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Everything posted by timmo

  1. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1478559437' post='3169977'] People are not panicking blindly, they are worried because their money is becoming worthless, and as a result they might lose their homes, and end up being governed by idiots who want to punch foreigners in the face and think climate change is a hoax. A stiff upper lip and a positive outlook is very noble but not much use when you're on the precipice of a waterfall in a deflating rubber dinghy. [/quote] Sounds like you are heading for health problems with such a bleak outlook on life. It might not happen yet
  2. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1478542069' post='3169759'] Not to put a dampener on things, but this is just the beginning, everyone - the 'thing' we don't mention hasn't actually started yet, this just a bit of a gentle fluctuation due to international anxiety coupled with a touch of opportunism. Get ready for a nice long descent into the abyss once it does start. That extra 300 will seem like the good old days soon, but basses will be the least of our worries by then. [/quote]Maybe, but not certain
  3. The £ may go up in value if the appeal is upheld. If it does, Maybe places like Thomann will be cheaper, as I suspect the UK retailers will not change
  4. I was having a bit of a 60`s psychedelic moment and came across The Sacred Mushroom, with the album being the same name. So I am listening to them at the moment
  5. Matthews Southern Comfort - Woodstock Was Love - Alone Again Or , a hit? I think it was their only real success, but not sure if it could be classed as a hit Thinking about it a bit more, I quite like Zager And Evans 2525 and my secret favourite is probably 5th Dimension, Aqurius/let the sun shine in. I find it a bit cheesy, but I seem to like it
  6. Thanks for the reply Bert. I will order a pair
  7. I have one of these. I bought it for £40 a few years ago. It crackles and sometimes makes strange noises. I was looking at maybe stripping and repainting it, and changing the pickups. Having a quick look under the scratch plate, it looks like it is a laminated body. That makes me wonder if it is worth it. I found some Entwistle pickups for arond £20, but not sure if they are any good. I am assuming I will be wasting my money putting in EMG's and the like,in such a bass. Basically, I am asking if Entwistle pickups are any good, and would it be worth it , or any other suggestions? I doubt it will be worth any more money even with better electronics, but it seems like a decent little project. It is passive, so I assume I will need to get pickups that are passive, or will any pickups work ?
  8. I don`t really see too much wrong with what the seller is doing. The price is clearly put up, so there is no doubt as to what people are paying. I don`t see how they are ripping people off, as there is no deceit taking place, they are just acting as middle men . I really don`t see how anyone buying a bass for £800 plus can not know the rough value of such a bass in the first place. Has anyone bought car insurance for £557.02 when you can get the same deal for £200? Same scenario for me.If you type in Ibanez 500 on the ebay site, you get all the prices from £300 second hand, and the retail price, and the rip off prices,, so the same as using Money Supermarket site.
  9. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1477680747' post='3163888'] i wonder how people feel about the reverse situation? It's just as common on eBay for people to sell things way below market value because they don't understand the working mechanism of eBay or haven't researched enough. I've seen lots of amazing bargains that have been snapped up quickly (some by me!) but we rarely see threads bemoaning the plight of the seller who may have been hit with a big loss on his sale. Quick edit - I saw one of these recently. A genuine 66 Jazz priced at least £1,500 below market value. I contacted the seller and he increased the price and told me he actually got a lot more interest at the higher value, lol [/quote]Maybe it was one of those, if it looks too good, it is a ripoff scenario
  10. Interesting how he got his first shot of fame. RIP
  11. Reading this, I am wondering if the guitarist on their guitar forum is explaining the situation, and saying everyone wanted to pack up, but the bassist refused to back us up. It does sound like the pub have let you down though
  12. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1477067217' post='3159695'] Also despite Mum's really cool record collection, Curtis Mayfield's bass player Joseph "Lucky" Scott was also someone who managed to avoid me until adulthood. [/quote] That is one I am listening to a lot.Well Curtis Mayfield, as I have no idea who played the bass, which fits neatly into a question. I have to transcribe a song for the first time, so I picked Pusherman. Is Scott playing the bass on that? In fact, I am just getting into the Superfly soundtrack. Some awesome tracks on it
  13. I don`t think there is any that I wish I discovered earlier. I had hardly heard of any of the bass players until I joined this forum. Discovering new ones always gives me a sense of enjoyment. A lot of music I wouldn`t even have bothered with. If a Micheal Jackson song came on the radio, I would switch off, but I now listen to the bass line, as there are some great examples. So even songs I knew, I am rediscovering them and the bass player.
  14. It is a very hard question i have no idea if it is a pinnacle, but if I could play The Real Me perfectly, I will be very happy
  15. It makes me feel inadequate. I feel sorry for it, because it deserves someone who can play it better than me. I am at a stage where I prefer theory than playing.
  16. As an add on to this, does anyone have a headphone case, or just put them in a bag loose?
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1476288406' post='3153081'] Has anyone tried Ultimate stands.? [/quote] Yes. I had one. I kept my bass permanantely in it. I went into the room to fing my bass on the floor. The yoke had snapped clean off for no apparent reason. I may just have had a dodgy one though.
  18. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1476257500' post='3152673'] I had a pair which was ok but I never loved them. It started dropping the sound on one side (it wasn't the cable) and got rid off them and now I use Audio Technica ATH-M50 which I feel are a lot better. [/quote] that is the reason i never imparted any comments. Mine work great and sound great, but I am comparing them against cheap hifi stuff, so I have no idea how they sound against others. They could be crap for all I know ☺
  19. Another innocuous topic turned wierd
  20. I have never gigged. Got psoriatic arthritis at 19 which nearly left me crippled. With modern drugs, my joints became more pliableafter 30 years, so thought I would try playing bass. What I get out of it is exercise for my fingers and the sense of learning something. I am not good at playing, but I really enjoy the theory.I cant play for much longer than 20 minutes at a time before my fingers cramp up, so I can't see me playing live. I would like to learn to record sometime.
  21. I only found out today that my Grandfather was pretty efficient on the mouth organ. My Grandmother had perfect pitch and could play anything she had heard. Unfortunately none of it passed on to me
  22. The soundtrack will be good even if the movie sucks
  23. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1475220006' post='3144047'] Here's a question for you Blue - The Beatles in Mono or Stereo? [/quote] That is an interesting question. One I never thought about, so I looked it up. Apparently the mono box set that was released in 2009 was played to a select audience on an $80000 mono player and told you will never hear it as good as that again.You really would need to be a massive fan to buy one of those. Would be good to listen to both mono and stereo on similarly specced machines to hear the difference
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