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Everything posted by Rikkers

  1. Bad reviews get more attention than good reviews. And people have the tendency to parrot opinions. This too can harm reputation.
  2. @skankdelvar I know these discussions. The point is that Trump doesn't make it easier.
  3. Nothing wrong with my 2018 TBird. And compared to a US Fender or a Ric very well priced.
  4. I agree. I only have mine about two months now. It's my dream bass. But me being a lefty I'd have to wait untill Gibson started to build lefties again. When I heard of Gibson's plans to build a lefty I pulled the plug. No regrets here. Auto tuners was a very bad idea.
  5. Although Gibsons aren't made of aluminium or steel (at least for the most part), Gibson Brands could be troubled by the thread of a possible trade war. I'm a Gibson fan myself and it pains me to see such a train accident happening in slo mo. Kind a like Amy Winehouse.............✝️ What are your views about this subject?
  6. Now I have G.A.S. again.
  7. Interesting!
  8. You mean what I know.
  9. A Gibson to be more precisely. It's a good combination.
  10. Maybe I'll check those Dunlop Super Bright Steels. They're a lot cheaper than the D'addario's.
  11. The only experience i have is when a bass string snapped on me was with Warwick Red Label.
  12. Mine too. I got a set on my 7ender P. After four months these strings are still bright. I would need two sets of Rotosound Swingbass to last this time period. What's your comment on Dunlop Steels? I read a lot of positive comments on these.
  13. Rikkers

    5 String Advice?

    Both the Cort Artisan B5 / A5 and the Ibanez SR 5ers has slim necks.
  14. Hi. Anyone found an alternative for these strings. This is for me the best strings ever and now they're discontinued. Rotosound is one but they're not as flexible and are dead too soon.
  15. Nope. Just me.
  16. There's still one PJ on my wishlist. Those black with white bindings ones are classy as a tuxedo. Only problem is that I just bought a new Gibson Thunderbird.
  17. Lefty Gibson guitars and basses are all wired right handed.
  18. What's your budget, then? I come across a japanese Fender P once in a while. Sometimes you come across an American Standard P of the same brand for €800,-.
  19. Aria made Jazz Basses from the 70s until now. We need pics to help you. Or/and a serial code.
  20. Not interested in an American Standard P? What is your budget?
  21. It's easily the best bass I've ever owned. I expected a coil tap switch but it's not in mine.
  22. Thanx.
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