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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. If you havn't got to the level where you can pick obvious problems with an instrument you're playing, I'd keep it. When I say problems I don't just mean things like uneven frets, crappy controls and sound, I mean other more personal things, like not liking how they hang, the neck profile, how they generally [i]feel[/i]. If you've not got any problems, keep it and save towards a new rig.
  2. Spinal Tap - Big Bottom
  3. Sloppy seconds, lovely.
  4. Buzz

    My Bass porn

    I think it's a case of the emperors new clothes, so top notch that mere common bassists can't see them
  5. The schallers on my VMJ are getting a bit...loose. Hopefully they'll survive for another 12ish weeks so I can take it home and matchstick/epoxy the body and thread them properly and snugly.
  6. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='172385' date='Apr 8 2008, 04:31 PM']GnR are amazing, and Dolly Parton - what a songwriter. I'd still giver her one, even now.[/quote] Is there anyone you wouldn't? I could see you saying yes for the Queen, so I won't even ask, same for Maggie Thatcher, perhaps Jade Goody you'd say no to?
  7. 4 AMP 250volt fuse by the looks of the owners manual, quick look on google reveals the T to mean it's a Time-Lag or slowblow type fuse you want, Maplins don't look like they do them. [quote name='"From Markbass site manual pdf"']Europe 4A 250V T 5x20 (LittleMark II-Combo Head[/quote]
  8. [quote name='The Funk' post='171666' date='Apr 7 2008, 06:35 PM']Dude, you play a 7-string bass guitar. Isn't the answer obvious?[/quote] ^^ Merits of ERB's over standard planks. Covers larger range of notes, application of theory (more chords) etc, And you can do a section on the social stigma relating to anyone not playing a 4 (or the now accepted 5 in certain genre's) You can also detail how construction differs due to more tension requiring more choice in woods/graphite inserts, scale etc, plus you'll have to cover the basic's of bass construction) I'm sure you can think of more sections to cover, those were straight off the top of my head.
  9. [quote name='cheddatom' post='171596' date='Apr 7 2008, 04:57 PM']I've heard about these systems that cut the stage power and such when the level gets too loud. That seems like an obviously stupid idea to me. Couldn't they just have a warning light? How could this possibly work on average level rather than peak? I want venues to play music quieter, but I don't want a band to be cut off mid song. Incidentally I wouldn't mind if they cut short "panic at the disco" or whatever sh*t they're playing at my local "rock" club (which is not really a rock club at all )[/quote] If you know the owners, you could modifiy a sponge so to speak.
  10. This is what I'd call a "pension scheme" bass. Face it, it's a signature 10 of a kind master crafted Fender, it won't lose money. Store in hardcase under bed, check on it every few years. Wait for 30 years. Instant pension fund.
  11. If I had a pound for every time this cropped up on here, I'd perhaps have enough for two pints of carling (or similar piss).
  12. I can see the need for leglislation, I mean come on, if you asked Joe Public on the streets, most of them wouldn't think that when you get ringing it's causing irreversible damage, let alone that 85db is the max limit you really should put yourself at without protection for any sort of period of time.
  13. Hmm, someone needs to get handy with the old pipet and work out how to genetically modify humans so that the hairs in your ear do regenerate (and sort out eyes too while you're at it).
  14. Don't MIA come with a few little flourishes? like rolled over neck edges etc... I know the new 2008 models look about right for the price, considering they're higher specc'd (the Hipshot ultralites sping to mind).
  15. [quote name='lwtait' post='170705' date='Apr 6 2008, 02:19 PM']yes there is. just don't ever use the internet or read guitar and bass magazines ever again. never go to a guitar shop or bass bash. i'd rather have the GAS.[/quote] Nah, that won't work, what's seen cannot be unseen, you'd still know there's other basses out there, which might be better, and you'd know of different configs, the GAS would slowly build up and then take you over with explosive results. The only way to be sure would be to never ever play an instrument, which isn't going to happen.
  16. I have a Tele, love the looks and simplicity. Also have some bastardised Les Paul copy that'll turn white this summer when I attempt spray job #2 on it (and try and do it properly this time).
  17. *cough* the purple one's not an Urge *cough*
  18. Would it be wrong of me to say that I thought this thread might not have had any musical relevance at all, moreso if it had been posted in offtopic?
  19. I dunno, for some reason it just doesn't strike me. Jazz body might get away with it, but on a p bass I can't help thinking that it's supposed to be Fender's version of a Stingray.
  20. My best ever bass will always be one I don't have.
  21. Sounds like you want rounds but with the feel of flats chap, in that case look at goundwounds/pressurerounds/halfrounds (all mean roughly the same). Status half-wound Hotwires get the nod by a number of people on here.
  22. [quote name='Pedro1020' post='164710' date='Mar 27 2008, 07:12 PM']I know I'm not keen on nickels, but has anyone tried the Rotosound nickels?[/quote] I liked them when I had them on my VMJ, granted I had EB Slinkies on it before, but I find them warmer with a more rounded sound. They might go back on, I'm starting to dislike the rotoflats due to the tension, even though the sound really good.
  23. Does this mean that to play a Squier* you have to be in service of a Knight (or Nobleman) ? And to play a Sterling do you have to work at the Bank of England or the Royal Mint? *I know, but I think I can just shoehorn it in due to it's phonetic meaning
  24. Nah, 2 coloured bursts like blue and purple maybe, but traditional looks horrible imo.
  25. I concur with the pickguard suggestion. As for taking dings out of the neck, you could sand it down with 1000 grit, then perhaps give it a coat of oil if you have to sand it heavily enough to take the original finish off (I have no idea what the finish is on these basses).
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