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Everything posted by Wilson_51_

  1. Yeah pins 1 and 8 are connected, I’m unsure if it fully is the charge pump but it’s a siren type sound almost like a flanger noise. Thanks for this! The mouser ones have a £12 postage on them which feels massively steep.
  2. All in price was about £41. That includes enclosures, drilling, coating, uv printing and shipping. I didn’t think it was a terrible price considering the quality and not having to do it all myself. it took 2 weeks from order to delivery so overall not too bad. I would certainly use it again.
  3. Updated board shot. A bit of a rearrange and a new pedal (the afterneath) The afterneath with a fuzz before it is a lovely atmospheric type sound, i doubt i'll be able to use it much in songs but i'm sure i'll find something to do with it. Chains is: Tuner (labelled for reassurance purposes 😂) > Wilson Mini Freaker Wah > DOD250 > Switcher - Loop A (Bloop into DS-1) - Loop B (Megalith clone) > BF-2 > EQD Grand Orbiter > EQD Afterneath
  4. So the Megalith clone is now finished. I had one in a larger enclosure with two footswitches (one for heavy mode) and never turned it off of heavy mode. So i made a new one with a 125b enclosure. It sounds the same as my other one so i am happy with the space saving. The green one in my post above i am currently having a struggle with. It sounds brilliant but when muting the guitar i can hear an oscillation type noise which is really annoying. i have a feeling it is the 7660S i am using in the charge pump. The original circuit has a LTC1144 however i couldn't find any in the UK, The build doc suggested replacing with either a 7660S or Max1044. I don't know if it is not optimal 7660S or not so i am going to do a bit of experimenting with trying a few out.
  5. I would stick the foam to the bridge cover. And work out some sort of quick release for the entire bridge cover. I’m unsure on the specifics but should be doable
  6. I ordered a couple of enclosures from Tayda between Christmas and new year for a couple of projects I have on the go. I went for the custom drill and uv printing service. took me a while to actually wrap my head around it all. I usually drill, paint and design myself but wanted to find out if their any good. They arrived yesterday and I have to say the quality is impressive. The purple one is a megalith clone from a pcb, i already have one but I built this one to reduce the footprint and remove the heavy button. The green is stripboard version of a Dunwich D-120 for my guitarist. Which is based on a matamp. Hence the look. And the band logo.
  7. Thanks Steve. Rickenbacker into dod250 into either megalith (heavier bits) or ds-1 depending on the section. Then that all goes to the Ampeg SVT-CL that was then mixed with a clean DI
  8. Just a cheeky plug for my bands new video. We have changed are name to Erronaut. Hope some of you like it.. and yes that is a bass wah in the middle of the song
  9. Ibanez ATK would be what I would have as a backup. Similar enough sounding but different type of bass. I have had a similar quandary. i use a Rick and need something for an alternate tuning in the band but the unique sound of the Rick is difficult to get from another bass.
  10. Once at a gig (many years ago) I forgot the tuning and ever since I’ve written it on just for peace of mind
  11. I took this picture during a break and it was just moved to the side for that point but it was used. Even has a wah section with focus on the pedalboard!
  12. We recorded a music video to our new single yesterday. Went quite smoothly I’ll post a link when it’s edited and ready. And we have finally booked into the studio for our next album (march 2023)
  13. From my experience In stoner/Doom bands. I’d recommend recording one song and using that to showcase your sound. Maybe with an accompanying music video if you can stretch to it. (Doesn’t have to be amazing but people like to watch videos) Recording wise, all play live in a room with isolated amps. Then overdub vocals and solos. Shouldn’t be too expensive and gets the right feel for the genre. as far as getting gigs a lot of it is less about having music to listen to but more a case of being part of the “scene”. We had great success from playing the local metal to the masses heats and talking to people. This got the ball rolling. If you do record I would be interested in hearing the finished song/s
  14. Haha! To be honest I mostly did the true bypass as I wanted an led on it for peace of mind
  15. Wilson_51_

    Bass wah

    I had a weeping demon years ago, apart from taking up a bit of real estate it was a brilliant wah. Great to be able to dial in exactly what I wanted and the ability to be switched or switchless was brilliant. Used to use it with a muff for the burton-esque type thing. only reason I don’t have one now is I went down the parapedal style wah type which suits the style of music I play a bit more. (Wilson Freaker Wah) Every so often I look at getting another one but can’t justify having two wahs on my board.
  16. I haven’t posted in a while and the board has been relatively stable for a bit. Yesterday I replaced my modded dod 250 clone with a real one (modified with led, true bypass and germanium diodes) very subtle sound difference. So chain goes: Tuner Wilson Freaker Wah Dod 250 (always on) Bright Onion AB Looper Loop A - Megalith clone Loop B - Damanation Audio Bloop > Boss DS-1 Earthquaker Devices Grand Orbiter Boss BF-2
  17. very easily come off and go back on, i changed mine ages ago, from a silver to a black one. they are fixed on with velcro iirc. just pull on the little tab bit at the bottom. This was on the two10 anyway
  18. Just for those that are interested my band Black Atlas I played Bloodstock last year and have just put up the set on YouTube.
  19. I really do but it’s loud enough as it is. If you want to lend me on of yours indefinitely i wouldn’t say no 😂
  20. This is the current setup and for once I don’t think there is much that is going to change. May add a different pedal or two at some point. The band I’m in is Black Atlas. We released an album a few years a go now and are finally getting round to looking at recording the second one. www.blackatlas.co.uk
  21. I am also looking forward to seeing are very own @Salt on your Bass? playing desertfest with his brilliant band Gévaudan.
  22. Yeah I’m going to this! Very excited for it although i was really looking forward to seeing Somali Yacht Club but understandably they had to pull out.
  23. Decided to go for a bigger pedalboard as i was struggling to fit it all onto a metro 16. It means i can now chuck some modulation onto the board again, currently popped my old BF-2 on. Also looking at getting a Earthquaker Grand Orbiter. I reckon i can squeeze a couple more on this board I did find that my wah has a broken jack socket so is making the board hum. i'll have to get round to fixing that. Chain is Bass > Polytune > Wilson mini freaker wah > DIY The druid (dod 250 clone with analogman Ge diode mod) > DIY The Architect (Megalith clone) > Damnation Audio Bloop with Boss DS-1 in the loop) > Boss BF-2 > Behringer NR300 (not being used but just in case with lots of high gain pedals) All powered by a Cioks DC5
  24. For both c standard and c# I use dr lo rider light 5 string set at the moment. 120 on the thickest string. Seems to work for me well enough. Not too much flab but not super tight. Obviously throw away the top skinny string!
  25. Stoner/doom and fuzz, my favourite! It’s always a difficult topic of which fuzz should to pick. Biggest problem is what works for one person doesn’t for someone else. All basses, amps and people sound different when combined. id be inclined to find a “strain” of pedal you like and then fall down the rabbit hole of who makes what. Such as if you like a big muff tone, there thousands of muff based pedals with different perks. (Grand tarkin, musket etc) i am a fan of blending in a bit of clean but it’s not always necessary. I’m quite fond of the mountainking megalith at the moment with a blend. I’d also probably be looking at damnation audio MBD-2. from experience fuzzes and actives sometimes don’t work too well however Zvex mastotron works quite well with rolling off the volume before it get into the fuzz section. When used to use a stingray I ran a tube screamer into a Russian big muff and found the combo of the two worked very well. IIRC on the first RATM album Tim used a guvnor mk1 to get his tone.
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