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ped last won the day on January 19

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About ped

  • Birthday 05/11/1983

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Community Answers

  1. Are the input/outputs the opposite way round as they are on the Mutron (Musitronics and Haz)? That's caught a few people out before!
  2. Trade offers by PM only please chaps
  3. Great isn't it!! here's some more info
  4. Only one left now, but couldn’t be happier.
  5. That’s one perspective and by no means incorrect. But I also think the opposite is true. The term ‘Vintage’ seems to carry its own premium now regardless, and people love a vintage version of something that still exists in the mainstream. This is true for all sorts, from cars to watches. More often than not the item in question has improved on its original basic formula but somehow owning the original is special because at the time nobody knew that the lineage would be so successful, but by owning one you can look like you knew all along.
  6. I gather it’s the silicone in many polishes which doesn’t agree with nitro finishes
  7. Thanks. I’ve tried a few cleaners (on the very marked and scratched back of the bass) Ken Smith polish worked ok but didnt clean the cloudy areas as such Dunlop 65 cleaned well but didn't leave a shiny finish Music Nomad removes cloudy bits really well and polished up nicely too, works really well, much softer on the finish with very little colour coming off the finish Breath and a clean cloth works well on clean but slightly cloudy bits.
  8. You can use the WAZA air as audio headphones too but they’re not the best tbh, I think the actual headphones limit the whole WAZA system a little bit. But they don’t have ANC. Frankly the best headphones for listening to music that I’ve tried are either Focal Bathys or Yamaha YHL700A but neither sound best in ANC mode. You could however use a cable from the headphones Into a ‘Katana Go’ and do that. I think the best ANC I’ve tried is actually the Apple Aipod Max but only because it sounds the same as with it off; I don’t think the actual audio quality overall is as good as the above. For playing bass I like Beyer DT770pro. Headphones are so personal though that everyone will recommend their faves (like I just did!) and you won’t know until you try them. Even sometimes I find ones I like the sound of but can’t stand the fit (I need a wide headband and very little clamping force, hence my love for the Yamahas)
  9. Thanks, I can't seem to find the Virtuoso in the UK - someone recommended the MusicNomad cleaner
  10. Does anyone have a recommendation for cleaning/polishing a cracked nitro finish?
  11. Or this https://www.instructables.com/Guitar-amp-tilt-stand-easy-as-lincoln-logs-sma/
  12. Oh and if you have a Hercules Mini stand, apparently you can do this (but not sure how stable it is)
  13. I looked into this very thing when I was buying a small combo. I ended up buying a Eich BC112pro which has a clever system using a metal rod which locates into a bracket on the back. This allows quite a sharp angle. Very clever design (the rod snaps into a holder on the bottom) Now if you could find a rod to locate into the edge of a port or some sort of reinforced divot then you might be able to create something similar, like this https://www.paniquejazz.com/product/the-stick-minimalist-amp-tilt-back-stand/ These look good too, I much prefer the idea of something like this as opposed to a bulky stand (which seem to be universally poor quality and/or awkward to carry) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Standback-Portable-foldable-Amp-Stand/dp/B000HHUHBI
  14. I will just chime in to say that I have been using Elixir nickels for years, on everything - I find them very fresh sounding and with a warmth that I didn't find in the steels, which I bought by accident once. I found the steels a bit less even and certainly there was an upper mid spike which I wasn't used to.
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