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Everything posted by Pembo

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1369780396' post='2092771'] My thought is... P Bass. Always a P Bass. [/quote] That's what I was thinking, but both have split P's....!
  2. Chance to buy either of these basses (used), but wondering which is better. I'm assuming they are similair in tone with same PUP config. However, the Jag has active EQ, which concerns me in a live situation. Would rather not have to be overly conscious of installing new battery for each gig (be on the safe side), but if the tone is superior then it's a small burden to live with. Thoughts?
  3. Any pics of the condition of the Ashdown cab?
  4. If you can sell what you got towards your budget and [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207816-markbass-cmd-102p-combo-for-sale/"]http://basschat.co.u...combo-for-sale/[/url] hasn't sold. Then Bob's your uncle...! If you don't mind a heavy combo, then can't go too far wrong with [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207866-eden-metro-wtc-2x10-combo/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207866-eden-metro-wtc-2x10-combo/[/url]
  5. Based on that theory, I suppose £350 is an ok valuation then. I was hoping it would be worth a tad more than that, giving how little I've used it. It would probably carry more purchase on a trade basis.
  6. Nobody? Or is it a "I hope he puts it up for £350 in the classifieds thread" type silence
  7. Hi all, Not sure if this is the right thread area, or if it should be posted in Classified area!! I was chatting to a fellow bassist the other night and suggested that I am considering selling/trading my Markbass SA450. He immediately offered me £350 for it. Given that it's just over 1 year old from new, has never been gigged, used at practice about 10 times and certainly never been driven hard. Is this a reflection of the current value? Any online stores stating to have any in stock are asking £550-£600+ (new/B-stock). What do you think?
  8. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1368120624' post='2073522'] If you always use the same brand, type and gauge of string you can probably get away without adjusting the intonation when you put a fresh set on, if you go between different types of strings the intonation will definitely need adjusting. [/quote] Totally this. When I recently changed from TI Flats to Fender Flats, I needed to adjust truss rod, lower pickups and adjust saddles. I decided that i was not fussed on the Fenders, so bought some new TI's. Again, needed to re-setup my bass and noticed the saddles were pretty much smack on where they were with the previous TI's on there, yet different to when Fenders were on there.
  9. [quote name='chilievans' timestamp='1366540313' post='2053639'] I've had a look at a few threads on defretting and it doesn't look too hard [/quote] That's what i thought before de-fretting my late 70's Kasuga jazz. Lets just say a car crash would have been more effective...
  10. My worst was a Squier Affinity P bass, bought around 1998. It was like every fret had a dead spot. No tone or resonance throughout the whole thing. God knows what it would have sounded like with flatwounds.
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1364756618' post='2030531'] I would say that it depends on the style of music. In rock/metal, basslines are mostly simpler than the guitar parts, but it's usually the opposite for funk. [/quote] Smack on!! The amount of guitarists who cannot play on the OFF beat for funk, dub, ska, etc, is amazing. I play both and find your average pop, indie, country track is easy to play on guitar. However, trying to play jazz and intricate folk is very hard.
  12. Pembo


    [url="http://[IMG]http://i971.photobucket.com/albums/ae191/biffburn/SquierVMJazz.jpg[/IMG]"]http://[IMG]http://i971.photobucket.com/albums/ae191/biffburn/SquierVMJazz.jpg[/IMG][/url] My trusty, slightly modded Squier VM Jazz.
  13. [quote name='gazhowe' timestamp='1364737258' post='2030153'] I would suggest you look for a second hand RH450 and keep hold of your SA450 until you have have plenty of time to evaluate the RH450 in a live situation. [/quote] I think this may be the answer. Insightful post, thankyou. I suppose i could love the tone of the RH in a solo setting, but find that it does not suit in our band setup, or the opposite.
  14. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1364727559' post='2030011'] Excellent plan ! ........ but don't forget to try a few amps/cabs out while you're there enjoying the view. [/quote] Haha, yeah! I'll probably be overwhelmed by all the porn on display and forget to try anything.
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1364689389' post='2029780'] If you feel that way about the SA450, IMO give the TC a wide berth. [/quote] Oooh, that surprises me. I thought the TC would have had more 'colour'/modelling tone about it. Think I need to try one really, but new cab is the priority at the moment. Think i'll pack a flask and sandwiches and sit in Bassdirect all day.
