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Everything posted by Rikkers

  1. For sale: Hipshot BT2 bass extender. This one is suited for '70s Fender P and J basses.
  2. The Badass III bridge suits the Fender American Standard P and J basses with the 3 screw mounted bridge. I live in The Nethernands (Groningen) and am willing to ship.
  3. Mono indeed.
  4. Try to get a couple of 2nd hand Gibson TBird pups. They pop up once and again on the 2nd hand market. I've searched for good replacements because I thought that the pups of my TBird that was in the process of being built were sounding too dark. To my surprise these pups are very growly.
  5. I was just wondering if someone has a comparable experience. That's all.
  6. No. I found him with Google. The deal was on Facebook.
  7. I meant NordicBard.
  8. I've tried everything. It's Nordbard.
  9. I wonder how many members here have such an experience. A couple of weeks ago I traded a fretless Tokai for a Kasuga 4001. On the moment that he received the bass this guy was gone. Coudn't contact him anymore. So I was afraid I got scammed. The Kasuga was stuck at one point. Gladly the shipping company was able to correct this. Otherwise I would have a problem. Got the bass but there's some structural damage what wasn't adressed by this guy. The fretboard apparently got seperated from the neck which was repaired very poorly. I still have to visit a luthier.
  10. You're right. Thanx!
  11. I bought this bass a week ago.
  12. No one recommended Lollar? That's the 1st option for me if I searched for a P pickup. Handwound AND reasonably priced. And a killer sound.
  13. This is me with my Gibson Thunderbird.
  14. @TimAl. Been on your site. Very nice job! Seeing that you can make everything you are the obvious choice.
  15. @Mark S: I always keep the original parts. This bass has it's original bridge too but is fitted with a Hipshot bridge. Asked the guy for it for the same reasons. @AndyTravis: Thanx for the tip. I'll ask Timal. It took me a week to see that the trussrod cover is upside down compared to an original lefty Ric from before 1986.
  16. Hi Folks. This beautiful Ric copy is on my way. Thinking about changing the trussrod cover and pickguard for black ones. Question: Does anyone here has the experience with buying or copying the Greco Guitar logo in white or silver? And how to apply it?
  17. About the Fender Player series:
  18. Then it's not a P anymore.
  19. I care about Gibson, don't care about the fact that you yanks elected an idiot for president.
  20. One opinion is more objective than the other.
  21. Not directly, no. But it can be the nail in it's coffin.
  22. All economies are interconnected. When the American economy is free falling it will draw the rest into the next crisis.
  23. My point is that this trade war will hurt the American economy. People who are jobless have other priorities..
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