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Everything posted by Galilee

  1. Galilee

    my thumb

    Fab, Thumbs rule. I'd love a 4 to go with my 5 - can't convince my wife of the urgency of the requirement though. Hey ho.
  2. I'm with you, I always get my thumb stuck under the string on the upstroke.
  3. Boulder is a monster, some of his lines are very tough indeed. Hang onto Yourself is a real killer at full speed.
  4. Lots of Muse tributes kicking off now. I guess that, as a bass player, it would be one of the better tributes to be in.
  5. I'd say that at the very least you need to learn the notes on the fretboard.
  6. I think that wearing thinner shoes (rather than the steel toe-capped work boots that I currently wear) is probably the answer. Either that or separate effect pedals, but I reckon that would get expensive, what with the amp modelling in the Zoom. How easy is it to split the footswitches then?
  7. Yeah I do, I think maybe I just have big feet. As I said, I do kind of blindly kick out at the pedal in order to trigger effects, and I do think that the two switches and the expression pedal are a bit close together. This often results in my suddenly being surprised by the noise (or lack of noise) coming from my bass. I mostly have to select an effect for the song and stick with it throughout, because I haven't got the spare mental capacity to be accurately dancing on the damn pedal box whilst everything else is happening.
  8. I always accidentally kick the damn pedal and turn my sound right off, so now I make sure it's not assigned at all.... In my own defence, I do sing lead vocal as well, so I can't focus too much attention on controlling effects.
  9. Are you sure you've got all the bits of nail out of the palm of your hands? Because that's not going to help.
  10. Yup, only a couple of days delivery on anything I've ever ordered.
  11. I've never used my pedal yet. In all my custom patches, I don't assign it to anything at all.
  12. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='266270' date='Aug 20 2008, 01:16 PM']hang on.. how do I do a Bb when I haven't got a Bb on my fretboard???[/quote] Try A#
  13. Three years? You change strings every 3 years? Clearly the nut will have dessicated and contracted during that period. Probably.
  14. That sounds about right. I'd ask the guitarist if he/she shouldn't just p*ss off and worry about learning a few chords. Bet you a pound to a pinch of salt he/she only plays the first two or three notes of each one.
  15. [quote name='ste_m3' post='265690' date='Aug 19 2008, 05:15 PM']I still think a trusted mediator is the way forward, you cant lose! If it all goes tits up mediator just sends your money back![/quote] If the seller is new though, they're not going to find a mutually-trusted mediator are they?
  16. Are you sure it's not just better to wait to see if another of whatever it is turns up closer to home?
  17. [quote name='ARGH' post='265678' date='Aug 19 2008, 04:58 PM']On topic,lessonswise...well,you ever wondered exactly how good you are,or what gaps there are in your playing?[/quote] All the time, but I don't really want someone to list it out for me.
  18. I'd hate to make any noise that had ever been made by the B52s. Worst band in history.
  19. I do lead vocals as well as bass, so any accuracy in my playing is more by luck than judgement.
  20. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='263104' date='Aug 15 2008, 02:29 PM']Personally, and this is an instrument specific perspective, once you realise that noone would notice the bass player, visually or aurally, unless s/he actually caught fire, the edge is taken off it [/quote] I snorted at that. Beautifully constructed sentence, with the joke right at the end.
  21. [quote name='Wayward-Wanderer' post='259669' date='Aug 11 2008, 12:31 AM'][/quote] It sure is pretty. How much do they go for on Ebay?
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