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Everything posted by ped

  1. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1371550071' post='2115261'] As a guitar player, and a hopeful drummer in the future, I think it would be great if you could get that to work! I find it hard to find a good forum for guitar players, and GC sounds like it could be a good one! [/quote] Uh oh, I spoke too soon...
  2. [quote name='ingmar808' timestamp='1371548708' post='2115228'] I agree - tdpri.com is the best of the bunch. I thought I was missing something when looking for a UK-based guiar equivalent of Basschat. Seems not... Reckon Guitarchat.co.uk could be a good thing: good luck with it guys. [/quote] Thanks, we're looking at Drumchat.co.uk too. We're working with our developer now and just in the process of getting a rough estimate of the costs. We'd like them all to be a single sign-in so you can sign into any of them and use all three. As many of us play more than one instrument we thought if that's possible, it would be pretty cool. Also we're looking at updating, integrating and centralising the blog across all three sites with filterable content and the possibility for users to post their own blogs in addition to the 'official' BC/GC/DC ones... Exciting times ahead, I can't wait until the school holidays so we can start cracking on it properly!
  3. We're working on Guitarchat.co.uk and should be done by the end of the year!
  4. Very nice Andy, nice bass too. All round, classy.
  5. I just don't think the seller is very clear with the various prices. All the seller needs to do it state, in their advert, what they're looking for. See these randomly picked examples from todays updated threads: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209220-ftfs-fender-jazz-bass-ri75-japan-from-1985with-us-pickups/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210165-for-sale-status-kingbass-level-42-30th-anniversary-limited-edition/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209525-rim-marseer-custom-6-feeler/ The reason we have to ask for a sale OR trade value is so that the software can see if the item qualifies for payment or not. Otherwise people might list things as for 'trade' for example but receive offers of cash, and vice versa. We could have used the term 'value of item' alternatively but then you'd stil have to state in the text weather it's for trade or for sale.
  6. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1371377231' post='2113023'] Example 672: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210158-cutlass-stingray-black-1984/page__view__findpost__p__2112988"]http://basschat.co.u...ost__p__2112988[/url] See bubinga5's comment [/quote] I'm confused too - but that's not the systems fault.
  7. It's more the case of the software being a f***ing dinosaur, but we do our best!
  8. I'm afraid as Ian has said the system is what it is, and as such the poll is rather redundant. Simply put in the description 'no trades' If you don't want them Cheers
  9. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1371134445' post='2110280'] I was looking for a UK version of Talkbass and found Bassworld, back in the day. Far nicer atmosphere. [/quote] Thanks - that's why we started it, too!
  10. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1371134353' post='2110277'] You could do with a "Wasn't recommended by anyone" option for question 3, as if you leave the question blank you get told you haven't finished the poll. [/quote] Knew I'd balls it up, thanks!
  11. Sup I'd be interested to hear how you all found BC. I've made a simple poll to find out some typical responses - if you click 'Other' then please post and say how you found us. Whilst it's interesting from a promotion type of perspective, it's also cool to hear how word spreads about our website so it will be good to hear some responses. BC has never 'advertised' so it's quite cool to hear how you all arrived. Cheers ped
  12. Welcome! Which music shop was it that recommended us? Cheers ped
  13. Hi guys Thanks for the helpful pointers. I'm looking at some potential solutions and those include the VB99 unit which I'd like to try, having been a Vbass user for many years now. That could be my 'all in one' solution, but I'll want to read through the manual first and check it all out as I don't have much dough at the moment. It has to be right! Failing that then a cheapy USB interface and iMovie sounds like a pretty suitable option for just having some fun. Cheers ped
  14. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1370959311' post='2107948'] That's good news, I'll keep saving my pennies up then, maybe I'll be able to afford 2 when they make their return. Matt [/quote] Thanks Matt that's great - will try and sort it ASAP Cheers
  15. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1370954107' post='2107849'] All this talk of lanyards reminded me that i hadn't bought a polo shirt yet, but it seems that the customised ones with the outlines of famous basses have dissapeared from the shop, are they likely to return? (i can understand that one design was likely to have been removed but was hoping for a p-bass one to wear to work) Matt [/quote] Hi Matt Yes they will return, however I'll need to take new pictures and/or adjust the pics I already have, including the payment options etc. That might take a while but it's on my to-do list! Cheers
  16. Gawd.... let me have a think about this.
  17. Re-named the thread from 'ped's giveaway' to 'BC's Giveaway' because it's going to include all of us, not just me Cheers ped Oh and happy Bday guys. I didn't see the cake, where's my piece?
  18. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1370885449' post='2106911'] What a delightful little idea. Hang on..."if you can find them"?!? Is that just a way of getting us all excited and cheered up on a Monday when in reality, you've lost them and you're just building us up, just to let us down? [/quote] I definitely know where the lanyards are, but the biz cards are in one of four possible locations, one of which is on the shelf right behind me. I'll probably look at in a few mins unless I keep watching funny dog videos on YouTube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcVHBW3tCvo
  19. I'll be scouring all the forums (but prob. mainly general discussion and gear related forums) People like Clarky will simply be sent to the Rickenbacker forum in exile
  20. Hi all Just for a bit of fun/to spread the love, we're going to be randomly selecting 10 people over the next two weeks and sending them a present (BC lanyard and business card, if I can find them!) I know it's not much but hey it's free and a bit of fun. I'll select people from the posts made from now onwards, and may pick the most useful, friendly and funny posts. You'll know by a PM so good luck!! ped P.S we'll do another of these soon but with bigger and better prizes, so this is a first run.
  21. Hi guys I've just got a new computer and I'd like to record some basic videos, playing along to tunes, for YouTube etc. So My computer is an iMac and my bass signal comes from a mixer via any one of the outputs (usually I use the headphone out) The new iMac doesn't have any audio inputs, so I presume I'm going to have to get a USB interface. What do people recommend? I have Final Cut Pro and iMovie etc for doing the editing so that should be OK, just want good sound quality and for a bit of fun really. I'll use the built in camera for recording the video... Cheerz ped
  22. Yes! Thankfully, and as expected, we're talking about a tiny number of people, generally new members. Quite often it's a genuine mistake, too, so we're working on making it even more obvious. Cheers ped
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