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Everything posted by Sipuri

  1. ... not pending anymore ๐Ÿ˜‰ Stefan
  2. sold or still available? Thx Sip.
  3. Curious to see some pics here soon...๐Ÿ˜‹
  4. Curious to see some pics here soon...๐Ÿ˜‹
  5. What I would like to add that the full solid neck is said to contribute a lot to the uniqe sound and endless SUSTAIN of the Vigiers... May be a matter of personal taste: I never played basses which would allow such a low string action. On my Arpege 6str string action at 24th fret is less then a matchstick:
  6. perfect.
  7. ... safely arrived??
  8. ... your black Arpรจge isn't bad either colorwise... ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. Thank you. First from the right is my latest acquisition (1996 Passion 6str). It took me a long time to get this family together. Esp. 5 + 6 string in excellent condition for reasonable prices are hard to get, one came from Germany (where I live), 2 from France and 1 from the Netherlands.
  10. These are third party cases (Stagg) for little money, very light, perfect fit for the vigiers (rectangular for the 6-str, conventional for the 5-str), 3D sticker home made... I got the basses w gig bags only, however prefer cases... Just in case you need one - here it comes ... ๐Ÿ˜‰
  11. My Vigiers... all Series III, build 1994-2004, neck-thru, all original, 3 Passion, 1 Arpรจge... I REALLY love to play these basses...
  12. Never had a Vigier with a maple (?) neck and this kind (array) of electronics in my hand. Is this a bold on neck Vigier, looks like? - could be the actual Ecess series resp. Roger Glover Signature...
  13. Can confirm - I fully agree to all. I play two 5 strings (both Passion) and two 6-strings (passion, arpege) , stunning basses with unique playing feel, sound, response.
  14. Aha, und ein Passion kommt jetzt auch noch dazu... ;-) LG Stefan
  15. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1509481328' post='3399347'] Last bass on the bucket list is a Vigier. This thread is not helping GAS,it's definitely not indigestion I'm feeling just now [/quote] Did you ever play one? There's nothing which can compare, completely different from all I played before. I played (at least tried) nearly most of all common brands, bought, sold... In normal life I play Fender Jazz Basses (apart from some other brands) but Vigier is a completely different thing. I use it in my Progressive Rock band.
  16. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1509469972' post='3399222'] Nice basses! Have you ever tried a series 2? I used to have a couple of series III instruments, a 5 string like yours and a fretless 4. I also liked the series IV but don't like the shame quite as much as the older ones; they look bit too 'modern' (rather than '80's modern') to me! [/quote] [quote name='ped' timestamp='1509470024' post='3399225'] The ones with pickups right at the bridge are the Passion models. The ones with more spaced pickups are the Arpege models. They both have their own advantages, my advice is to get one of each [/quote] Yeah, get one of each is a very good advice. I also had an Excess (5st), very good bass indeed, but not comparable. In my eyes it's not a Jazz and it's not a typical Vigier if you go for a Vigier. I like the specific shape and the specific tone of the model III most. The Series II with full carbon neck is a very light weighted model, missing a little the warmth of the wood/carbon model and the feel of the carbon might not fit for everyone. Still a very good bass woth it's price. But in fact, thats the reason why I hesitate to grab for a Series II Passion Fretless Model (my dealer has one for sale). It does not have the delta metal fretboard which I would prefer also for a FL also. IMHO the Series III if you consider the value and the price it's a good very good choice.
  17. String action (6-string) at 24th fret <1mm for all strings
  18. Meanwhile I had contact with then master himself, Patrice Vigier, about some technical features. He recommended to me to also try the new Series IV, So I did, but the are quite different. Perfect in build quality, the best you can buy, excellent definition incl. the low B. The neck is fatter (which is a question of taste), the electronics are concentional 3-band (much easier to handle, may less vigierish...), the output vol is lower. But: also much heavier than the III Series, from 4.4kg upwards. I did an extensive comparison between the Dingwall Lee Sklar (owned by a friend of mine), the actual Vigier Passion IV 5 and the1994er III Series shown above (it's been posted on bassic a while ago). For my taste, the old series III did best, Dingwall LS and Vigier IV very close at overall level, whereas I without any doubt would prefer the Vigier by different reasons. The comparison ended me sending back the Vigier IV 5 to the shop and my friend going away with his Dingwall and some thoughts about trying Vigier first before buying something else - at least in the relevant price area. But - like always - it is also a question of personal taste and being used to.
