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Posts posted by Galilee

  1. Well that's just a lash up surely? Someone's bolted a keyboard onto the bottom of a bass, and they haven't even used subtle bracketry.

    I've got an old Aria lying around here somewhere, so if I just get a trombone and a couple of bits of angle iron...

  2. Hmmm, probably just me not being a jazz fan then, eh? I can (just about) understand the point of the bass-solo stuff on Show of Hands, but the clips I listened to from this new album just leave me cold. On top of that, I watched a video for I Saw God, and it made me cringe.

  3. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222964' date='Jun 20 2008, 02:43 PM']Don't forget the open low D in all the gaps!
    Take deep breaths during the keyboard solo. Listen to the vocals to remind yourself where exactly you are in the song. That should keep you sufficiently distracted and it's what works for me when playing Engel. :)[/quote]

    Actually, we have a sequencer playing throughout as well, so when I pedalled the D, I got complaints that the line was 'too busy' (yes, I am surrounded by w***ers!).

  4. Last night we recorded a version of Rammstein's Engel. The bassline has about 4 notes in it and is repetitive throughout the song:

    A: --3h5--65--3h5--3h5--65--

    and then, on the fourth bar:

    D: ----------------------------3333--
    A: --3h5--65--3h5--3h5------------

    That F moves about a bit (into different bars) during the song, so you have to concentrate somewhat.

    I don't find it a problem playing the line, it's just that after a while (say 20 takes to get the drum track down!) it begins to affect my brain, in the same way that repeating the same word over and over until it no longer makes sense does. At which point, my left hand gets a dose of the stupids.

    Any idea what's the best way to maintain focus when playing repetitive stuff like this?

  5. Ha ha, your wife will work it out when she starts to type something beginning with 'T' into Google and Windows suggests auto-completing with 'T*ts c*mshot'


    (edited because I thought that the filter would catch that, ha ha ha)

  6. You're a perfectionist, that's all. I initially looked at the link you posted with the build instructions and the bloke said he'd built two in one evening after work, as I recall - hence my comment about complication. Truth be told, his probably both fell apart the following evening after work.....


  7. I did a cod-psychological test once that showed that I was (pretty much) 100% using my ‘left brain’ all the time. So I’m great at analytical, logical, mathematical stuff, but rubbish at imagistic, intuitive, creative stuff. It’s for that reason that I’d say I’m just a craftsman. I’d never class myself as an artist because, as far as I’m concerned, I feel that I can operate the bass quite well on a logical, mathematical basis, but I can’t compose for toffee.

  8. I was really impressed with the look and VFM of the Peavey Tour range at the Music Show this weekend. I didn't get to hear one (mostly because Joe Satriani was hogging the stand!). Does anybody have any experience with these? Do they sound as good as they look?

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