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About ebenezer

  • Birthday 08/11/1962

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  • Location
    County Durham

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  1. Always worth trying to get in touch.
  2. Tricky audio.
  3. Cheers, good to know.
  4. How much does it weigh?
  5. Cort element 5 is great bang for the buck.
  6. I had one of these combo's, great amp and when you look at the features, massively ahead of it's time...33kgs!! And to think, I used to carry it up flights of stairs by myself.
  7. Seems like a nice bass for the dosh.....what do you folks think about it?
  8. Lovely !...may I ask the weight please?...where are you based?
  9. Had an HD350, loved the tone, layout etc, but found it underpowered for my needs.
  10. Do I just leave as is, and just keep the original pots?
  11. All three pots on my 79 musicman have been replaced...I still have the worn out original pots, can these be rebuilt ?... is there a company that can do this?....thanks
  12. I'm amazed they both blew!...I had the same cab and ran at quite high volume levels and never had a problem.
  13. Sold Kevin my LFsys 112 Monaco, arrived with a small amount of damage, but Kevin is handy with a screwdriver, sticky back plastic and a spanner and had it sorted in a jiffy...top chap and basschatter, also very easy transaction....thanks again.
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