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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I'm going to guess that, yes, they'll be basses, yes, they'll have deals on, and Sunday would be better as in my experience of any shows that are over the weekend, Saturday is always very very busy.....but has more stock on sale at the start of the day.
  2. If you want to use 2 cabs with a profet 5.1, you'll get the full 500w running at 4 ohm, so you'd need the 2x10 and the 1x15 to be 8 (EIGHT) Ohms each. If you want the full 500 with one cab, that cab needs to be 4 ohms. Most people find however that although you get just over 50% watts iirc from using a single 8 ohm cab, it's normally fine in a situation that only requires that one cab to be used. Summary: Buy the 2x 8ohm cabs, run one or both as needed. You'll not destroy anything unless you find the single 2x10 isn't giving you enough oomph on it's own at practice and you do something stupid like turn up the amp to full in a vain attempt to catch the guitarists up. You could also look at the wiki here which'll explain it much better detail: [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:impedance_and_wattage"]http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:impedance_and_wattage[/url]
  3. Really odd, tried re-installing FF over the current one?
  4. [quote name='ped' post='74316' date='Oct 14 2007, 10:41 PM']STRANGE PROBLEM I cannot make 'new topics' hence my post here. Since this afternoon I can't load facebook and the google ad at the top of the screen won't load the 'ads by google' picture and subsiquently the page is always 'loading'. WTF is going on?? When I try an dpost a new topic I just get the two lines for title and subtitle. PLZ help!! Some other sites are being funny too, namely eBay. I am using Firefox and XP, all up to date, virus scanned etc.[/quote] Installed anything like NoScript on firefox?
  5. Looks good either way, but I'd go with the tort. Phwoar.
  6. Ala?: [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=jass_bass_sp"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wirin...ic=jass_bass_sp[/url] The S1 is just series/parallel, the method of switching doesn't really matter, switch or pull/push.
  7. Generally use two, but 3 fingers gets used quite a bit as it's a technique I'd like to improve.
  8. [quote name='gilmour' post='73263' date='Oct 12 2007, 11:42 AM']I really really like the Jag too. Great range of sounds and nicely playable. i just couldn't live with one because of the positioning of the switces, every time I slapped or strumed i flicked a switch and changed the sound totally, really annoying otherwise I'd have one.[/quote] Blu-tak is your friend.
  9. Any PC shop will do the data cable (the smaller one), power cable will be a tad harder to come by as without pictures (or a G5 to prod around in, I'm not an apple user), I can't say what sort of cables you'd need for power (barring the 15 pin going into the HDD, just don't know what's on the other end). Tried ringing apple support, as I suspect it won't be available in the shops*? *Reason: Internal cables arn't on sale, and tbh, Apple don't expect people to be inside their cases. However you could bodge one possibly if you're a dab hand with a soldering iron and are prepared to buy a few different cables. Thinking about it, might be able to order 2 "Sata -> 4 pin molex" converters, buy some really easy to come by 4 pin cable with molex's on both ends, then just stick the converters on. So: Sata connector to molex -> Standard 4 cable with molex -> Molex to sata connector.
  10. No response then? Awwwwww.
  11. Now, if this was offtopic, and I wasn't paying attention, I would have been expecting something like this: However, that bass sounds seriously nice.
  12. Check NancyJohnson's most recent thread, he did his own banner: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6680"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6680[/url] Looks quite swish actually
  13. Square Sky? Half Patch?
  14. Nice responce chap. The highroad is nearly always the best one to end on.
  15. Seeing as he seems to think he's really good, just ask him when his next gig is so you and the band can come and get some pointers. Be really civil and not a single bad comment or snide remark. If he has a gig and tells you: Go and heckle the c*** off the stage. If not, reply that it's a shame, but at least you're out and about doing gigs no matter how bad you are, after all, music isn't about technique or being good, it's about getting people to enjoy themselves, which it seems alot of people were doing at the gig, and something he's not doing while sitting at home and insulting bands which he hasn't even got the bollocks to say to their faces.
  16. Mutliple trip switches along with the mains circuit breaker are brilliant bits of kit. My parents house has neither, cue a phone to the 'leccy board every now and then to replace the main fuse when something blows (which granted, isn't often, last time was when we had a stream of water running under the house and it shorted out the cooker's joining box under the kitchen.
  17. I like it, quite alot actually. and I also like the fact you've modified it to play it, how a bass should be. Could also see about filing the frets down carefully if you want to lower the action.
  18. I will admit to trying one of these in a local music shop this summer, build quality was rather good and it did sound quite good, although there were too many switches for me. The one I tried was poorly set up though, so I'm not going to comment on it any further, but I'd have liked to have played it set up properly with a low action as it's a common problem with that shop (they unbox them and put them on the wall, even the basses worth over a grand)
  19. Surely purist and elitest are exactly the same thing, both mean they believe a certain way is correct. I think you mean modern bassists who wouldn't look at valve gear and passive instruments as they're old equipment. Either way, it's all a load of bollocks in the end, it's all down to what your opinion on what sounds the best.
  20. Started off on Trumpet when I was was a wee youngun, went through the forced keyboard stage at school. Somewhere in there I dropped Trumpet totally (bit of a shame, but I was too young to grasp breathing techniques), got a bass when I was 16, havn't learnt much as I don't apply myself. Also started to pick up a guitar this year.
  21. I had a Les Paul style guitar from that seller. Apart from the fact it took ages to come and the seller doesn't respond to messages: Twas cheap and cheerful. The electronics were actually pretty good, pickups were quite beefy, however, the neck was terrible, I've had to file all the frets down as it was buzz heaven, the action is crazy high as well due to poor construction. Nut's cheap plastic, and looks like hot wire treatment to melt it so the strings "fit" rather than a proper file job. Body was plywood, the routing was terrible, and the neck doesn't actually fit the pocket properly (partially due to really bad routing, also down to the neck heel not being level) And the paint is just gloss. No laquer, just gloss, horrid if it's on the back of the neck (which it is, I'd suggest sand paper straight away and oil it possibly). I'd avoid to be honest, it'll put her off learning bass, it's that bad. Yes, it's firewood in simple terms*. *Could be a gem in every batch though, you never know.
  22. Try one. One thing to mention, I think they've got more of a severe neck radius on the fingerboard than standard jazz's, don't quote me on that though, I know it's quite rounded when compared to my VMJ (which is almost flat). It's lovely to play though, and the glossed back of the neck is fine and doens't become a chore to move around on. I do like mine, but the P-bass pup over powers the J and makes dialing in sounds much more of a pain in the arse, alot of people upgrade them for better pups. However, they do a nice p-bass sound with a bark out of the box.
  23. That Primal Bass looks lovely, I'd really like to try one.
  24. You know, as it's a collectible and vintage, changing from the stock speaker will disrupt the value if you ever intend to sell it on (in say 20 years) yes? Just thought I'd mention it. Looks LOVELY by the way.
  25. Status Quo - Down Down at a funeral?
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