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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I'd say some sort of week acid solution to tarnish the chrome a bit, no idea what sort of acid base you'd need though or if it's even feasible.
  2. Loads of leftie's playing right handed basses. It's true though, we're geniuses, that's why we decided to learn to do it the opposite way to what we're comfortable to, just to prove we can (and we realised that 95% of manufactured basses are righties).
  3. In here somewhere: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=533"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=533[/url] Or ask Dood.
  4. Sad news, my thoughts go out to his family.
  5. At this moment: Friggin' In The Riggin' - The Sex Pistols (well, part of them under that name anyway)
  6. What will become valuable in this context will the items that have a visual presence. Hence the reason why old Fenders are considered valuable, partly because the reputation in the early years of them being very good quality wise anyway, and also the fact that lots and lots of people know what they are. Older Rick's are worth something, as are older MusicMan's, and I expect the original (and now reissue) Ampeg Dan Armstrong Plexi' basses to go up in value, 50's Gibson T-Birds are worth something as well, yet rare basses like the more "stock" items from most custom luthiers will just vanish into obscurity with only a handful knowing their original value (well, barring Shukers if certain members on BC has their way). It's a combination of presence in the consumer market at the time of production and a good reputation that seem to set the value in 20/30 years time.
  7. I've a jap only scratch plate model. I'm half and half on it, I love the neck, but the uncontoured body edge isn't user friendly when sitting down (fine when stood up), and the sharp squared off pup covers are painful when compared to the smooth rounded ones on my vmj. The sound is interesting, doens't sound good on it's own imo, but that p-pup with the j-pup sounds ace in the mix with other stuff. I'm half and half. But if you want a new one, contact Guitar Emporium (google them), I got mine from them, they're pretty damn good.
  8. Crikey, that's lush.
  9. I haven't, other people have, the search function is dead handy though But like BRX said, Fender Japan put their foot down and stopped all CIJ export of new instruments, only way to get hold of them now is "second hand". Far East Guitars and The Guitar Emporium are places to look
  10. JB's comments did make sense to my mind at least. He advocates learning music over just exercises as the way to improve your playing.
  11. I've got one. I was going to sell it, but I might keep it once I replace the strings, the pup cover of the J (my VMJ has smooth rounded corners which are lovely to play on) as I'm finding it rather enjoyable after not playing it for 9 months. I'm in 2 minds, as I'm hankering over a j-j config, but the aero is nice to play and with few tweaks (and a pro setup) it'll be a dream to play.
  12. Find a shop and listen to them?
  13. Don't like it really, I'm not a fan of funiture basses unless they're exceptional, although, being an Alembic, it'll play extremely well and be very versatile, but....unless I had enough cash to literally piss up the wall with it, I wouldn't go near it.
  14. What size is the fan? and if it's a standard style fan, you might be able to source a "quiet" fan off ebay in the pc parts section, although, finding a quite 40mm (yes?) might prove difficult. Shame the actual chassis isn't about 15mm taller, as then you could wap a big hulking 80 or 120mm fan to the roof (or underside) which'll sort out cooling easily.
  15. See, this is why you need to be gentle with your knobs and not yank on them. /jumps on bandwagon
  16. Without sticking the knife in, didn't Charlie Chandler in Londer offer a plek setup for a period of time, before dropping the service? I'd heard rumours that in theory the idea is sound, but practically it's not brilliant due to not taking in all the variables of a string, that and the cost is in excess of a full fret stoning and crowning setup by a top notch luthier, which more often than not, offers better results. That was just stuff I'd heard and read mind you, I've not had it done myself.
  17. If you've got the readies, go for it. that's an utter bargin. Not to mention the fact unless I'm very much mistaken, Ric's are in high demand, and that mint one would probably sell for more than you pay for it.
  18. Is the title a euphemism?
  19. Dunno, is the death planned (well, as planned as it can be, but I meant more, you know it's happening, time to prepare, eg, old age/terminal illness) or sudden? If it's sudden it becomes property of my parents as I've got no will currently, and will probably get given to my best mate as they know he's a good guitarist, if it's planned and approaching therefore I'd have time to organise a will, bits would go to my mate (and his brother who's actually a bassist) for the same reasons, the rest would be sold off for cash to pay for my coffin and funeral so as not to trouble the family finances, along with a donation to the charity of my illness (providing it's not old age, which it'll go to the RSPCA or to a Hosptial charity), and what's left to my 2 best friends to help with uni fee's. Of course, that statement is based upon the here and now and my current situation in life, as stuff changes, so would my plans.
  20. Well, slightly on a tangent, but I heard a cover of Coldplay's The Scientist ruined by some foreign accented woman warbling all over it.
  21. [quote name='Doc B' post='222870' date='Jun 20 2008, 01:08 PM']CHEEKY B@ST@RD I'm pimping my Squier so my ham fisted efforts at wood/metal working would looked decidedly non-pimp and hardly in keeping with the pickup cover, Badass 2 and Wizards installed so far.[/quote] Shhh you, I also own one, so I do know it's worth relativly little in re-sale money, but maybe it'll do a JV type turn in 20 years
  22. Well, it's only a Squier VM, so as long as it's functional I'd make one myself. Probably use maple to match the body (if you've got a clear one), or perhaps shape a small bit of metal.
  23. Far East, Guitar Emporium....and there's one other. Only 3 bigish decent ones to my knowledge.
  24. Return to trumpet (or it's slightly smaller brethren, the cornet). It's doable one handed if you've got a strong arm and fingers, and you could jury rig up something to attach it to your forearm most likely.
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