Just bought a trb 5ii (japan) and wondered if anything would be gained by
having a better/different circuit installed...not interested in sweep mid
anybody done any similar mods?
ps...are pickups worth changing?
Great basses!..remember reading the review in bass player magazine(which I still have)..it was
fitted with a 2tek bridge, it received top marks from the reviewer.
good luck trying to find one!!!
Nice basses, I tried the aspiration 5 and liked the tone. it looked to be
well built with quality hardware, which is shared with some of the uk built basses
very heavy though !! shame they never court on.
I would not part with my littlemark 2...easy to use, good tone variation, plenty loud enough
and fits in a laptop bag!..i much prefer it to the genz streamliner 900 i used to own, and
i find it just as powerful, if not more so!
I'am with sibob here, I had a streamliner 900...bought without trying it!.warm sound,yes!
but that's where it ended. I went to a little mark 2, and found it suits me better as it
has a better eq and is just as loud(if not louder)than the genz..must be bigger watts!
I've seen inside a peavey 410 and believe me, these are well constructed cabs
having ample bracing and acoustic felt...bass player mag did a 410 shootout
and peavey 410 tx did really well, and this was up against eden and swr!!
Tried both the rear ported, and front ported markbass cabs, and to my
ears, the front ported cabs sound better. For me, this goes for most
other makes as well.
This pickup is the eb mm style ie...no lugs!..it is alnico...mint as never been
fitted to bass....ideally I would rather trade for 4 string version..nordy etc
in same condition.
Just wondering, does Nino(Anthony Valenti) make his own necks and bodies
for his wonderful basses?....or does he use outside suppliers as per early
sadowsky basses...warmoth I think, and build them kit form.