We did the closing set from nine til after eleven at small festival by the Thames yesterday. It's the third time we've done it, and usually there is a big and enthusiastic crowd, but there were'nt too many willing to stand in the cold to watch us. Pub was packed, most of them were all inside listening! They missed a good show, though, as there was a quality PA with people who knew how to make it work for us, plus decent lighting, dry ice and a pyrotechechnics display in front of the stage, which helped warm us up a little. We all had our coats on for the second set!
I'm sure the playing and sound was better than any of the three we played last weekend, just a shame about the weather. It paid OK as well, I just missed going home with that buzz a good audience gives you. The people that stayed outside to enjoy the show had a good time, just a shame the weather put most people off.