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Everything posted by trent900

  1. [quote name='aceuggy' post='209232' date='May 29 2008, 10:49 PM']At the moment I am using a small Fender 15w Rumble amp. I want to upgrade to something more powerfull and like the Roland Cube. My question is would the 30w be enough? I only practice in my bedroom at present, but may one day, play in a band where I would presumably need more power. If I went down the 100w road, would that be too much? I know I needn't turn the volume up on the bigger amp but would that affect the sound adversely?[/quote] Not really. The 100W will be quite happy playing at bedroom volumes, and will give you just about enough beef for a rehearsal or a small gig. The 30W will struggle at anything past bedrooms. Others might disagree, but I would say that there's not really any point 'upgrading' from 15W to 30W. Here's the 100W [url="http://www.roland.co.uk/guitar_room_catdetx.asp?id=CUBE100BASS#"]Roland Basscube 100W[/url] I suggest you click 'where to buy this product?' find your nearest dealer and go have a bash. You're not pushing the boat out too far at 100W, it's a basic standard power level and the amp won't be huge. Basscubes are in fact conveniently dinky. Put it this way: my new rig is probably just pushing the boundaries of what's sensible and it's got more than ten times that power! The 100W is less than £100 more expensive and it's actually worth the hassle of changing for. I really wouldn't bother with the 30W. Personally.
  2. [quote name='Wooks' post='209075' date='May 29 2008, 06:05 PM']Hail oh wise and wonderous basschatterrs......I've got my first public performance on Sunday,(at the tender age of [size=3]41[/size] ), through the music school that I go to. It's their annual summer concert for all of the students that attend and like I said it's my first one, because I've only been learning for about 8 months now. I'm doing the classic 70's/ 80's rock track Doctor, Doctor by UFO as my piece. I was wondering if anybody has got any good tips for me for my first public outing please??? Not that I'm scared but I'm sh***ing a brick I've been practicing the track in the confinds of my bedroon and I've been kinda nailing it most times, how can I replicate my bedroom performance on stage so that I don't make a complete muppet of myself Thanks for any advice!![/quote] +1 for trying to relax. Try to look like you're enjoying it - move around and so on - and it's more likely that you will. Also, if you'll be standing in the performance, practice standing and the same if you'll be sitting. I find it makes a surprising difference...
  3. [quote name='lowdown' post='205631' date='May 24 2008, 05:45 PM']Learn to sight read.... A big +.... This will open doors to show's / Turn's / Session's etc. This can bring in a good annual income. And also useful for depping.. [Some Function Bands Even have Pad's] If they have not... The second thing to do is get your ear's in shape.. By this i mean good busking skill's... or at least know plenty of tune's. Either way , if you are good at one or other [pref both] You will get the call's....In theory Networking skill's also a plus... You dont want to piss people off with hassle phone call's. [this is another art in itself] Plus all the other stuff above folk's have said. Garry[/quote] I'm really, really sorry - I know grammar correcting is a hateful habit and I don't do it for anything else but I promised my English teacher mother I'd try never to let this one pass - if you're talking about more than one of something there is no apostrophe before the S. You only use an apostrophe if you want to indicate possession. Moles = more than one mole. Mole's = belonging to Mole. Please forgive this interruption. Apart from that, everything you said was very correct and useful Sorry again :blush: Jon
  4. Feedback coming up: The recording's not bad at all for a small studio - my band used to be recorded much worse. Still loses the bass a little I think, but then I would. Still, within the limits of the recording, you sound pretty much exactly how a bassist in that style should sound, I think. I like the singer, too. He doesn't scream his head off and he's in tune and there's something different about his voice. The major thing I did notice: is your drummer playing the same rhythm in all 3 songs on myspace? Is that just because of the songs chosen for the website? All in all, not at all bad, better than I've ever done yet, but could possibly use a bit more variety in drums. I think that would help hugely with the impression given on the website. Hope that's gentle enough Jon
  5. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='203295' date='May 20 2008, 10:02 PM']Which is as good enough excuse as any to get a Shuttle 6.0 in my book. [/quote] Very true. When they arrive, do you think you'll be in the market for an ultralightweight GK head?
  6. [quote name='Ham fisted Bass' post='203278' date='May 20 2008, 09:35 PM']If I'd had the presence of mind I'd have used the R500 on the second gig - then I really could have talked b*****ks.[/quote] ouch! Coffee in lap... Talking of talking bollocks - is there an incipient danger of high-end amps going the way of high-end red wine? Will we ever see the new SWR Viagron 1500 reviewed as 'fruity, with just a hint of vanilla, cobbles, and blackened shoe leather'? Or are bassists too intrinsically sensible? Personally, my current theory is to hang the sense of it and buy what seems like a good idea at the time. If it's reasonably desirable you're always going to be able to trade it for something you like more later. Which is why a GK 2001RB arrived through my door this morning, and mother of god, I didn't realise the things were so [i]heavy[/i]...
