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About Wilson_51_

  • Birthday 11/05/1988

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  1. Nice action shots, we played this too (last band on Erronaut), we got there about halfway through your set and it was a great watch . luckily you didn't have the downpour that we has when we played. Ha!
  2. My band play in two different tunings in most sets (C and C#) and I have a bass set up for both so I can just swap easily. it wouldn't be much more effort to tune one to the other tuning as its only a half step for the strings. If we have a short set and only play in the one tuning I bring the second one as a back up anyway. I have had a few issues with basses a fair few years ago with the occasional dodgy jack, and once a tuning peg was broken in transit somehow, so a nice relief to have an easy option rather than attempting an on the fly repair. Touch wood I haven't had any issues with either of them for a while now..
  3. Thanks for having a listen guys! Appreciate the support
  4. My band Erronaut has released there new album today. Have a listen and see what you think!!
  5. Earthquaker Devices (EQD) Afterneath Otherworldly Reverb pedal in limited edition black print on raw silver enclosure. Really nice and weird reverb pedal which works well with a fuzz or such in front of it, I have had this for a couple of years and is in pretty good condition. Feet have been removed and velcro added. comes with bag, instructions and box (which has a bit of damage) these are £199 new for the normal version, by what I can see so looking for £150 inc postage.
  6. miniaturised the setup this week. Gone from a pedalboard Classic Junior to a Metro 16. I have removed a couple of pedals and swapped a few bits out that I wasn't really using much. so chain now is: Tuner (always had what tuning I'm in on it, due to a brain fart at a gig many years ago that I never want to repeat) "Erronaut " which is a Dunwich CTG PCB (DOD 250 & DS-1 & clean in parallel) which my last board had both pedals on instead. assembled and artwork by me, the name is my band. Damnation Blooper with Megalithic (clone of a mountain king megalith but with the heavy switch always on to reduce size) in the loop EQD Grand Orbiter Boss BF-2 Thumpinator (under the board) Broughton SV-PRE Omni IR (cab sim) Powered by a Cioks DC5
  7. Made a few pedals recently for my band (Erronaut) Two are to be sold as band merch. One is a green Russian big muff clone and the other is based on a blend of a muff and a cloven hoof, a bit of a play with the values and components to try and find a middle ground. the third one I made for my own board. It’s a Dunwich designed CTG (Cisneros tone generator) a combination of a clean blend, ds-1 and dod-250. I added in a footswitch to toggle the DS-1. this is quite a space savour as I usually have a a blender, ds-1 and dod on my board. drilling and uv printing done by tayda
  8. A good few years a go a band I was in (all early twenties at the time) were looking for a new drummer. Popped an advert out saying rock band playing originals. Stating location, age etc. got a lovely message back from someone who was very interested named all the band we liked (lots of grunge bands). Owns own studio and has all the equipment so don’t worry about bringing a thing. we think brilliant we’ll bring just guitars and bass get all of us in our diddy hatchback. so we turn up to this fellas house in the middle of nowhere, knock on the door. The door is opened by an elderly gentlemen (70s ish) in his slippers, we ask if the lads in, he then tells us that is him. We all look at each other and you can see us all thinking well if he’s brilliant is age a deal breaker? He shows us through to this studio.. which is his conservatory. With a drum kit, a 10 watt guitar amp and no bass amp. Nothin more nothing less. He proceeds to let us hear a some of his previous records he’s played on with some big artists. turns out these records he’s played on are acoustic versions of songs he has recorded himself drumming to but he is adamant he was there in the studio with Clapton, Gilmour etc. needless to say we scarpered at the first opportunity.
  9. Funnily enough I misplaced my ACS ones tonight for rehearsal and had to use a set of emergency back up standard type ones, I keep in my gig bad. They are cheap sub zero ones from gear4music. Put them in and thought oh wow these are almost as good as my custom ones… how wrong i was. we finished playing and my ears are now ringing, they were obviously not doing anything or not enough to help. Luckily I found my proper ones the minute I got in.
  10. I know they are not off the shelf as it were but I would always recommend going the ACS custom pro route and getting some moulds done. They are brilliant, comfortable and £149 so within your budget..
  11. Had a wonderfully time last night playing at The Wheatsheaf in Banbury despite having a stinking cold. Turned up to find the first band had unfortunately pulled out, which meant we and the other band were asked to play longer. I am happy that I am in a band that actually can just pop a couple more songs into a set without hesitation, which is lovely as an original band. Sound tech was brilliant, really nice guy and knows the room, especially as only kick and vocals were mic'ed. He was happy with tones of amps and levels. We played about an hour set and I ended up recording it on my recently purchased zoom H2n placed by the sound desk. listened back today and very happy with the performance and the sound we achieved. The band headlining Voidlurker were an excellent sludge band and thoroughly nice lads to boot. all in all a great night even with the cold!
  12. Should be good just getting a replacement Electrolytic capacitor. Probably cost more on shipping than the cost of the capacitor. I would wonder why it went in the first place.. did you run it at 18v?
  13. Quick google bring this up.. not sure if it’ll work or no but maybe worth a look? https://myvolts.co.uk/product/50970/UK_12V_Power_Adaptor_for_the_Harley_Benton_PowerPlant_ISO-2_Pro_Isolated_Power_Supply_by_myVolts
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