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Everything posted by FinnDave

  1. Who was playing bass when you drummed with them?
  2. That'll be the other Dave, I've only got daughters His boy's a pretty handy guitarist, I've jammed with them both.
  3. I often play at the blues jam at Fat Lils on the last Sunday of the month which organised by a bloke with the same name as me, which has led to some confusion. He's plays guitar, so if we can find a Dave Smith who plays drums, we'll have to try a 'The Dave Smiths' trio Didn't know they had jams on other Sundays though.
  4. Maybe I should try superglue, good tip!
  5. There's a lot of us about! We should have our own 'bass players from Oxfordshire' section.
  6. Our drummer suggested a small blob of blue tack on the pick, I tried it last night and it made the whole thing much easier, thicker where I need it plus it moulds itself to my thumb and doesn't slip. I was playing runs as quickly as I used to with my fingers, but with better clarity and tone. The band like the new sound! I miss the organic feel of thumping out the rhythm with my fingers on the strings, though.
  7. Cheers, I used a standard pick at tonight's rehearsal and for the first time had no trouble with it, and was actually happy with my playing.
  8. Cheers, look very similar to the ones I use (haven't dropped one yet but hand gets a bit cramped holding them, but it is no longer a normal hand!). I'll give the thumb picks a try next week.
  9. Hopefully, my need to use picks will not be permanent, the docs reckon they can graft in a piece of tendon from 'somewhere else' in me (not something I want to think about!) but it will need at least 6 weeks post op to recover. I probably won't be able to play at all during that time. All because a dozy driver wasn't looking where she was going
  10. Interesting question, back in the 70s I used to gig with a Selmer treble & bass 50 and 2x15 home made cab. It was enough, and the bands I was in then played heavier and more intense music than I do now, and now I use a 500 watt amp!
  11. Seems to be a lot of support for the thumb pick, I'll definitely pop into PMT and get a couple, I have a few hours to kill between appointments at the hospital on Tuesday, so should manage then.
  12. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1460020859' post='3021782'] Dave, you might find this interesting/useful. Scoll down to 'Dystonia Debilitation'. [url="http://www.thehamsters.co.uk/interviews/bassist.php"]http://www.thehamste...ews/bassist.php[/url] [/quote] Thanks for that, very interesting. I read the whole article. I found my quote of the week, probably the year in there as well: [quote][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]I was literally breaking G strings by hanging on with my second and third finger".[/size][/font][/color][/quote]
  13. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1460027385' post='3021866'] Thanks, Paultrader. Hey wow, this really is the Oxford bass triangle !! LD [/quote] I hope that doesn't mean our basses will start to disappear!
  14. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1459971563' post='3021453'] You could try purchasing a Thumb Pick which may afford you a little more control as it clips on to your thumb, then you can use your fingers to support it rather than grip which maybe a problem if, as you say, your finger is giving you grief. Here's one: [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/rs/pictures/tn1_100818.jpg"]http://www.gak.co.uk.../tn1_100818.jpg[/url] I've used them in the past, but when they are a bit long, I file them down with a nail file. [/quote] Thanks for that, I'll get a couple when I am in town next week.
  15. Thanks LD, I'll drop into PMT on the Cowley Road when I am in town next week and try some different picks. I have to use my middle finger to help at the moment as I can't grip well with the index finger (smashed my wrist in a bike crash at Eynsham 4 months ago). I am using various picks but all are Gibson 351 shape.
  16. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1459977720' post='3021542'] I have the problem of the pick rotating when I play the mandolin - have sweaty hands, which makes it worse. The grip of death not the answer. If you drill a hole through the middle of the pick (use a countersink bit for a smooth edge to the hole), the skin to skin contact between the fingers is a big help. Try it (hold the pick with pliers to save your fingers when drilling). [/quote] Cheers, I'll give that a go in the morning.
  17. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1459973234' post='3021487'] Its just practice. I'm quite a good pick player but dreadful at fingerstyle. Stick with it [/quote] Thanks, I'll keep trying. It gets a bit easier after a few songs, but it'll take a while till it feels 'right'.
  18. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1459971563' post='3021453'] You could try purchasing a Thumb Pick which may afford you a little more control as it clips on to your thumb, then you can use your fingers to support it rather than grip which maybe a problem if, as you say, your finger is giving you grief. Here's one: [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/rs/pictures/tn1_100818.jpg"]http://www.gak.co.uk.../tn1_100818.jpg[/url] I've used them in the past, but when they are a bit long, I file them down with a nail file. [/quote] I'll look for thumb picks next time I go to town, cheers.
  19. Wouldn't work for me, I don't have any pedals! Good tip, though, thanks.
  20. cheers, guys, trouble is I now have limited movement and can't really make a fist (still not allowed to drive as can't grip wheel with on hand). I am trying with pick gripped between thumb and forefinger meeting in the same plane, and a little reinforcement from middle finger (but that's the one that's buggered). I like the sound of the pick, good attack and clarity of notes, but struggling to get the fluency I had with fingers.
  21. 40 years plus as a finger player, recent injury from a (motor)bike accident means if I wanna keep gigging (and I do) that I have to use pick now. So, how do you hold the damn thing? I find it rotates and that makes life difficult. Hard enough getting used to up and down strokes. Gig in a coupla weeks, so need help soon!
  22. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1459959672' post='3021311'] FinnDave, checking your band facebook page I see your sunburst Jazz which looks neat, and a Precision. Hey, what about that ? The paint got lost on the P bass I use somewhere along the road ! LD [/quote] Cheers, your bare wood Precision looks good too. The sunburst Jazz is a 60s classic (nitro paint) and the white Precision has a sunburst twin as well. I also bought a black Jazz last week as I've bust a finger tendon (right hand) and can only play with a pick for now, the new bass was to cheer me up!
  23. Hi from another local bassist. I'm out near Witney.
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1459882107' post='3020594'] For me, no, not really. I need that attention, applause and cheering after we play a song to feel fulfilled. Blue [/quote] Blue, mate, that's not about music, it's about performing. I am the same, I need that audience, that interaction, to feel good. It's that or the booze!
  25. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1459715041' post='3018948'] And another mention for chancers! Forming Roman Empire revolutionary movement: Spartacus wanted! [/quote] Should get plenty of replies!
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