  19. As promised, here comes: Vigier Passion III, 5string,Serial #112, clear red, 1994, original parametric electronics, found in 2014 in Germany, sounds "bombastic", superb low B, very low string action, has some marks Vigier Passion Custom III, 5string,Serial #241, clear midnight blue, 2004, original parametric electronics, excellent sound balance, a little more tamed as the 1994 , sounds more like the actual series IV, mint condition, found in Paris 2017, 4 weeks negotiations until I finally got it Vigier Arpege 1995 III, 6string, Serial 021, burgundy, 2004, original 12positions ROM-Sound, off-phase swithc asf., excellent sound, very well balanced, excellent tone defintion, string action below 1mm at 24th fret for all strings, found in the Netherlands in 2017, one out of 27 total built, the only one in 1995
  20. Good to see Vigier has a home here... will come back tomorrow with some more beauties with me
  21. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1509286602' post='3397782'] Mine seem to be all around 4-5mm at the 17th I do dig in a bit and don't like any buzz. [/quote] Yes it's a question if taste but also of playing style and depending on bass naturally. My Fender would never allow a string action compared to the Vigiers nor does my playing style with Rock, Heavy etc... music.
  22. ..some Vigier pics adds: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gohazmqmpf9zljj/Vigier%20Front2.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/88msa8t32o464g8/Vigier%20Family%20Back.jpg?dl=0 6str "burgundy red" Custom 1995 bought 2017 in NL 5str "clear blue night" Custom 2004 bought 2017 in Paris 5 str "clear red" 1995 bought 2014 in GY I use the Vigiers only in my Progrock Band. Rock, Pop, Jazz, Soul - I only use my beloved Fender Jazzys (all Standards).
  23. some pics taken some minutes ago. Nothing touches the bass except the single match resp. the string ruler on one photo. [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/tkh3y48od50tk0x/1%20strings%20south.jpg?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....0south.jpg?dl=0[/url] [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/va8pn1ltavzhcql/2%20c%20string%20match%20head%20exceeding%20string%20by%20f.jpg?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....by%20f.jpg?dl=0[/url] [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/av3qvaw68b8zfkt/3%20C%20string%20hits%20ruler%20at%20.75mm%20at%2017th%20fret.jpg?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....20fret.jpg?dl=0[/url] [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/1e55ksq68rzowgp/5%20a%20d%20string%20match%20head%20exceeding%20string.jpg?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....string.jpg?dl=0[/url] [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/kuxiaerurrqinhr/6%20c%20string%20match%20head%20exeeding%20string.jpg?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....string.jpg?dl=0[/url] [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/f08fjkj9uqakv2l/7%20parallel%20exceeding.jpg?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....eeding.jpg?dl=0[/url] the string ruler pic shows the 17th fret. Distances at B-string a tick higher but not exceeding 1mm distance at 24th fret. Did not adjust anything after taking the bass out of his box after having received it, just changed the strings to Elixir Nickel super light + .125 and .032 not adjusting anything the bridge (Kahler). The bass does not have trussrod (neck ist carbon/wood-construction). It was build in 1995 (the only 6st Vigier has built in that year, 1 of 27 in total produced by Vigier). I bought the bass 3 weeks ago at tools4tones in the netherlands (I live near Munich). The two Passion I own (5-strings) have a similar low action comparable as the 6str shown here, especially the 1994 5str. The 2004 (mono rail bridge) is a little different.
  24. Pics will come tomorrow.
  25. Wanted to add that I use Elixir Nickel Super Light strings with a .125 B and .032 C string which may support noiseless playing with such low string action.
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