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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Reminds me of one of those mint humbugs (the brown ones):
  2. Quick everyone! Up to Gloucester! It's like the easter egg hunt all over again.
  3. I know Oldgit (Si) is on the right, the other 3 are a mystery.
  4. Allparts? WDMusic?
  5. Curse you Devil! Stop tempting me with your wears, you shalt not have my soul!
  6. So chap, did you get it?
  7. It's also fueling my GAS, that's not fair. In pittance I demand you give me that '75 RI for me to forgive you.
  8. Cor, what an ugly bunch.
  9. [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v160/liquid-dream-experience/Bands/Amplifier/1MPFS006_AMPLIFIER_6.jpg"]Here[/url] Seems BC ate the link on the post edit made by Esk.
  10. I'd be inclined to put it in "mud-bucker" postition myself, right at the end of the neck like early P-bass's. If it's anything like the Hamm-esque one I suspect it would get drowned out by the p-pup.
  11. Is that a NIN I see stenciled on that box stage right?
  12. Surely it can't be a mean feat to replace them? Or do a whole new enclosure for it.
  13. Thomman do their "own" range now, don't know how good they are, but might be worth a look at.
  14. [quote name='Musky' post='80249' date='Oct 27 2007, 09:56 PM']Ahh, our old friend in Germany. He seems to be hopeful about everything he has. Well it's not a Rickenfaker, but I think even a Hondo would be preferable to that piece of junk. [/quote] True, it's NOT a rickenfaker, but I thought it warranted a mention considering the price.
  15. Someone's REALLY hopeful with this one: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180154984590"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=180154984590[/url]
  16. Ask a local dealer or contact Yamaha.
  17. The Warwick Rockbass branded hardcases are also not bad, mines pretty sturdy.
  18. [quote name='grosa' post='79195' date='Oct 25 2007, 01:52 AM']never tried to ride my yam,as such.not like a yz250 sm anyway. you seen these? i know it not a proper bike but crikey imagine causing mayhem on one o these! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-RAPTOR-ROAD-LEGAL-QUAD-BIKE-ATV-TURBO_W0QQitemZ140171429016QQihZ004QQcategoryZ18449QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]BONKERS MACHINE OF DELIGHT[/url][/quote] Cripes :S That's alot of power for a quad!
  19. Drum machines then, or at least a click track (Can you tell it's 2 am, I've forgotton the bloody name of the clicking thing) if you're lacking a drummer.
  20. Oh, this is Music Ground, I get their emails occasionally. They keep adding on a couple of k to guitar prices every month. Must be nice for them to be pricing the instruments outside of the range of normal musicians.
  21. Silly question, they passive or active? If they're active have you tried replacing the battery?
  22. Buzz

    New Arrival

    That actually looks the dog's danglies. Nice find chap.
  23. The options button on the right hand side?
  24. Buzz

    PC v Mac

    Walman chap, I feel sorry for you, normally HDD's are a piece of cake to install. Even if you have to bodge where they're sitting, normally just a case of: Remove case panels, set the jumpers to suit (normally slave if it's an extra IDE, if SATA no jumpers at all) fit and screw in HDD, attach cables + minor moving about, put case back together and bingo. S' a bit off you had to fettle with the BIOS though to get it to find the drive, I've never ever had that problem.
  25. Pfft, If I could have got this, would have made a cracking, albiet heavy start to a rig to use down here. However, I want small and portable (ish), so will be looking at SS amps, maybe hybrids and something like a 2x10. So it's not a major loss to me, just missed a bargin thats all.
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