Most pickup manufacturers do them, as do a fair few bass manufacturers, mostly found in the Support sections.
Here's a PJ passive from Seymour Duncan:
The new ones are supplied with the cases if I understand the Fender website correctly, I think you might have just been dealing with a less informed member of staff, unless SC are indeed trying to pull a fast one.
Broken record time:
Depending on the price of a new USA jazz pup, you could give Wizard Pickups a ring, see what they'll charge to fix it, might work out cheaper than a new fender pup.
Yeah, those basses cropped up here in Jan: [url=""];hl=fretking[/url]
I do like the look of the Green Label Europa IV Bass though, wouldn't mind having a play, but couldn't justify owning that sort of instrument.
I've got one of the Warwick Rockbass hardcases (came with the Aerodyne via GuitarEmporium), it's not listed on Warwick's site, but apart from being a heavy thing, it's really solid.
Can't really go wrong with the Warwick imo for storage or carrying to/from car, just don't try to walk long distances with it.
Not the best picture, but you can see it here:
If they're hitting all the frets, chances are the nut slot is too low, meaning new nut time. Tried raising the bridge saddle?
I take it only that string has changed when being restrung?
And silly question but needs to be asked: New strings, have you streched them and tuned up properly?
I was googling for reviews of a bass, I think it was for a T-Bird, not quite sure. Ended up on Bassworld, realised it was a UK bass forum, signed up, went from there.
[quote name='lwtait' post='184333' date='Apr 24 2008, 10:01 AM']thats sooo nice. i always loved mockingbird guitars till i played one.[/quote]
Oh, wasn't very good?
My friend had a NT Beast guitar he bought through school at the time (escaping VAT it still came to around £350ish), said it's one of the best he's ever played, barring the impracticalities of the body shape, and at the time he was hankering for a fixed bridge.
I'll be honest, BC Riches to seem well specced for the cost, those heritage Mockbird basses are £450 for the 4 stringers.
You could always use one of the hipshot or Gotoh drop in replacements as alternatives to the BadAssII.
I can't decide on my VMJ at the moment, currently I'm not enjoying playing it, but I think that's down to the Roto flats I've got on it, I'm not a big fan of the fact it's like trying to push down a suspension cable using my fretting hand, it's causing pain. Once my Status hotwires make it to me, I'll see, if not, I'll be selling both my basses this summer, leaving me bassless with a case of serious GAS. I might splash out on a pro-setup though (fret leveling and such) to get the most out of first.
If worst comes to worse and the truss rod is nips north, you might as well get it replaced and replace the fretboard while your at it, you at least owe the bass that much as you got it for peanuts, and it won't cost too much, leaving you with what'll be a good beater for sub £100 easily. Probably much cheaper if you could source a neck off ebay though.
For some reason, it's simplistic brilliance and mojo make it look rather good.
So, wait hold on. Clarification of facts needed
[b]It's not a shim, just a plate covering the entire pocket?[/b]
If it is just a plate, then it wouldn't effect sustain as it'll still be making 100% contact.
Tell him that fitting the new bridge required you to raise the neck to [b]keep the angles all the same[/b] and therefore keep a good setup, whereas [b]a shim would ALTER the angle[/b] of the neck, and possibly have less contact, as well altering the required setup.
Erugh. That's actually given me major gas for the 4 string version in black (which is around according to shops, and not the BC Rich site).
Come on shockwave, piccies!!