  16. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1364687524' post='2029748'] I'd bet that these guys can all sing and play along to the record, but they sure struggle when trying to play as a band. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj7pDNDuoJ0[/media] [/quote] Fair do's, I've had root canal work less painful than watching that.
  17. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1364673256' post='2029607'] I'd never call my sa450 sterile at all, how odd..... [/quote] A few times, not many by all means, it has felt like there was no presence/meat to the tone. Again, this is probably a mixture of my own amateur EQ'ing and not very good playing style. However, when i've managed to get it right, it sounds great, even through a cheap, wooly Ashdown 15" cab.
  18. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1364676356' post='2029634'] He's got 5 strings there as well, not 6. [/quote] I meant in regards to lead guitarists, not bassists, hence the "thin strings".
  19. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1364668445' post='2029533'] Just not to my tastes, I suppose. I had it for a year and gigged it extensively. To me, it sounds like what it is - a low-powered amp that employs clever circuitry to remove all the steel, energy and dynamics from the signal to make is 'as loud as' a 450w amp. Some people call it 'tubey', and like it - I didn't, so I sold it. [/quote] Dynamics are very important in our band. What genres of music do you normally play? [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1364669407' post='2029544'] What's "Slowcore"? [/quote] Slowcore is usually quiet, depressive, dynamic. Noteworthy bands would include Galaxie 500, Red House Painters, Low, Spiritualized, Codeine. It has kind of evolved from Shoegaze.
  20. [quote name='Faithless' timestamp='1363479393' post='2013305'] Well, Feraud, according to the Mr. Jeff Berlin, is, at the moment, the cleanest & fastest player around, to which I certainly agree: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9jDF01V7DE[/media] Enjoy. And go practice L [/quote] I really don't understand this. Each to their own, but this just sounds like a bloke who is moving his fingers as fast as he can whilst hitting random notes. My idea of bass is all about locking in the rhythm and providing a feeling and groove. I prefer to let the 'Thin 6 Stringers' masturbate over their fretboards. Again, each to their own, but i see this kind of playing as sheer diva glitter.
  21. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1364652062' post='2029240'] don't forget the excellent onboard tuner on the RH also ! and, yes the 3 memory slots are very useful [/quote] Fortunately, I rarely need to tune my bass as it just stays in tune forever. However, I do like the thought of preset EQ's stored. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1364657524' post='2029316'] The RH450 was not my friend. I'd rather play giant elastic bands than use that amp again. [/quote] what was so bad about it?
  22. I've currently got the SA450, but something is pulling me towards swapping out the SA450 for the RH450. It may be just a case of [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203858-markbass-sa450-vs-tc-electronic-rh450/page__pid__2029169#"]GAS[/url], as my SA450 serves me well as it is. It can sound a tad too clean, almost sterile at times, but i think that's more a case of bad EQ'ing in the mix on occasions. So then, short of me actually driving for a couple/few hours to try out the RH450, what's your opinions? From what i've experienced (SA450) and read (RH450), both are good amps with lots to give. Both have the 2 nice features, SA450 having the VPF & VLE and RH450 having the Tubetone & Spectracomp. I think what's also pulling me to the RH450 is the 3 saveable memory banks. My band plays a mixture of countrypop/folk/slowcore/blues/soul orientated tunes. I'm thinking that with the RC4 footswitch it would be handy to have tried & trusted EQ's set up for different genres! No doubt the "What cab are you using" [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203858-markbass-sa450-vs-tc-electronic-rh450/page__pid__2029169#"]question[/url] will arise. I'm currently using a 15" Ashdown cab, but in the process of saving for either a Berg or Barefaced cab, after much valued advice received in my previous thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203473-recommend-a-cab-for-me-please/"]http://basschat.co.u...-for-me-please/[/url]
  23. Re-posted [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203865-markbass-sa450-vs-tc-electronic-rh450/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203865-markbass-sa450-vs-tc-electronic-rh450/[/url]
  24. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1364338286' post='2025238'] The LM2 sounded great just running it with a flat EQ. IMO, that's always a sign of a good amp. [/quote] I've got the SA450, which is similair. Just tweek the VLE/VPF tones and it's done.
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