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Everything posted by timmo

  1. Live It Up - Mental as Anything . Not a bad song. I think Inside by Stiltskin is my favourite one hit wonder
  2. I only ended up buying a PJB Bighead. Havent tried it out yet. I really liked the Manne basses, but an extra £500 for a left handed bass has slightly put me off
  3. Deep Blue Something- Breakfast At Tiffany`s Shaddup Your Face- Joe Dolce . Thankfully never heard of again
  4. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1457633145' post='3000483'] I can only go for Saturday morning, but would really enjoy it I think. Mostly aiming to meet Sander DeGier in person, since he made me such a lovely bass (and possibly ask him where I can source more R.Cocco Nickels, they're the absolute tits). Would be keen to check a few bass exhibits and say hi to some BCers too. Is it worth coming if just for half a day? [/quote]I would guess it depends on whether you are interested in seeing the performers. You could probably do all the stalls easily in 90 minutes, and that is taking a reasonable amount of time on each stand you are interested in.
  5. I like a bit of Neil Young. Harvest is a great album
  6. It does say they will accept bids. Have a go, you may be surprised, or not.
  7. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1457606407' post='3000020'] Blue Then why the uncertainty over whether it was shipped or not ? [/quote]I think it is best to let it go. He obviously never read the post properly.
  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1457508201' post='2999101'] Been honing my slap technique in preparation for the weekend.... [/quote]Hopefully you won`t be there on Sunday
  9. Topic elsewhere
  10. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1457426050' post='2998270'] Yes, that's what I meant. Barrett & Wright are dead, Waters left ages ago, leaving just Mason & Gilmour - and Gilmour wasn't an original member. [/quote]Ahh yes. I see what you meant now
  11. No idea on everything, but I was looking at a Hofner 63 reissue last year. I was given £500 cheaper than the best internet price. I was tempted, but wasnt really my sort of thing.
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1457445118' post='2998636'] Not really. I play these songs far too often... as it's what people apparently want to hear. 132 wedding/corporate gigs in 2014 and these songs pretty much were staple. It's got nothing to do with slow day or running people down. Chill out a bit and enjoy the topic for what it is. You know, you don't have to participate in a thread... people aren't going to force you... and as far as I am aware, participation isn't mandatory. [/quote]It is ok. I read the topic totally wrong, for which I realised, and was going to delete it, but I thought I may as well just leave it up as it will teach me to read things properly before responding and take the comments on the chin as experience.. I can understand that different songs attract a different type of `dancer`
  13. These songs are the bread and butter of the pub/wedding bands, so even if you hate them, it gives other people a bit of entertainment. There seems to be a lot of threads running down people who have been made rich from their music. Must be another slow day for decent topics
  14. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1457376860' post='2997965'] Didn't Waters effectively leave the band soon after The Wall? Pink Floyd released subsequent albums without Waters, but with Rick Wright gone they were down to just two of the originals (maybe only one if you don't count Gilmour), so probably a good time to call it a day. Still, whatever the internal politics, their recorded legacy is assured. [/quote]Wasn`t Nick Mason an original member?
  15. No idea how big your shed is or looks like, but I have made mine look like an annexe. Get a doorbell and curtains and make it look like it is lived in. Also i have lights on a timer.
  16. It used to be a real jukebox, but it got converted from vinyl to CD. I tried loading the file, but it was too big, so I stuck it on Youtube. It resides in my shed at the top of my garden. It is only a 20 seconds https://youtu.be/nFheE7zqH7A
  17. I bought a jukebox, so a I listen to my CD's on that.
  18. Sweet Soul Music by Arthur Conley references these singers and songs Lou Rawls- Love is a Hurting Sam and Dave- Hold on i`m Coming Wilson Pickett - Mustang Sally Otis Redding - Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
  19. Can you count Mama`s and Papa`s Creeque Alley for mentioning their own California Dreaming?
  20. Sweet Home Alabama - Southern Man by Neil Young
  21. Thanks for the replies, and help. I will get stuck into it tomorrow
  22. If I play an A minor, and use all of the natural notes, I am also playing the notes for a C major. When does it become a mode, as I think I understand that a mode is a scale just starting on a different note, but keeping within the notes of the scale. So if I start a G Major, but start it from F#. Am I playing a mode?
  23. How about Caught By the Fuzz by Supergrass ? It is relatively close to the genres you play . Alien Ant Farm`s version of Smooth Criminal?
  24. I would imagine Carl Orffe's O'fortuna would hardly been known by kids in the 70/80's if it hadnt been for Old Spice
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