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Posts posted by ped

  1. Hi Chaps,

    A few of my patches are littered around on this page [url="http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishiscocks/"]http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishiscocks/[/url] but they are very bass specific. It really is a question of fiddling around until you find 'that' sweetspot. Most of the stuff on my website was recorded with the XT Pro, I love it to bits. A fantastic tool! Let me know if I can help at all.

  2. It sounds like your heart is telling you to make the trade. I say go for it whilst you still can and see what happens. You can always put in an active circuit if you find the passive sound a little lacking. Having said that, I chop and change basses like there is no tomorrow so...

    Good luck

  3. I used a Boss RV5 for a while and really liked it - it had some delay models in it too which were fun - I recorded [url="http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishiscocks/Bass%20guitar%20samples/Alembic%20Elan%206%20-%20Her%20two%20moons.mp3"]this [/url]with one of them.

    I have not tried a Line6 Verbzilla but if it is anything like the reverb models built into the pod (and from looking at the controls, it looks like it is) then it will be a good piece of kit - The reverb on the pod is fantastic and only beats the boss because of the fact you can use a crossover and 'reverb' a certain frequency range. Fretless with reverb and chorus on the high freq sounds especially sweet!

  4. I don't even have a truss rod so I am of even less help than I origionally thought! You will have to loosen yer' truss rod a touch for DGCF yeah as the tension will be quite a bit lower - unless you plan to use beefier strings, in which case you might want to adjust the action a touch to cater for the fatter strings.

  5. [quote name='Russ' post='48484' date='Aug 21 2007, 07:23 PM']I had Chris and Martin at The Gallery put together a bass for me about 10 years ago - it wasn't a Sei (couldn't afford one at the time), but rather a custom reworking of a bass body I bought at Brandoni in Wembley. It went from a rather unpleasant-looking, Westone-style pine lump with a 21-fret rosewood fingerboard, to the sleek black bass you see below. It also got to wear a Kahler trem, a Bartolini MME pickup, a Schack active circuit and a 28-fret ebony fingerboard. I sold it back in 2002, as I'd been made redundant and needed to make the rent money. :) I've regretted it ever since - that bass had serious sentimental value, it got me through some very difficult times, not to mention that it was my first bass that was in any way custom, and was completely unique. Now I'm a man of means again, I would love to track it down, but I have no idea where to begin. I sold it to The Bass Cellar in Denmark St, but they don't have any record of who they sold it to.

    This is it...


    Looks pretty cool Russ - and the Mesa 1516BE Cabinet hiding just out of shot!

  6. I pretty much always play my fretted 4 in D Flat just because it is super funky down there. No real tips from me either other than just imagine everything having shifted up two frets on the D string! Not very helpful eh.

  7. Hey Nuf!! Great to see you thanks for the warm welcome on Onlybass. JP basses seem very popular with the members on your forum. I remember reading that JP stopped making them for a while, is he back making them again now?


  8. Citroen Xantia - can take all forms of bass gear and the suspension can cope too because it will automatically raise to compensate for the weight in the car. You can also drop it right down for taking out the said heavy bass gear.

    I got mine for £600 and it is great. The non turbo version will be cheap to insure too. I am also with Buzz on this one - that is the way forward for the first couple of years. Don't bother with the direct line claim of building up a no claims as a named driver, because it turned out to be bollocks - some little loophole meant you don't qualify unless you spend more with them or some such useless, and in hindsight, fully predictable tosh.

  9. Hi everyone,

    Welcome to the second issue of my ill thought out and irritating little guff that is the basschat newsletter.
    What do we have in store this issue?

    [b]-A new bionic Ped thanks everyone for kind support during spinal operation
    -Advertising on Basschat - what, where, why and when
    -Basschat promotion - free things for every member to enjoy and behold
    -The kindest gesture ever
    -The Guilford Bass Bash - pictures and notes from the day
    -Upcoming events
    -Future plans for Basschat[/b]

    [b]A new bionic Ped thanks everyone for kind support during spinal operation[/b]

    I just wanted to thank everyone who sent a PM or a message or kind thought waves to me during my recent operation on my prolapsed disk! Although I have sold some gear recently to help me survive, your support and help has been great, so thanks to everyone! I am nearly back to normal though I still get bad pain betwixt my shoulder blades and headaches/neck pain and my voice is sodded up but nothing that wasn't expected. 6 weeks and I should be OK!