  7. [quote name='BB2000' post='201354' date='May 18 2008, 01:39 AM']I must say I've never seen such a positive response for an amp as the shuttle has received on talkbass. It's a nice amp but it doesn't deserve all the hype.[/quote] +/- 0 I see what you mean about hype, it leads me, via a roundabout mental route, to wonder when people will realise that all amps sound more or less the same and that the most hype therefore goes to the amp that has the most va va voom. And this: has a lot.
  8. Nice to meet you too! Sell the effects pedals - it's not big and it's not clever. And if you're better than me you'd better watch out But seriously, I've not been here long myself and it seems to be a quality forum. Good place to land up. Enjoy! Jon
  9. Lot of effort to go to for this theoretical 35-year-old for no readily apparent reason, IMHO. Anyway, whatever it was playing that song, it's much better at slap than I am, and I'm much bigger. Now as we all know, the bigger you are the easier it is to slap - it's got something to do with badgers. Ergo: respect.
  10. I completely agree with the ideal that FOH and stage mixes should be provided by decent PA and decent foldback systems respectively, with no real need for any backline at all. However, two things still lead to the purchase of kW stacks: 1. Many, many PAs, foldbacks, and even basic room acoustics are by no means ideal. 2. In the end, for a lot of people what you buy has absolutely nothing to do with what you need Which is why I am expecting delivery of a 1080W rig next week. Men are here, we make noise!!!
  11. [quote name='valentine' post='201334' date='May 18 2008, 12:41 AM']being a newbie on bass guitar and stuff i didn't relise that theres a speical type of amp for a bass guitar,i only found this out when my tutor asked me if i had a bass amp,like ive been useing a normal 30 watt roland amp for the last 3 weeks with no ill effects to the amp as of yet,if i continue to use it will it bust my amp for sure?[/quote] No, not for sure. Depends on the amp and how you're using it. If you're using a Roland Basscube 30, then play away to your hearts content. If you're using a normal Cube 30, then two things are likely to happen: 1. It's likely to sound rubbish. 2. If you take it up loud you are likely to tear the speaker cone or otherwise knacker it. You can play bass, quietly, through most guitar amps with no ill effects. However, it's not what guitar amps were designed for so they don't do it well and if you ask them to do it loudly they have a tendency to complain in an expensive manner. Personally, if you're playing through anything that isn't a bass amp, I'd start looking around for a dedicated bass amp you can afford, however small. It'll produce proper tone and will be much harder to destroy.
  12. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='197250' date='May 12 2008, 04:03 PM']So: Would you prefer to play songs you didn't much like, but had satisfying bass lines, or play far less engaging parts in music you genuinely think is excellent. And minus ten thousand points if you answer "Well I like to play interesting bass parts in songs that I think are excellent." Ten thousand![/quote] Less engaging parts in music I like, a million times over. For two reasons: 1. I can stop thinking about bass and listen to the song, which as previously discussed, is a good one. 2. If it's a 'less engaging part' there's probably less chance I'll cock it up. Sometimes however things can be taken too far, may I draw the thread's attention to 'Dance the Night Away' by the Mavericks which [i]will[/i] give you carpal tunnel and is a criminal affront to all that is good and right in this world even at the best of times.
  13. [quote name='Golchen' post='197564' date='May 12 2008, 10:11 PM']Never, never will I be playing Reggae. Never.[/quote] Dude, get a rasta wig and play I shot the Sherriff. You'll never look back.
  14. Maybe Funk is a fashion cycle, like much in performing arts? Take, for example, 'classical' music. Nowadays to be considered a serious musician I get the impression you more or less have to be into the more radical extremes of serious music; Messaien and Hindemith and so on. If you say 'I just love Bach cantatas' or 'I'm keen on a bit of Elgar' you tend to get marked down as a bit unsophisticated. This is because the experimental-type 20th and 21st century music is what's in in orchestral circles - is that the same as funk in bass circles? That said, there's a pretty good chance I'm talking out of my proverbial and funk is in just because, well, it's so damn funky. I think what I'm saying is that maybe funk is in because locking in with a drummer and kicking out a blinding funky line or three is immensely satisfying, in the same way as breaking new orchestral ground is. But then, Jazz widdling and driving rock/metal simplicity can be hugely satisfying too, just - like Bach and Elgar - a bit neglected, a bit unfashionable. Let me get off this fence and nail my colours to the mast. I [i]adore[/i] fingerfunk. But so long as I'm on stage, I'll play 'show me the way to Amarillo' and love every minute of it, and I think that's what it's really about
  15. Am I stating the obvious saying that I just don't buy that the sound in the advert recording was actually played on bits of car? It sounds too exactly like an orchestra. People have spent hundreds of years perfecting the wood, metal and catgut to get that sound; I can't believe it can be done in days/weeks with random bits of metal. Ergo - it's a real orchestra dubbed over video of people actually playing on the bits of car, thus fulfilling the requirement not to too blatantly lie in the advert
  16. Time to think? All you need is the time to think 'I know, I'll sell this cab to trent900 at a knockdown price, he's a good bloke even though I've never met him'. I reckon that's about 5 seconds. I await your reply. In about 5 seconds.
