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ped last won the day on January 19

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  • Birthday 05/11/1983

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  1. Hi Ped

    I was just about to post on the "fakes" thread when it was closed. Did you know that form owners/admins/moderators are legally responsible for posts that appear? If you see - or are informed of - a post for a fake with a Fender logo and don't take it down within 48 hours, you can personally be dragged through expensive litigation. That applies even if the ad clearly states that it's a fake.

    I know this because I am a mod for a facebook bass marketplace, and have had personal contact from Fender through a similar issue. Oh - and my son is an owner of The Fretboard!



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GregBass


      Hiram k - I was stunned too when a Fender guy reported a post on the facebook Bass Players Market UK page. Here is just a sample of the conversation:

      "It is not a fender bass but it is being sold as such. It has a fender decal, it's infringement of intellectual property. It is being passed off as something it is not.

      OK, just to be clear here I work for Fender. I don't normally report posts but in this case I had to as this bass has a fender decal. Someone will try and pass this off as a genuine Fender."

      He advised me to check on the law covering this sort of thing, which I did. It's unequivocal. If a forum/page owner is shown to be aware that an item is fake, then the owner of any infringed rights OR anyone who subsequently buys the item thinking it's genuine can take action against that forum/page owner.

    3. discreet


      We're not doing this all over again, are we?? :facepalm:

    4. ped
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