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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Stop it, I regret selling mine, every time I see one I GAS to have one again. But I'd really need to play one again in a shop before I bought one, just to see if it was as good as I remember. And there's the fact I'm skint as I've just paid uni fee's.
  2. Nope, I'm not name dropping. I've mentioned it in other threads on this forum however quite a few times. I will however say it's annoying as anything when you're out with friends who you knew before they got "famous" and people keep grabbing them demanding pictures to be taken, as per Saturday night. I'm happy for my mate, but even so, I'm not sure I'd enjoy being in his shoes.
  3. As mentioned in the VMJ mods section, I plan on swapping the 500k's out for 250k's. A full size pot *will* fit in, but I just want people's responces on whether going full size is all fine and dandy, or if a mini is more preferable due to having more room left in the cavity, anyone care to share their pot swapping experiences? Mainly asking as I would prefer CTS pots, but they only seem to come in full size variants.
  4. This sounds like it's going to shape up to be one hell of an amp.
  5. Try WD Music, correct ohm resistance (eg, 250k or 500k) should be stamped on your current pots somewhere. [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/shop/products.php?category=159"]http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/shop/products.php?category=159[/url]
  6. My current inspiration is not due to seeing a talanted player peform, but one of my mates rise to being a professional muso with a number one album under his belt, all within 18 months of the band forming. Happy for him, but if he can do it, I'll give it a bloody good shot, but first I need to practice and improve etc....
  7. Am I going to be the only one to ask for this thread to get locked? It's starting to get to personal attacks (or at least it will do soon) which is not really needed or wanted on this forum to be honest.
  8. Gawd almighty, even if the poor blokes simplfied it (can't blame him), he's not even good at playing the simplifed version.
  9. Tartan or pink. If you must though, red or brown tort.
  10. As Rickenbacker are erm....rather controlling of their instruments probably best to ask them.
  11. You could always rip apart the 9volt battery and wire the individual batteries (Yes, 9v pp3 batters are usually just made up of normal batteries) together in series and see if they'll fit in underneath all the pots. Could make a U shape to reduce length and height taken. /Bodge job.
  12. [quote name='ped' post='62701' date='Sep 19 2007, 02:38 PM']what happened, in a nutshell - I think I missed it.[/quote] Debates over the merits of the small speakers in the PJB stuff and the sound produced by them and the EQ......PJB responded to certain questions regarding possible critisms about his products. Rudely. Think of the way Mr Ball does on the EBMM forums, just with a more masterful stroke of in person rather than having mods/fanboys do it for him. Pretty much earned a boycott of his products from BW members for his attitude, considering how it was a constructive thread.* *If I recall correctly that is.
  13. Wait till they do a proper tour in support of their new album (currently being worked on I think), then wait till parts of the dvd end up on youtube/othervideosite/the internets.
  14. [quote name='paul, the' post='61997' date='Sep 18 2007, 12:37 AM']Are all your VMJs in the 11lb range?[/quote] Mine's dead on 9lbs inc strap. At least according to my electronic scales.
  15. I stumbled across these a while ago, might have the company link somewhere: Here we go: [url="http://www.auroraproject.co.uk/glow%20guards.htm"]http://www.auroraproject.co.uk/glow%20guards.htm[/url] NOTE: I didn't read the ebay listing, it's the same company, whoops.
  16. It's rather thin to my hands actually, slightly thinner than my aerodyne, although that could be down to the satin finish compared to the gloss one. I'm still half and half to putting wizard 84's in mine, a Badass II will be ordered next week though. MIGHT also drop the pots down to 250k (they're all 500k across the board) as the difference between pots fully on and 95% is massive and irks me, and also just to see how the range changes on volume control and tone before I purchase new pups.
  17. Ooooh, nice bit of maple on that fretboard.
  18. Does it affect playability? If not, I'd leave it for character building purposes. Failing that, I'd suggest steam/hot water, but I'm not sure it would work on a treated bass.
  19. This topic will be of interest: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5557"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5557[/url] Dave Hall says he makes power amps on occasion, worth asking him to see what's available and if he could knock one up for you.
  20. Cooo, those 2 are nice. I'd love a combination of the Galaxy's headstock on the Stealth though, would look the dogs danglies in my opinion.
  21. [quote name='Lorne' post='56316' date='Sep 6 2007, 02:56 AM']CrazyKiwi You do realize wiping the hard drive will NOT stop people from being able to see what information you used to have on their right? I watched a TV program where all the council collected computers were sent for recycling to Nigeria,and the bright people there used some form of deep routing program to recover all the data on the drives-you know,credit card info etc etc The only way to stop this is to remove the hard drive,open it up and smash the silver discs-of course,this knackers the hard drive-I thought I should warn you All the best mate [/quote] Not quite true to be honest. Quick formats yes, data is easily retrievable as it just wipes the allocation table. Proper formats make it much harder depending on the method, some just delete the start of the file. Other formatting methods are available simply and easily, which write the HD sectors full of 0's and 1's. No data can be retrieved as it's all overwritten. Smashing up a disk is not a guarantee the data is unreadable (lots of time and patience), dropping it in acid however is. Free bump, shame to see a decent PC go go waste for no reason.
  22. While I don't own a Geddy Lee, I've heard enough about them on this board (They're loved...alot), I'd probably not think about changing them for awhile if I got one, if at all. As it's going to be your first bass, I'd keep it stock unless you're really really unhappy with the sound coming out of it, and even then pedals and other items like preamps can be more benefical than changing pups. And just because "lots" of people might have modded it for a certain brand, the tone/sound is subjective and entirely up to you, like most guitar modifications.
  23. Buzz

    Which Wah?

    I think you need to do a bit of looking up on the difference between analogue and digital signal handling, which is what I think you're referring too, but getting confused with general electronics. All electronics are essentially analogue, digital refers to how the electrical signal is shaped and processed. And for your information, microchips contain most of all the components that can be located on a circuit board. /Mini lesson over From what I can gather, you want a fully reliable pedal that won't wear out (meaning you'll be wanting an optical wah solution rather than a pot) and you also want digial effects processing rather than analogue, as they can do more. I'm sure people here can recommend pedals based on the above critera. I do suspect however you'll probably end up with a wah and an extra pedal or two.
  24. Actually, looks alright, specs are intereting as well. Aparently that's "1x bass humbucker + "2x bass single-coil", also "machine heads: diecast, black" I however see a one single coil and one split, and chrome machine heads. I'm tempted, but cannot afford to throw away £80 like that atm.
  25. That and you could also buy the PAT stickers which are knocking around on t'bay.
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