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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. [quote name='neilb' post='39289' date='Jul 30 2007, 11:15 PM']Andy does do a P/J set at £85. Tempted to get a set for my Aerodyne.[/quote] +1 I've been oooing and ahhing over either a set for my Aero, which needs a bump really, or getting a set of 84's for my VMJ. Choices choices.
  2. So, is this an opportunity for basschat to expand beyond just a forum? I propose we use the "Get Ped and the admins to Legoland in Denmark" fund to tender a bid for the company when it goes into recievership. Then just flog and close all but the profitable stores and slowly rebuild the business in the shape desired by it's new many partnered ownership. Discounts for all in the partnership
  3. Buzz


    They're great arn't they? Although, I do find the fretboard radius rather large.
  4. Started with picks, moved to fingerstyle, now do a bit of both. Same for guitar as well.
  5. Well, I know Ber stuff USED to have a rep for being a bit cheapy and breaking alot, but looking around the tinternets it seems they've improved QA massively and everything is much better and are liked alot better now. I'd consider some stuff, might buy a compressor off them and maybe a cab later in the year.
  6. Re-bump for relist. reserve now at 325 pounds.
  7. They're really good basses actually, I love the neck on mine. Look really really good in pictures as well if that's your thing *bump*
  8. I have a 35b, which input are you plugging into? Passives need to go into the high input, and both my jazzes have roughly the same volume level I've found, so like mentioned, the peavey just could be much louder. Also, I doubt it'll be loud enough for band practice really, yes, it can get quite loud on its own, but it's only 35watts.
  9. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='35738' date='Jul 22 2007, 10:40 PM']Look at the context of my post. I dont mind people posing dumb questions and I quess we need to update the wiki to state the bleeding obvious, it was the response to the answers that I objected to.[/quote] The answers which wern't any of your posts. And the fact people assumed that I didn't know the difference between a pre/power and a head I thought I'd make it noted that I did know the difference. Then again if the way I informed people of my knowledge so I could get a proper answer offended you I apologize. But at least I don't insinuate the poster is an idiot in a thread I havn't posted in before. To everyone else that's helped, thank you muchly.
  10. [quote name='dood' post='35499' date='Jul 22 2007, 11:37 AM']Not dumb, I'd hazard a guess. Some people know about preamps and poweramps, but may not realise that the input of an amp simply cant take the level of signal from a power amp output?[/quote] ^^ That. Nowhere does it say in the all encompassing stickies that it's not possible to feed an amp into another poweramp to get more wattage, nor does it say why, although I'd hazard a guess it's because it's only designed to take the level of input for a guitar or pre-amp, rather than the more powerful signal of after the poweramp. Although it's nice to know when posing a question you get looked down upon because of your lack of knowledge in a subject. Cheers folks.
  11. Right, I follow. And just for future reference, I'm well aware of what an amp head like the soundcity is (which was just an example), a pre and power amp in one neat package rather than a split combination. I was just wondering if it was possible, which the answer is no, because I concur, no point having both a valve pre and power if you only intend to use the pre as they both contribute to the final sound.
  12. This is just something that's puzzling me slightly, but is it possible to run say something like a Sound City 120 (120w of valve goodnes) as they're lowish wattage, and run it through a poweramp to beef up the output? I'm just really curious if it's possible or if it would destroy the power amp (or amp infact)? *Not that I intend to do it ofc*
  13. Actually, if this WAS a proper tube amp, I'd be really really interested.
  14. Last time I saw one advertised I think it was £2k+. Others will be able to give you a more clearer idea though.
  15. I used to be able to sight read quite well, my first proper foray into music was learning trumpet at school before and during my very early teens. I'm alright on treble clef in terms of what note is what, but I've forgotton most of the names and variations of crochets and quavers etc. My bass clef is rubbish, all I know is that it's an 'F' clef (centre point of the stave symbol crosses the f line, in the case of the bass clef, it's the large middle dot), so I have to sit down and work it out when I use it. I occasionally like to transpose stuff from treble clef, drop it down an octave or two, write it out on bass clef then if I feel like it, write it out as a tab as well, just to keep me fresh on notes relating to frets.
  16. [quote name='bigash' post='33440' date='Jul 18 2007, 09:12 AM']is there much difference between the likes of warwick and your reccomendations ? is it worth the extra cost ?[/quote] Drop a PM to Bassmonster, he has a lefty shuker which was finished only a couple of months ago, and plays warwicks, he'll be able to give you better info on it.
  17. If you hunt around, there's a thread about the merits of 2x10's vs 2x12, which goes rather into detail of how vertical speaker alignment is MUCH MUCH more efficient at dispercing the sound and will sound better on stage. I suspect it'l be the same for 1x15's if you stack 'em. Drop a PM to BillFitzmaurice and AlexCalber I think. Also look at www.billfitzmaurice.com and it's forums, there's a wealth of information there.
  18. Seeing as it's a cheap Squire, unless it's got a REALLY nice playing neck (ie, all the frets are peeerrfect, no buzzing at all on a really low action etc), I'd probably defret it if I was so inclined, especially if I've got other fretted basses I prefer to play.
  19. Buzz

    GB Basses

    Well, it's that new car feeling isn't it? When it's new and pristine you like to keep it clean, are careful with it etc. And as soon as someone puts a dent in the door or you get a chip in the paintwork, you're not as bothered anymore. It's like that for guitars for me, you want to keep it perfect for as long as possible, but once it's damaged a little bit, it's like "Ah, f*** it, I'm just gonna have fun with it"
  20. Singlecuts don't normally do it for me, but this one is looking bloody gorgeous
  21. Left handed? Could you not stretch that £700 for one of the numerous luthiers we rave about round here? Mr Shuker is a popular choice, so is ACG and RIM.
  22. [quote name='Hamster' post='32878' date='Jul 17 2007, 09:39 AM']If your fretting fingers start to bleed, I know an old Stevie Ray Vaughan trick - but you might not like it Hamster[/quote] Would that happen to involve superglue?
  23. I've just wapped a load of Rotosound Nickel Swing Bass 66 on my Squire VMJ. I'm undecided at the moment, they sound really nice, I like the warmer sound, but they're lacking a bit in tension I feel, might have to go up to 45-65-80-105 (or 85-105) to get the feel I want, which is odd, as I prefer the tension of the 45-100 Super Slinkies on my Aerodyne.
  24. Sound control's at 199 will be the old 2x250 @ 4 ohms [i]outputs[/i]. Rather than the new model's 500w @ 4 ohm output, I suspect anyway.
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