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Everything posted by ped

  1. This is what it's all about. What a fantastic looking bash. Tremendous effort organising it and well done to all those who went along to make it a huge success. I'm glad everyone is coming round to the idea of mini scale basses They're the sort of thing you don't think you'll need but once you have you'll use all the time. So handy to have around the house!
  2. I've got a bass case arriving today. Wife is going to her parents this afternoon for the night. Will it arrive whilst she's at home? She'll think there's a bass in it, of course. Part of me hopes it does arrive today but I'd prefer it to arrive whilst she's out so I can collect it from the Post Office at my convenience. Will keep you posted. Living on the edge.
  3. Not in the current plan - it would require those with subs to be in a different user group and would be quite a lot of work to manage. The sub was never intended to be no ads, just to allow selling. Having said that we may look at it once the new ads have been sorted and depending on how they do after a few months of testing. We’ll try all sorts of things out as one of the main reasons we went with this company is that we have a dedicated team to work with who should be able to help us adapt the ads properly.
  4. Once the ads are fixed there won’t be any pop ups and the ads will be less than they were before, so give us a chance!
  5. Just bring whatever you have on you
  6. If you're impatient then buy a finished one, I think a build will take a while. Are you after a P or a J?
  7. And it's only a couple of hours journey up to my house
  8. The downside being that you're now legally a Russian bride so when that van turns up just get in and don't make a fuss, thanks.
  9. Let's not get slanderous people please otherwise it's me who gets in trouble!
  10. Why does it have to be custom? I'd browse for a nice used bass that's already been built - it's not like there's a shortage of P and J basses about...
  11. Nope I lazily propped it up right next to the recycling bin! Dead giveaway!
  12. Know the feeling. In the past (in fact last week) I had to conceal my new bass in the car until such a time as she was out of earshot upon whence I pulled the box into the garage where I quietly unboxed my quarry. Later I sneaked it into the house where, once in the 'man cave', it received not a mention or glance. Then she found the box in the garage! Nah she's OK with it really, she's never begrudged my spending but I still hide things like that because I feel embarrassed I guess. Especially when I know she spends an awful lot of her hard earned on our little boy.
  13. Yep I'm afraid it's the fault of the software upgrade itself rather than a slip up our side. I have passed on our collective displeasure to the company.
  14. Pretty sure someone listed a £1k bass for £50 recently so it could have been that that got deleted
  15. Any of these? https://www.basschat.co.uk/search/?q=warwick streamer&type=forums_topic&nodes=19&updated_after=any&sortby=newest No, they don't get deleted unless the OP specifically requests or if it's been listed with an incorrect price or something. Hope that helps! ped P.s search function may not be at 100% yet as we upgraded the software yesterday and it takes a while to index everything
  16. Thanks folks Yes we did a software update last night, which is why the avatars for some people have gone - that's purely down to Invision, who make the software, and not something we anticipated or were warned might happen. Soz. The + at the top of the site is just one of the updates so that's part of the software too. The adverts thing - there's a notice about that at the top of the site; basically we are waiting for the ad server people to respond and sort out their bad tags and switch off ads that I didn't;t ask for.
  17. Please read the announcement at the top of the site about advertising https://www.basschat.co.uk/announcement/26-advertising-whats-going-on-where-am-i/
  18. So rather than a ‘step too far’ you know it’s a temporary thing we’re fixing very soon
  19. You read the announcement though yeah?
  20. Hi Eude please read the announcement
  21. Put it this way, if it’s not right within a week then we’ll revert back. Hoping to hear back from the company today. They’re pretty good so don’t anticipate it taking long.
  22. https://www.basschat.co.uk/announcement/26-advertising-whats-going-on-where-am-i/ !!!!!!!!!
  23. https://www.basschat.co.uk/announcement/26-advertising-whats-going-on-where-am-i/
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