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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. [quote name='The Burpster' post='134345' date='Feb 5 2008, 02:26 PM']Satan finish eh....? Is that like a satin finsh but warmer..... [/quote] Whoops As for weight, well, it's roughly the same as my Squier VMJ if I remember correctly (Although I was home this weekend, I'm now back down in Pompey with the VMJ so I can't weight it), though I never had a problem with the weight of my T-Bird when I had it. I can wear the aero for ages with that wider leather strap on it. I'm not commenting on playability as I'm currently flitting inbetween strings, when I'm home at easter I'm going to wack on a set of thicker set of roundwounds on it (perhaps a custom 50-70-85-105, or a Steve Harris roto flat set).
  2. *ding ding* I own one, and I think 3 or 4 others do, Paul_H springs to mind who I'm 95% sure has one. It's an interesting beast, you can't fit other bridges unless you find one with exactly the same measurements as a fender one, or you either 1) route the bass or 2) create a mounting plate because the bridge sits in a 3mm deep recess. The top's curved, but there's no actual forearm cutaway, which depending on your play style and lead to being uncomfortable on the shaper edge of the body. Pups are standard fender ones, however this leads to a problem as the P-pup drowns out the J-Pup if you use them both together, I'm ooing about perhaps getting a Wizard 84 in there to bring it up to a decent level. I've got one of the non-export Jap ones, with dots, scratch plate and traditional control plate, as expected it's 100% Jap excellence all the way I havn't actually found a fault with finish or construction yet and I've had it for er...nearly 2 years I think. If I was you, I'd possibly consider looking for a 2nd hand MIA Jazz or P and get it routed if a P-J is really what you want, or look at other brands that sell similar basses. Mine might go on sale at the start of the summer to get a 2nd hand Jazz, my aero is just too pristine, I don't want to take it and use it incase I damage it. I also want a satan finish on the neck, my aero's got a gloss finish.
  3. Buzz


    4 character minimum search will be why it's not working.
  4. Have you read the thread on this very page? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12386"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12386[/url]
  5. [quote name='ARGH' post='132684' date='Feb 2 2008, 05:33 PM']I LOVE Bassplaying SOOOO much...but I love music more. I suppose I see the evolution happening in other instruments,and I want us to be part of that. (Cue mad soothsayer look)[/quote] Where? As for as I can tell most classical instruments haven't really changed much in over one hundred years, refinements yes (for example, thinner stronger necks on guitars and basses, I don't suspect violins have changed much nor the piano) but the only real change recently (last 30 years) is the birth of the computer in aiding, improving and imitating other instruments. Besides all that, aurally you're limited to the range the human ear can percieve. Techniques and methods are something that all instruments will eventually reach their limit at in time, because like you said, they are limited in their capactity of what's available. The music you can produce, the combinations of notes, timing, tones and all the other parts that make up a musical item, is only limited by your creativity.
  6. I've got interest, pending on cost, could make a really frigging awesome 21st birthday pressie for my mate.
  7. Buzz

    8x10 cabs

    Now all you need to do is find £15k a year to pay for a roadie to carry it for you at gigs
  8. Buzz


    While we're on the subject of action and relief, who else shims their fender instruments? I know at least one person does on here, and I'm curious if anyone else does, the quite frankly mahoosive gap on my VMJ is annoying the crap out of me at times and I'm considering trialling it.
  9. I'm with ped, with blocks I'd go for ebony or classic rosewood infact.
  10. £200 mark? Squire Vintage Modified Jazz. Will come in about £220ish.
  11. The amps look pretty well spec wise, rather functional and elegant in it's simplicity. Wonder what the cost is. Edit: £1000 for the 400W hybrid amp.
  12. Buzz

    ibanez iceman

    I rather like the look of them actually, the guitars version of icemans look nice as well.
  13. I like. Wouldn't buy one, but would have no qualms owning one.
  14. Might as well be the first person to say it: Switchcraft replacement jacks. Et voila! [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/catalogue/product_info.php?cPath=91004_91055&products_id=11300"]http://www.allparts.uk.com/catalogue/produ...oducts_id=11300[/url] I think that's the right one for a Thumb, stereo jack but not sure about length, someone else can correct me.
  15. Or you could get the paper-aluminum hybrids! /runs
  16. This one is in the UK, could be worth chasing them for a giggle.
  17. I vote a sticky for Hamsters explaination of how capacitors and the tone pot works on basses. That makes perfect sense as is one of the things I've always wondered about how it exactly works in relation to the cap.
  18. Looking at the music in the charts and on the radio regulary, to me it's really only Chris Wolstenholme who grabs my attention, although I'd concur that Mike Dirnt is also one who's an attention grabbing bassist with the right attitude, but they're both in established acts that have been going for many a year now. I can't really think of any new acts in the past year or two that I've gone "ooooh, that's good" or "jesus, he's looks like a proper bassist rather than a guitarist who wants to be in a band so has picked bass to play".
  19. There's a great thread somewhere (or there used to be) about which pedals work well with active instruments and which ones work well with passives. Also, look at the Impedance buffer thread by Tayste, it might be the thing you're looking for.
  20. Go find the tenous claims to fame thread
  21. [quote name='SJA' post='126430' date='Jan 23 2008, 08:47 PM']i stopped buying it years ago as i was sick of the hyping of shows eg. Little britain and Spooks. I just check the website now- [url="http://www.radiotimes.com/ListingsServlet?event=10&channelId=47&programmeId=72621989&jspLocation=/jsp/prog_details_fullpage.jsp"]http://www.radiotimes.com/ListingsServlet?...ls_fullpage.jsp[/url] save on paper and recycling...[/quote] I prefer this site: [url="http://www.bleb.org/tv/all.html?c=bbc1+bbc2+itv1+ch4+five"]http://www.bleb.org/tv/all.html?c=bbc1+bbc2+itv1+ch4+five[/url]
  22. [quote name='Sibob' post='126604' date='Jan 24 2008, 01:32 AM']With the exception of Cake! [/quote] Mmmm, Cake based guitars, I think you may be onto something. Every time the guitarist pisses you off you can just take a bite out of his guitar, although it would be like russian roulette if you decided to take bites out of the neck or headstock.
  23. I suspect most tone woods are not fast growing trees, therefore not as sustainable as items like Pine or other evergreens which grow quickly, however the amount used by instrument production world wide is probably only a fraction used by the furniture/housing industries and the paper industry. But what are the alternatives? Plastic based instruments? Not going to happen due to the dwindling supplies of oil in the world. Metal? same as above just not as critical. Wood is one of the few sustainable natural resources available to mankind.
  24. Peavy Microbass.
  25. Buzz


    Do like that one, especially in Aqua.
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