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Everything posted by JamesXP

  1. New head ;D
  2. It certainly is extremely loud.. Not really had a chance to dig in properly otherwise the 100 year old terraced property I live in amongst the other houses attached may be damaged in the process! will have to wait to get it to practise/gig to get a proper feel of how powerful it is though!
  3. Just picked this up today from PMT in Manchester Picked it up for £600 with some speakon cables chucked in too.. sounds ace.. will post more once i've gigged with it properly!
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiMAMBhVvMY apologise now for poor vid quality.. sound shoudn't be so bad!
  5. I got me Squier Jazz in there for £60! Tort guard and all
  6. When I've had basses that have horrid fretboards i've always cleaned them first with a toothbrush and water mixed with a tiny bit of washing up liquid. then apply a liberal dose of lemon oil and clean up the frets with gorgomyte (miracle cloth is hte same thing pretty much too)
  7. I would also be quite interested to know!
  8. +1 on the TE stuff... had a GP7 130 1x15 combo as my first amp. got it for around 100 quid ish and it never missed a beat!
  9. Tempted.. If it's still here come pay day you may have PM!
  10. If you're local you should come down? 21st Feb https://www.facebook.com/events/1379210685656817/?ref=22
  11. Half of my rig out at a jam need to fill out my rack!
  12. Possibly.. but why would you want to mix cabs?
  13. just picked this up .. peavey max bass preamp ignore EQ settings.. just playing around haha Sounds immense so far through my interface.. will try it out proper at rehearsal on sunday
  14. Probably not.. it's a charity so they likely get pretty cheap rates on postage anyway! but a lot more people across england will be tempted to bid if postage is only £4.50.. therefore more bids and more money! clever clever ahah
  15. Got most of this down but struggling with the little fills that go all through out the verses... can someone help me out?
  16. Depends... about half the gigs will be small pubs/clubs where i'll just run the 410.. otherwise it's outdoor events and large halls where it will all be unleashed
  17. Not a massive fan of the sounds and I'd rather have something I can alter on the go in front of me rather than bending down! I have sourced a peavey Max bass preamp which is quite lucky as they appear to be pretty rare over here will be picking it up next week!
  18. My main gigging bass is a £60 squier jazz affinity.. and it has been for almost a year now without an issue.. except for when it got knocked over an a machine head snapped.. cheaply sorted though!
  19. Something tells me that powerhouse 210 hiding in the corner is yours? :')
  20. Something new for me..
  21. Got a nice little picture! These things are reasonably light for a 4x10 and sound bloody amazing! Tried to record with my phone but it seems it was a bit too loud and just distorted!
  22. Dincz that sounds like it could be a good solution.. Do you find the preamp allows you to get away from the scooped mids of the BDI21?
  23. I do like the versatility it offers you in terms of swapping things around.. and the general ruggedness of a rack case compared to a standalone head! all our instrument cables are made from van damme tour cable with genuine neutrik connectors by our guitarist and he makes all the speaker cables with neutrik connectors too.. not sure on cable though its hefty stuff though!
  24. I have just found one on eBay.. (the MPX1 that is) How would you describe it dincz?
  25. I had the idea luke, I've posted there previously but nothing of interest popped up unfortunately! maybe my luck will change!
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