    [b]Advertising on Basschat - what, where, why and when[/b]

    You may have noticed that there is a google advert on Baschat just below the banner. It is showing up for some people but not for others, I have no idea why but Ben is looking into it. It is unobtrusive, though plans to have a rotating full colour banner from an actual sponsor is in the pipeline - interested parties should contact me via PM or email. We will be looking at how much revenue the google ads create, if it is worth it we will keep them and use the money to fund competitions and pay for room rental at peoples mini-bashes and that kind of thing. So far the Google advert is raising a good amount of revenue - over $100 in just over a week. Keep up to date with developments here:

    [b]Basschat promotion - free things for every member to enjoy and behold[/b]

    Me and Kiwi were up late the other night designing some business cards and stickers in reaction to [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3235&hl=flyer"]this[/url] thread. We have finalised a design for the cards and stickers. We decided to leave it blank on the back so you can put phone numbers etc if you need, otherwise it serves as a nice and simple invitation to check out the site, so pass them on to any bass players you meet at gigs etc. You can put these on your equipment etc and show how much you think we rule.

    Here is a screenshot of the business card design and the sticker to the right of that. Don't worry, the sizes are not in proportion - the sticker is actually the length of a DVD case.


    How can you get hold of these cards and stickers? All you have to do is send a stamped addressed envelope to my address and I will send you back a few cards and a sticker or two depending on stock and response.

    PO BOX 425

    We have been able to do this because of the kind donations we have received from you all. This leads me on to my next point:

    [b]The kindest gesture ever[/b]

    Basschat member [b]tredders[/b] has stunned everyone at Basschat with a very generous offer. He found an old Epiphone bass in the loft and auctioned it off in the for sale section, and donated the money to Basschat. Needless to say Tredders, we are all very touched by your generosity. What a cool looking bass, too. I would have quite liked that myself. I beleive the new owner is Tayste2000 with a bid of £120. Maybe we will see more of this in the future - but donations like this will allow us at BC to do the opposite - buy some cool bass gadgets and hold a giveaway competition for everyone to take part in. Watch this space, and again, sincere thanks to [b]tredders!!!![/b] *round of applause*

    See the thread, and the cool bass, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3970"]here![/url]

    [b]The Guilford Bass Bash - pictures and notes from the day[/b]

    OBBM booked a practice room in Guilford and invited everyone down for a day of meeting other members and trying out gear on Saturday the 18th. It was a really enjoyable day, and I beleive we raised over £100 for the Meningitis Trust which is great. You can see some pictures from the bash [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=63&st=180"]here - pictures start on page 10[/url]

    [b]Many thanks OBBM[/b]

    [i]OBBM, Crazykiwi and G77 chew the fat - this photo by Silverfonix[/i]
    [b]Upcoming events[/b]

    [b]November 11th 2007[/b]

    Bass Day UK 2007

    Royal Northern Academy of Music

    Have an event you would like
    to be in the 'Lowdown'? Drop
    me a line.


    [b]Any other business?[/b]

    [b]Congratulations to DrpepperUK on his new baby[/b]
    We received the following from the proud father the other week:
    [i]Trace Elliot was born weighing a smidgin under 7lbs on August 9th and is healthy and fine...

    ...sorry, I meant his name is Jacob.[/i]
    [b]Future plans for Basschat[/b]

    What is next for basschat? In response to donation recognition/user subscriptions etc I would like to have a system where a chart is generated showing how close we are to a particular target (either a certain amount of money or a specific upgrade/website purchase) so everyone can see how we are doing and feel their contribution is helping. We are still discussing ideas, but I am hopeful that we will be able to hold a giveaway competition very soon.

    [b]Thanks for checking out The Lowdown, and to everyone who contributed to the basschat community this month. As ever, if you have anything you would like to see, let me know via email, PM or on this very forum.

    The basschat team[/b]
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