  17. Cheers guys, all that is really helpful! I think I'll pop up to Electro music in Doncaster and try out all their Ampeg and GK stuff, then down to Leamington to Bass Direct to annoy them too...then if something from that lot really grabs me I at least know I won't be making a bad decision. If not - London and Brighton it is!!
  18. Ah, are you non-British? Nobody's perfect, eh? All the best with the amp choice - see if you can pop into a decently-stocked local music store and thrash about on some. Forum chatting can throw up some good choices you may not have considered, but really only finding an amp somewhere and having a play can make your mind up. Alternatively, you could do what I do and buy what looks coolest...
  19. [quote name='moshmonkeys' post='191401' date='May 4 2008, 12:15 AM']They're 444Euro new online which is out of my range at the moment.[/quote] 444 Euro??? That's what...£340? Somebody's ripping you off. Here you are [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/kickback-15/12557"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/kickback-15/12557[/url] the she is for £289. You could've had mine but it's already committed elsewhere. As I say, recommended from personal experience but there may be still better for your requirements. Maybe the DI XLR output is an advantage is you're routinely running through PAs though?
  20. Hi all, Hoping you can help. There's lots of 'recommend amps' threads on here most of which contain several posts recommending Genz Benz, Aguilar, Eden, Epifani and what have you amps and cabs and at least one post saying 'buy what sounds good to you'. All this is very fine, but take, for example, someone who lives in the East Midlands. Someone who, for example, is looking for a new rig. Someone who, for example, goes by the username of trent900 on basschat.co.uk. All the music shops near me seem to stock Ampeg, Trace, and GK. I have two questions: those of you who have all these wacky amps - how did you hear about them? And second - where did you try them? I would [i]love[/i] to have a session on an Epifani UL310 since it sounds ideal for my requirements, but where the hell am I going to find one to have a bash on without spending at least £60 and most of a weekend trogging down to the big smoke that is London? Yours in possibly retarded exasperation, Jon
  21. There's billions of small-ish combos about, recommendations are thus of limited value since I suspect everyone will recommend something different for my 2p worth, I have a Hartke Kickback 15 which is a great little amp, doesn't go up ridiculously high in volume but has a proper DI output straight into the PA and you can thrash it to hell and it won't complain. Can't remember how much they are now, under £300 certainly. 120W.
  22. Like a previous poster, we have this problem practically every week at our Church. We normally sort it, cheekily, by simply taking the relevant instrument out of the hearing loop circuit (normally lead guitar, not bass). Might reduce the experience for the deaf but makes it bearable for everyone else. I have no idea how acceptable this is in a paying auditorium
  23. As with all things, I'm a snob for the unusual. It doesn't have to be expensive or flash to me as long as it's weird. That's why I love my Tobias, even though it was comparitively cheap at £300. Heavy, yes. Unwieldy, yes. But I love the look and I love when people say 'what's that then? Tobias? Who are they?' Next basses - probably a Rick 4001 and a Fender Jazz, just because Bruce Foxton looked so damn cool and because I've never heard a Jazz that didn't sound the dogs. What's [i]really[/i] odd, and rather stupid, is that I'd be perfectly happy to pass up something brilliant and common in favour of something less good but rarer. Which is why I'll never be able to take the sensible choice and buy a Mondeo... Any else get that? Or is it just me?
  24. [quote name='bremen' post='188958' date='Apr 30 2008, 04:23 PM']Neither am I - I have no idea what he means by that. Did someone disagree with him about something?[/quote] This thread's right to life, if I remember right.
  25. The impression I get is that Jaco's reputation is built heavily on Birdland and Havona, which is hairy muff, as they say, both being masterpieces. His reputation with [i]me[/i] is based more or less solely on 1:46 in the album version of Birdland, I'll say no more. Beyond that, I would agree that his album was pretty forgettable. I hesitate to say this, but I sometimes feel Jaco has benefitted from what I call 'Lennon syndrome'. However patchy you were in life, if you suffer an untimely death you can rest assured of eternal life as a legend. Horrible thing to say, but I find it to be true...
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