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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Buzz

    basschat ?!?

    No reason why bassplanet.co.uk (or any other site, eg, basstalk) cannot be bought and redirected to here
  2. And, yes btw, as the body is curved, the bridge sits in a little pocket, which means the fender bridge is a great flush fit, but to change it, bigger bridges like the badass sit on the body only making about 25% contact, rather than 100% like on a normal flat top jazz. Still makes it sound better if you put a packing plate under it and make sure it's tight, so you can transfer as much vibrations as possible.
  3. [quote name='Geejay' post='2264' date='May 19 2007, 04:07 PM'] Thanks for the advice. I like the look of the Squires, anyone else out there with experience of them? I have always had my eye on a Ken Smith as well. Any user comments? Geejay[/quote] There are a few of us with the Vintage Modifed Jazz's. Mine came last week, and I love it to pieces, the neck is bloody fantastic, seems thinner than a normal jazz, fretwork is great on mine, whole thing is tightly built. In short, I got what I'd be expecting of around a £400-£500 of bass on a what was a £209 outlay.
  4. They're alright, I do find on mine that the j pickup is rather quiet when compared to the p pickup, and it gets lost when you're running both. Apart from that, well built, nice neck, do like. Perhaps not worth the money over a more normal jazz though. But that's my opinion on mine, which is a dire need of a setup and fret stoning.
  5. Well, after having just recieved a Squire VMJ, I've selected squire as it'll get the most use over the summer between practice, reharsals and any gigs that may occur. Looks like my aerodyne will collect dust for a bit.
  6. + 1 White pearloid. I don't think black would work, and chrome might be too shiney chromy, especially with the knobs. Edit: Status beat me on the White Pearloid.
  7. Buzz


    Thanks chaps for setting BC up. Finally a place to call our own.
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