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Posts posted by Buzz

  1. I think I'd buy one of those Fender cables if I needed a new one and I couldn't find any normal ones on offer. I think my current big and yellow one is a Venom one which was in the region of £10 to £15.

    Besides, Reverb are apparently selling that Fender cable at £20.99. Worth it for what should be good quality cable coupled to switchcraft jacks. Or you could just buy off OBBM instead for the same or better quality at a better price.

  2. Hmm, I can't help but think that if that Iceman had a blackburst around the edges in order to eliminate the harsh disjointed line where it meets the body it would be really nice, especially if they did a black burst and changed the binding to white.

    On the mention of Icemans, don't see too many of them around in bass form, but Ibanez must be selling enough in order to keep them in the product line, I reckon it must be the Nordic death metal scene propping that model up.

  3. I don't think it was amazing, however, the Superbowl gig is a bit of a special case isn't it?

    Not only is it a short set, but you're performing from the middle of a field to a stadium full of people. It's not what you'd call an ideal gigging venue is it?

  4. For devil's advocate, I'd just like to point out the interview was done in '02 and Mr X's experience is from when he worked at a music store, seemingly in the early 90's.

    It's entirely possible that Gibson have improved QC and are more consistant since that time. Fender's managed it recently with the '08 (and later) models getting their praises sung for being the best USA Standards overall in a very long time.

  5. Should be in repairs and technical.

    First all, it's a Polyurethane finish. Second of all, there's quite a bit about sanding should you want to do a search on this forum. I'm not going to repeat what has been said in this post because there's far too much information to convey from people who are much more experienced than I am.

    Suffice to say, Poly is simplistic to remove but takes a lot of time. Electric hand sander will work fine until such time when you go to awkward bits and finishing, when you'll need to do it by hand, take your time, start with low grit such as 40 or 80, then progressively move up towards 1000 or 1500 when you've removed the poly and are just finishing the body to make it super smooth.

    As for getting it refinished. Either a car body shop or a luthier will be able to do it properly for a flawless coat. Finishing by hand is possible with laquer, takes a long time of applying, drying, sanding down and even, reapplying, waiting, sanding down again, etc..... until you need to buff the finish into a high shine.

    [b]Seriously though, go do a search, and considering you've just joined today, go post an introduction thread in the introductions section of the forum.[/b]

  6. [quote name='chris_b' post='719710' date='Jan 21 2010, 12:22 AM']Please, let's [i]not[/i] do the "popular = no talent" thing again![/quote]

    Er...alright, I'll continue pointing out she has talent then, [i]just like I did in my post[/i].

  7. As this is a Ga Ga thread, and this was in the TB thread:

    So that's what she's like when she's not Lady Ga Ga. Wow. I think that goes a long way to destroying any opinions that she's void of talent.

    Back on topic, bit sh*tty to go through the auditions if like stated on TB, the players were all pre-chosen, but I doubt the actual gig is a miming gig, doesn't seem right for the whole Ga Ga vibe really.

  8. I'd just like to take this time to point something out regarding superglue for those people who're worried about it, namely 2wheeler and aznbass.

    Superglue was developed for medicinal use, it was used fairly extensively in Vietnam by the US by soldiers in the field. It's used to this day in hospitals. Granted, it's a slightly different mixture than the stuff sold for home, but only slightly. It still does the same job.

    Just clean the wound with a dettol (or a similar brand) Chris then cover it with superglue. It'll be fine.

  9. Alternative is to buy a 4 and convert to a 5. Obviously this will mean adding new screw holes for the new bridge, possibly swapping the pup for a blade type (I wouldn't imagine you'd need to route and fit wider pup, but the pole pieces of what was there might not be in the correct place) and also drilling a hole in the headstock for the extra tuner.

    On second thoughts, easier to buy a factory 5.

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