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Everything posted by timmo

  1. I know Blue is big enough to defend himself, but I feel some comments are getting a bit over the top. Surely people have got Blue's number by now. I know he states opinions as facts, but I would have thought people would cut him so slack. I actually like his enthusiasm. I really think the you had to be there line is rubbish, but have a little restraint.
  2. [quote name='blablas' timestamp='1474893764' post='3141280'] It's way to quiet here on the left side, the last post dates back to the end May! Forces me to post the last few additions to the blablas bass family. [/quote] Unfortunately most people only have a couple of basses. I do like looking at the ones you post though
  3. Personally, I prefer to play two octave minor and major scales, and try to play them all over the fretboard. I find it takes you away from pattern play a bit more. It really gets you thinking when you play 2 octave arpeggio`s.
  4. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1475146588' post='3143393'] Interesting. There were no Squier Strats before 1982. Possible accident involving a contraceptive & a time machine? [/quote] Well that is interesting. I was so sure it was when I started senior school I got it. I must have got the dates wrong in an effort to sound cool on a bass forum . I know i was still at school anyway As it must have been an early one, whenever I got it, I wonder if they are worth anything and i made a mistake selling it.
  5. That was awkward.
  6. I am not a massive beatles fan, or much of a music historian, but I cant help feeling that people saying that the Beatles were not that big a deal in the UK are wrong. Surely 20 number 1 hits when it was more difficult to get hits in the mid 60's than today, is testament to how big they were here. Rhianna could overtake them as she is on 14, but take any song the Beatles did with Umbrella from Rhianna, and the Beatles songs were masterpieces
  7. Virtually everything bass related I have owned is an indulgence. I just go up too my shed and play it with absolutely no audience. Even my shed is an indulgence because I built it with the sole intention of playing my bass through a small amp so no one can hear me. No one except my teacher has really heard me play anything. I guess I could have just got by with a cheap bass and a vox amplug.
  8. I got an electric guitar when I was 11. Christmas 1979. I wanted to be Paul Weller I never did manage to learn how to play it. It was a Squire Strat. I sold it for £60 in about 1987.
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1475029142' post='3142438'] Might be a good thread; "How To Diplomatically Exit From Your Band" Bluetooth [/quote] did your name get autocorrected ?
  10. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1474801928' post='3140569'] Everyone who took part yesterday, or who helped organise it, did so on a purely voluntary basis. The £10 entrance fee is there to cover the cost of the venue and raise some money for charity, or charities in our case, as we tend to donate the money between 2 or 3 charities dear to our hearts every year. So, Herbie Flowers, John Bentley, and Alex Claber all gave their time freely - as have many others over the last 10 years - as a donation to the cause, so we are really indebted to them for helping to make these events extra special! The same can be said of Paul Herman and Phil of Wal basses, Andrew Needham of D'Addario UK, TimAl of the Original Scratchplate Company Ltd and Ian Robinson, the Luthier who came up with bassninja to do set-ups - all came along to support the event and give it an extra dimension, and hopefully, they gain some great direct PR as a result. [/quote] Oh, I appreciate everything everyone did, it was just unbelievable that you can get a days entertainment for a tenner. I really can`t think of anything with such value. I just hope I am not working next year.
  11. I just don't know how it can all be organised for the cost of a tenner enterance fee. The people you get to speak are top drawer.Really enjoyed it, with the bonus of other left handed bassists to meet and try their basses. Thanks to the organisers for a well run, enjoyable event
  12. I have an Ashdown DH -15 -C110. It is just an Ashdown CTM 15 head , but has the cab with it. Don't know if anyone is interested having a go on it, as it does make a nice little home valve amp. It ain't going to compete with the big amps that will be there for noise, so not sure if there will be interest.
  13. I have to say.... I am really looking forward to tomorrow
  14. Thanks for the replies. I now know what DAT, and ADAT is. Only around 20 years late
  15. Not knowing anything about DAT, why did you choose to use it instead of VHS. I assume from what I have read, it is video. Was it a much better quality, and was it rare to use? No reason for asking, other than I have never heard of it, and obviously, as it is tape, I will never have cause to use it.
  16. Lol. I thought it was a jukebox. A 200A is still a nice jukebox though ☺
  17. That is one of the problems of old jukeboxes today. I got a broken one last year, and could never find any one who fixes them anymore. I did find a small electrical repair firm who looked at it. When he did find the fault, it was going to cost loads of money, as I could only find parts in USA. He told me it wasn`t worth it as the circuit boards were pretty fragile as well. I ended up dumping it and buying a working one. They are great things to have. I do hope you get it fixed though. They look really cool and it would be a shame to have to get rid of an old one like that. Mine was an old eighties thing, so I wasn`t that upset, but a Wurlitzer 200 A I would be.
  18. Meg White in the top 100, and Michael Shrieve behind Ringo Starr. Not a very good list.
  19. I am trying to read music so I practice everyday if possible. I have had a damn cold the last few days which is making it difficult, but generally I try at least 30 mins a day.
  20. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1467478772' post='3084014'] No, I don't see any logic there, because they are poles apart there is a good chance you wouldn't like her? Why? [/quote] Well, if you look at the example of Project C, who likes Shyfx , he doesn`t like Adele`s music. I don`t know why, i guess people hear music differently.If you asked the average Adele fan if they like Gwar, I am thinking more Adele fans would not like them? Maybe I am wrong, but a lot of people like certain music that is similar in taste.
  21. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1467472821' post='3083964'] So is there some rule about not being allowed to dislike Adele now because she is popular? I am sure she is a nice woman and all, but having watched her at glastonbury, the first songs she was singing dull songs flat, which I am prepared to believe is monitoring issues, but when I came back to it, the last song, which I had heard before wasnt flat and was just a bit dull. I like a lot of singers, just her songs do absolutely nothing for me. Doesn't make her a bad singer, just nothing that I would want to see again, and it seems others feel this way. [/quote]No. You can dislike her music as much as you like. No idea where I said anything about a rule saying you can`t dislike her.There are lots of forms of music I dislike, and it is good that there are many choices. Lots of people like so many genres, but my statement that Adele and Shyfx is true that the genres are poles apart, so there is a good chance you would not like her. I like some of her stuff, but I wouldn`t buy any.
  22. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1467470634' post='3083945'] Don't think anyone criticised her success. Some people find her music boring and depressingly middle-of-the-road. To be fair I can't stand that kind of music but I was there in person and watched 3 songs to see if it would change my mind, but my god I couldn't wait to get out of there fast enough. Went to Arcadia to see ShyFX instead, much better idea. [/quote] I can see why you don`t like Adele then. A singer to a DJ mixing other peoples work is just poles apart.
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1467459144' post='3083820'] Well in that case I'm happy to say Adele's music bores me [/quote] I dont know what it is about Adele. I didnt give her much chance years ago, but after seeing her on tv , she seems so normal and aproachable , and I think that is her appeal. Makes a nice change from the stars that want nothing to do with thier fans except take thier money. I find her quite refreshing.
  24. I just watched the whole Adele slot on Iplayer. It was never going to be difficult, but she was much better than last years Saturday headline slot
  25. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1466943841' post='3079858'] Switched it on to catch a few minutes of Adele and ended up watching the whole set. Thought she was very good. I'm quite prepared to be in the minority with this opinion. [/quote] i will be in the minority with you
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