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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. The prices are even dafter for that 15'er.
  2. [quote name='dood' post='154955' date='Mar 10 2008, 10:38 PM']New site new site! woh!!! there's a few familiar faces on there now and some gorgeous basses!!![/quote] Just like the shot of the back of the Doodle, eh?
  3. Holding and using a pick uses a different set of muscles than playing with fingers, I could see it [i]might[/i] have a benefit, not as much as just more practice with your fingers though.
  4. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='153925' date='Mar 9 2008, 02:49 PM']Yes go get a USA one now, it's made with electronic parts from Malaysia, China and Vietnam.[/quote] Touché. However there is something to be said about the alledged better QC of some 'merkin putting one together by hand and being able to reject parts there and then, than it coming entirely from a factory elsewhere.
  5. I second the motion to lock. Also, last few posts : Pot meet kettle.
  6. [quote name='MB1' post='153653' date='Mar 8 2008, 04:42 PM']MB1. Looking at some of the Ampeg cabs in Sound Control Today,theyre now being made in VIETNAM .[/quote] There was a topic about this a while ago, Ampeg have moved ALL production to Asia unless I'm very much mistaken. Grab a USA head/cab while they're still in the shops if you want one.
  7. The 2x10 cab on it's own looks interesting though.
  8. *resists penis gag regarding chrome knobs*
  9. I'm curious how much weight could be shaved by replacing the presumably heavy metal grill with a cloth one, just something to think about.
  10. Now to bring up the thread again. Available in SC finally by the looks of it, and they're on the website for £799 for the Pro's and about £1050 for the Artist versions.
  11. I would suggest Meths via the medium of cotton ball, but I don't know how it would react to the finish, I suspect it would be alright on poly.
  12. So how'd the etching go Toast?
  13. ? I suppose I should go try a Stingray and Stirling next time I'm shopping, can't say the bongo grabbed me, but I did try a fiver at SC in brum so couldn't actually hear it.
  14. BC Fact #95: When ever someone pays £60+ for a cable, and it's not one of OBBM's, [deity of choice] kills a kitten!
  15. Very interesting choices indeed.
  16. [quote name='Wil' post='149048' date='Feb 29 2008, 04:54 PM']I have a swift les paul I bought for £50. I wouldn't use it for firewood, its that bad.[/quote] +1 to this. Mines currently in bits, and I'm using it as a painting/sanding project. It's currently had the neck sanded smooth and I've done my own fret leveling job on it (so it now plays alright), but the back and sides are now dark green. I intend to sand it all down over the summer again, and paint it white.
  17. Give it 10 years or so and the manufacturing costs overseas will start coming up to the level it is at home, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  18. Breaking the drummer's arms and legs, and the guitarist's fingers should help you to keep up with them in the volume stakes.
  19. Good luck chap! I'm sure it'll be a doddle and go well for you.
  20. If you do a search there are a handful of topics which have gone over it lots and lots of times, the forum really could do with a sticky. CIJ (as they are now) are considered to be extremely good value for money as the QC is very very high. If you get an "alright" one it'll be better than you're standard MIM hands down (unless you get a REALLY good one), and if you get a good CIJ it'll come up to par easily against an MIA. HOWEVER, they are a few hundred quid cheaper for a reason as they don't get all the features of the MIA Standard unless you get the higher up models. If you want a good example of a Fender for around £500-600, I'd go for a Jap over something like the Highway 1 because you're going to need to spend about £800+ to start beating them imo. As a side note, it's worth saying that as they new MIA Standard Range has hit the shops, prices have dropped for older MIA models to the same as Jap models currently, so it might be worth going to shops and hunting down an '06/'07 MIA.
  21. Have you read the sticky? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=194"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=194[/url]
  22. 350w for £225? So, it's slightly more powerful than the Mag 300, lacks the compressor (not a major problem), has a more confusing EQ, weighs 3kg compared to 8.5kg, it's a tough choice as they're fairly similar. I'll have to pop into SoundControl in brum in a few weeks methinks.
  23. PHWOAR. I mean. BLOODY PHWOAR. That IS a sexy beast.
  24. +1 to what Paul said. The VMJ's are generally very good, there's been no report of a bad one on BC/BW/BT, I know mine came fairly well set up. I'd say you just got hold of a typical "out of box, onto shelf" one in a shop that doesn't care too much.
  25. To save everyone repeating ourselves: Et Volia! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12917&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12917&hl=[/url]
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