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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Buzz

    My new baby

    ooooh, perty.
  2. [quote name='thumbo' post='23816' date='Jun 26 2007, 11:20 PM']The Crush range are nothing like the valve amps, they're good though. I think the 35B sounds a lot better than the 20B because the 20B has what sounds like some kind of built in limiter that kicks in at relatively low volumes (some people might like this, I don't). They're simple, well built, sound pretty good and they're cheap. Don't expect them to sound anything like the AD200 though... that amp is £1200 for a good reason [/quote] ^ This The 12" speaker isn't bad either, I personally find it much better than the Peavy Microbass I own (and we all know good they are), it produces a nice bit of volume and low end. Minor side effect I have, it resonates nicely with certain items in my room at certain notes, which does make some horrid noises, but that's not the fault of the cab, that's mine for putting those items in the room. High and Low inputs are a nice touch, EQ is well...functional, the extra line out is a nice touch as you can just wack a tuner in it. Considering mine was £99 delivered from GAK the other year, it's good for that sort of money.
  3. I've never had any problems with Gak, bought a T-bird off them, my current Orange practice amp, and a couple of pedals. All were fine, fairly quick delivery as well.
  4. Oh-er missus, looking pretty.
  5. You probably could just use t-cut to get rid of the buckle rash. I'd say it'll be down to the toughness of the lacquer.
  6. Well, I'd see no reason not to use WD40 on strings only, but I suspect it might kill them rather quickly. Might make them shine for a photo though.
  7. Bump for the last 24 hours on ebay.
  8. I personally havn't filed slots on the badass on my aerodyne, but then again, they're held down by tension of the strings and I can't say they move when tuned EADG, might be different if you dropped your tuning across the whole bass though.
  9. Cliche'd and tripe, but the best combo would be the one that sounds best to your ears. Everyone on here will just offer details of brands to try out, and offer a definitive cab to try with it, as it's subjective, for instance, some people hate the Ashdown cabs, others love them, same goes for Trace stuff and pretty much anything else.
  10. Hello Snap. Glad to see after only two months you've jumped into a band.
  11. I'd just like to mention that supposidly lefties are meant to be very creative and artsy. Good for us muso's then
  12. I'm a lefty in the sense that I write with my left hand. Apart from that, right handed bass playing, right handed mouse use, right footed for football, right joystick, scissors in either....blah blah blah. When I started bass, playing right handed just felt right to me, trying to play left just felt odd. It's probably down to the fact that I'm quite well co-ordinated with both hands now seeing as I do most stuff with the right, yet the left sees use for writing/drawing/painting eg.
  13. I do love the colour of that bass, I was gassing over one a while ago.
  14. Oooh, Thunderthief's (I think) back. Nice collection of basses you've been through, and how're all the spiders doing?
  15. I cannot decide if that's good or bad. I'd probably need to see it in the flesh as camera flashes do horrible things at times.
  16. errr...what? Righto.
  17. I say two-ten, four-ten, one-fifteen etc.
  18. Just stuck this on ebay last night for a close friend of mine, so I'm just spreading the word incase anyone is after a good 7 stringer. Tis [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ESP-LTD-Viper-407_W0QQitemZ230142540843QQihZ013QQcategoryZ33038QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]here[/url] Ask questions if you're interested, and I'll get back to you asap with the responce from the owner.
  19. Right, my guitar came. And...I promptly fell over laughing when I got it out the box. Action is so high you can fit a bus under it, most screws arn't straight, paintwork is very shoddy. One of the volume knobs has been broken, the back covers don't fit well. It's been badly routed and sanded, you can see deep scratches through the (thick) paint and [s]laquer[/s] layers. I'll add more later once I've plugged it in and had a play with the action, relief and everything else. But for £61 quid, as long as the neck is alright (seems to be without playing, not warped or anything), I'm not too bothered, I'll turn it into a monster mash of ebay parts on the cheap.
  20. Well, 5 days later after I bought one...s'not here and the seller isn't responding to my communications. I shall give it 5 more days before raising a dispute.
  21. [quote name='TheRev' post='15081' date='Jun 10 2007, 02:27 PM']The first one looks like the results of crossing a Warwick with a MM Bongo.[/quote] A Wongo?
  22. At 16? Get the job, possibly not 6 days a week, it's a killer doing 9-5 for 5 days a week, let alone for 6 (been there, done that, even done a 7 day week once, horrible, got up at 7am to go to work on my day off, I was on autopilot). Save the money though, 1000w's is a tad excessive. At 17 I'd get the summer job still. At 18 I'd say f*** it, take the summer off (just have a small partime job, like 1-2 days), and then proceede to have a good time out and about on the town with mates.
  23. I said last time, and I say this time: Looks rather swish.
  24. Buzz

    My Stoof

    Oohhhh, The blue '62 Jazz is gorgeous, so the 4003 for that matter. Nice harem.
  25. Well, in a bout of strange GAS, I've ordered a les paul copy off them: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200114929317"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200114929317[/url] £61 quid, I'll use it for firewood if it's that bad, or let a guitarist smash it on stage. Then I'll probably go buy a Squire Tele instead. NB: I know it's a gui*ar, but I want something to learn/showoff on and to have something for a couple of mates when the come around so we can jam.
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