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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Started dabbling with bass a couple of years ago, still not very good, I've been perhaps only practicing for half hour a day on alternate days recently just havn't been been feeling it at all. Bought a guitar a few months ago, then bought another one, first is currently undergoing a strip and will be refinished, and I'm just learning basic chords and stuff on the other one.
  2. Generally all things considered, Jap ones are much much better on average than the mex one's, QC seems much tighter and build quality much more consistant. I'd generally look for Jap models, especially as you can get them for the same price or just a bit more for highstreet mex prices. My Jap Aerodyne is a great bass, but equally, my Squire VMJ jazz (being a top of the line squire) is also a top bass even though it's a korean. USA's are of course the defacto "best", but I'd be more inclined to shop around and get a [i]good[/i] one before splashing out that much money on one. I was left a bit unimpressed with the one I picked up in Soundcontrol this week (mainly as it was factory set up, so you could fit a bus under the strings near the bottom of the neck), still didn't sound fantasic though.
  3. I was in the Brum one on Tuesday, nice enough, quite warm. The staff member who was looking after the bass section kept showing off and slapping like a bastard at rather high volume out of a couple of rigs (one was an ampeg svt stack, the other was a 15" crate combo, the crate sounded rather nice), which was off putting as I was quietly testing out a Trace combo with a couple of basses. Although, when he wasn't slapping, he did walk around the floor and kept asking people if they needed help. Can't say I was impressed with the instrument selection though, BIG fender section of Jazz and P-basses, and another wall of copies of the previous (inc a few squires). Had a few warwicks (inc a buzzard of all things), couple of EBMM's, 3/4 spectors and 2 westfield t-birds. Amp/Cab selection was good though, fair bit of ampeg and crate, but couple of orange bits here and there, and a nice selection of Trace and Ashdown.
  4. Edit: Whoops, wrong pup. You could also give [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk"]Wizard Pickups[/url] a ring, they'll be able to shed more light on the matter for you. (and there's also the fact alot of BC's love UK built Wizard pups, I'll be ordering a set soon)
  5. Does it sound alright? And did you enjoy having to route a huge chunk of wood out of your bass?
  6. Erugh, it's a super jazz....and for $4000 (roughly 2k), considering the specs: RB CUSTOM 4 * Walnut body and neck. * Ebony Fretboard + Nut. * Scale Length 34" * 14" Radius fretboard with 12th fret inlay. * Hipshot - Ultra tuners. * Kent Armstrong Soapbar Humbuckers. * P.U. selector + single coil switch/volume control * Optional tone control * S.K.B. case * $4,000 It would need to have a really really good neck on it considering the pups, tuners and probably the bridge are just off the shelf parts so to speak.
  7. Well, I'm looking at upgrading mine as the p-pup in the Aero overpowers the j-pup by quite a bit. And as I'm considering upgrading one, might as well do the other to give it a bit more clout.
  8. You can tell it's the 80's tho, look at the HAIR!
  9. [quote name='Tinman' post='48686' date='Aug 22 2007, 03:49 AM']Ha ha, very bloody funny Sometimes I wonder if you guys have any sympathy at all. Presoulnation - lovely bass but 8 weeks? Hah, tis nothing.[/quote] Come on, someone had to say it
  10. Well, on the flip side, looks like a new method for removing finishes on instruments has just opened up.
  11. I saw the title and thought this thread would have been started by Tinman. Either way, looks loverly.
  12. Dunno, 70's would be a nitro finish wouldn't it? People have had rubber on stands react badly with finishes before now (Think the person might be on BC as well, definatly was on BW).
  13. Yeah, to be fair, 17 and with a learners licence, good look trying to get a decent quote. I got my first car about a month ago (2.5 years on motorbikes with a full licence though), and am a learner driver. Quotes for when I was 19 were around £1500ish on a 1.4 60bhp P Reg Astra hatchback third party fire and theft, which is as slow as anything considering my general day to day is a 650cc motorbike which does 0-60 in 4.5ish seconds. Once I hit 20 (which was about 2 weeks after I bought the car, I hadn't insured it yet), the quotes literally dropped by £300-400 across the board with all the major insurance companies. Ended up going with Quinn-Direct (an Irish company) for a shade under £840 TPFT. I'd suggest getting added onto your parents insurance (and pay the difference) because it'll be a damn sight cheaper than running and paying for your own car, although the downside is that you won't have your own no claims, but that'll be offset a bit if you pass your licence and have a year or two on it by the time you get your own car.
  14. I got a bit bored, so modifed it a bit Basically, I'd remove the plate, add two soapbars to it and if you look closely, I've trimmed a bit off the top horn. I was debating whether to extend the bottom a little bit as well, but for now, Lo and Behold my brilliant skills at photoediting: [attachment=1876:Copy_of_KS001.jpg]
  15. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3792"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3792[/url] Might be of some use.
  16. Looks alright, and if it's got a celestion speaker in it....can't be toooo bad, at least one part is branded rather than no-name. You're right about the sales blurb, complete rubbish. The person even spelt Celestion wrongly when there is a picture above it with the correct spelling. This type of thing would need to be A/B'd against something like a Peavey Microbass in my oppinion.
  17. Might pop along, I'm working in the afternoon at the HoF, so I should be able to go take a gander at it.
  18. [quote name='EOS650' post='46649' date='Aug 16 2007, 10:44 PM']Thats understandable. What is GAS? I've seen it used here quite often.[/quote] GAS = GEAR ACQUISITION SYNDROME Aka, The Slayer of Wallets.
  19. [quote name='EOS650' post='46636' date='Aug 16 2007, 10:05 PM']Yeah, but not all women are that stupid. Nor do all women require men to do that. I certinally don't. Lots of gear in a house wouldn't bother me (partically because I do music myself), but it seems like on this forum people assume all women are wound tight when it comes to "things" and it just isn't so...[/quote] I think it's just coming across as women more because this forum is mainly male dominated. It's not down to just so much man/woman but more down to whether you understand each other. Who else but guitarists/bassists get GAS at regular intervals, it looks to me as if you've got partners that understands GAS you'll reach compromises and be fine, but if you havn't, there'll be issues (eg, why do you need more than one bass, you only play one at a time etc). Applies to anything really, happens with my family in regards to power of cars and the ownership of motorbikes. Can't understand why we want faster more powerful vehicles when we don't require them. Case and point being my Father having a large car out of necessity and my brothers just wanting to have more power on tap, he can't fathom why they want sporty cars when they don't need them at all.
  20. No matter what happens, you cannot be as bad as these guys: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw8sNoodIDk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw8sNoodIDk[/url]
  21. **Notes that this MAY be in the wrong section**
  22. Some of the Doom 1 and 2 soundtracks are very basstastic. As they're midi as well, bass is easy to pick out.
  23. Wehey, We're quick thinking, more likely to die, but will come out tops in a fight, although we may have an emotional breakdown afterwards. Love it. Lefty playing right handed bass. Right foot is the prodominate foot though, go figure as I write/paint/draw/detail with my left hand yet do most other things with my right hand.
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