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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Ditto, even considering selling a Wal for an old Fender is a bit silly imo.
  2. Just buy a new '09 MIA and be done with it, then you can grow with the instrument and it'll still be an investment in 30 years.
  3. Whatcha mean "of a certain age". I'll be strolling into there later now to pick some up.
  4. If they supply equipment you've not really got much to loose. After all, you'll be performing 3 new songs based around a specific criteria, good excuse for the band to stretch its creative wings a bit and try new stuff, and if you do get filmed/media attention and something goes wrong, none of your other songs will be recorded. It's also not costing you anything but time really. Might as well give it a shot.
  5. If the neck is only a bit rough on the back, bit of wire wool on it to smooth it down would work a treat. When I get around to trying one I'll have a looksie.
  6. Respect.
  7. Buzz

    Stingray 4

    You posted your original thread YESTERDAY. Have some patience for godsake, the technical forum runs at a slower pace but offers very valuable advice. Besides, I wasn't aware 'rays had a passive option at all. I suspect as it's 2nd hand there's been shenanigans.
  8. Use the search function (top right) and wack in Guitar Emporium. You'll find a decent number of threads, all positive. Malcolm is a top bloke, bought my Aerodyne through him. [quote name='nash' post='625535' date='Oct 13 2009, 10:08 PM']blame the exchange rate[/quote] Not quite, Fender Japan put their prices up late last year/early on this year by about 10-15% iirc as well so it really doesn't help either.
  9. Hmm, I'm going to throw a spanner in the works here but as I understand it, aren't most [i]other[/i] instruments [b]not[/b] mass produced? When you start looking at spending serious money on an instrument, say £1k+ as a arbitrary figure, you'd probably be able to tailor a lot more to your spec than you can for a mass produced instrument (where you have no say at all really if you think of Fender, Yam, Ibanez, Gibson et al, aka the big companies). For this I'm classing smaller manufacturers like Sadowsky, Lakland etc which have a standard product line but atr more like traditional retailers because you can still order yours with options to suit. I can't see for instance loads of Violins, Violas, DB's etc all being mass produced on a factory line to the extent that guitars and basses are (and electric keyboards for that matter), so the question of why people shouldn't be happy with a mass produced instrument should perhaps be looked at with a frame of reference to other instruments. Can you can see where I'm going with this? Perhaps it something do with with mass produced instruments are simply more like [i]products[/i] rather than [i]instruments[/i].
  10. How about an old school British Army white pith helmet, ala Or perhaps go a bit more explorery and go for a safari style one:
  11. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='624538' date='Oct 12 2009, 10:56 PM']but i'm guessing Sting knows his basses and unlike me doesn't need to sell to be able to buy? I'd happily accept an endorsement with Warwick, but I'd still keep my Shuker. And my Hamer. And my Iceni.[/quote] True, but if you had 5 Fender P basses for example, and you only really played two, I think after a point as you don't need to keep them as an investment you might consider selling some off. Not many of the basses on that site were unqiue apart from finishes really.
  12. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='624480' date='Oct 12 2009, 10:13 PM']the cynic in me would suggest the collection could be referred to as 'guitars that are not good enough for...'. If Sting doesn't think it's good enough to keep why should I?[/quote] And the realist in me points out you've probably bought and sold basses yourself because you either needed the money for an upgrade or simply because you didn't get along with them even though it was a good bass. Which is what I suspect most of these are, good instruments, but not special enough to warrant keeping them, can't really blame them wanting special ones either considering they're in the position to afford and try out the best.
  13. [quote name='harlowbassplayer' post='622758' date='Oct 10 2009, 10:43 PM']cool what is the S1 switch for cause i was thinking of gettin one of those basses[/quote] Don't get that one. S-1 switches on Precisions do nothing much. They make the pup into two singles (like a Jazz) rather than in series (and vice versa). Works perfectly fine on the Jazz bass as the pups are spaced out, not on the P bass as they're all together so they don't pick up the differences from locations. Being an S1 means it's an 07 (I think) or earlier, for that price you can get an 08/09 which has a better spec such as the High Mass Bridge and the rolled finger board edges to name two, also the 08 onwards have much better QC on the basses as far as everyone who's got a new one on here has been saying. Not heard of a bad 08/09 one yet.
  14. How would you normally measure something? Think. Think a bit harder. There you go.
  15. I'm trotting out the old line of giving Wizard Pickups a call. Google them, very highly rated here on BC, they're a much more custom service, so I expect at the very least if you *need* it to fit the EMG HZ size pups it would be possible to the folks at Wizard to rewind the pups to your needs.
  16. Some people really don't have a clue. It's nearly double normal rrp for a standard Epi Tbird (~£220), madness for it to be more than the better specced Pro version.
  17. Buy a Vintage Modified or Classic Vibe Squier? If it gets damaged it gets damaged, won't lose too much if you decide to sell on after the season either. Then again, you got the Shuker made so you can play the bass you want to play, seems a waste not to take it and use it although I do understand you don't want to risk damage to a ~£1k+ instrument but on the other hand, it's not like it's a Stradivarius or similar is it?
  18. What about my plank?
  19. It's been on here a number of times before chap It's nice to see Trace do have a sense of humour though.
  20. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='615168' date='Oct 2 2009, 07:57 PM']I don't know how to change the size of the photos on here =S and my photobucket account isn't set to private, check again[/quote] Did you get the upload details from photobucket by rightclicking on the thumbnails? That'll do it. And honest to god Photobucket earlier was saying your account was private and I needed a password to enter. It's a nice looking bass though, colour is great and oddly, that case looks really plush.
  21. Just a heads up, I've just had an email from GAK saying they are in stock. Curse my lazyness of not selling my Aerodyne this summer. Might buy one anyway.
  22. Jesus they are small pictures at 160x120, about a thousand pixels short on both the dimensions, which is made worse considering the Photobucket account is set to Private and requires a password to log in. :facepalm:
  23. Grats Ben!
  24. Have a good poo. You'll feel a fair bit better.
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