love my 2011 Am Std P, my Lakland Dudepit Jazz and my 2002 AVRI 75' Jazz, this would be the one I'd grab on the way out should I have to.

    Cliche, I know, but my wee boys initials and date of birth are on the logo / serial number decal, means a lot, especially as I was so happy the way it turned out and sounds.


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  8. I like playing on the configurator, selecting the most expensive options each time, just to see how ridiculously expensive / garishly pimped up I can get it...no intention of buying, but it idles some lockdown time away...🙄🤪

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    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, JohnDaBass said:

    To be honest Si, the standard of sanding finish from Guitar Build is very good indeed. I didn't do any further sanding as I wanted an "organic" feel to the finish and mahogany has quite a tight grain structure . Tru oil is very easy to use, I didn't use the "wet' n dry" slurry system that @honza992 & @Andyjr1515 I just applied numerous coats with a microfiber cloth. The Tru oil is very tough when fully dried, I left it to harden for a week before any assembly. One small bottle of Tru oil did the body with plenty left over. If you've got the time and funds it is a very satisfying experience,  alright it's not a full build from scratch but it will be your own creation.

    I used the wet n' dry method, moving progressively through the sandpaper grades until 2000. As you say, very satisfying, bordering on therapeutic, I found.

    Unlike JohnDaBass, I did have the cheek to call mine a 'build'...!! 😂😂


  10. I haven't any experience with Herrick. Funny you say that about the Jess Loureiro pups, as those were going to by first choice too, but I done some research on here and the feedback wasn't great, orders late, missing, unfulfilled, no contact etc.

    I was wanting a split single coil to minimise the potential for noise feedback, so ended up ordering via Bass Direct. 

    Biggest pain for me was waiting over 4 months for the bridge to come in, was being manufactured to order by Hipshot to order in the US, and ended up taking over twice as long as quoted.

    I'm still tempted to do another......

    • Like 1
  11. Yeah, it's a Guitarbuild walnut body and Allparts Tele neck, with Hipshot hardware.

    I tried to base it on a Mike Lull 54P, like a modern take on it, so I ended up with one at less than half the price of what a Lull would cost! 😂

    Would never back for it what it cost to put together, but like I said, I would never sell it...got my wee boy's initials and DoB on the decal, so hoping when he's old enough he'll take an interest and I can pass it on to him.

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  12. I love it, very bright and punchy, I use a ToneStyler Bass Ten with it, so it really offers some very usable tones, but can almost be too trebly when full on.

    First time for me playing, let alone even trying, a single coil so it was a bit for a stab in the dark, but I absolutely love it.

    I play in a Who covers band and it really works for the Live At Leeds sound we try to emulate on stage.

    Aside from self builds never holding their value, can safely say it's the one bass I'll never part with already.

    • Like 1
  13. We've been forced to pull the plug unfortunately. With one band member who has COPD and is currently on day 2 of self-isolating himself for however long it needs to be and a second who has a four year daughter who's had umpteen heart operations in her short life, it simply wasn't an option for us to continue and take the risk. 

    Band wise, it's a real shame as we had some gig lined up, at least 6 between now and June, but common sense prevails and it simply isn't worth the risk to ourselves and our families for the sake of a gig or two.

    I'm very conscious typing this though, that the band is a hobby for us, beer money if you like, I fully appreciate the quandary full time musicians who make your living gigging must be in.  

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  14. We played at the Lanarkshire March of The Mods in Blantyre on Saturday there, it was a great day, but there seemed to be a feeling amongst everyone in attendance of 'well, it might be a while until we get to do it again'.

    Saturday was the 1st of four weekends on the trot for us, which is more than the 3 gigs every 2 months we've been kinda averaging...however, this Friday coming has just been cancelled and we're now fully expecting them all to fall like a deck of cards one after the next.

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