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Posts posted by timmo

  1. I assume that many people have listened to Sgt Peppers as that was one of their best albums. I really can see why people would hate them after listening to that. Awful album. I can see why they are held in such high regard, and I assume that it was good back in the day, but I don`t get it. They were just at the right place at the right time, and get the fact that they were influential to a lot of bands i listen to today. I guess Blue is right that you had to be there. I was too young for The Small Faces , Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd, but I enjoy listening to them even though I wasn`t there.So in conclusion, the Beatles were of their time, as you had to be there, but you can enjoy Pink floyd regardless of whether you were there or not.

  2. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1455550012' post='2980088']
    I'm sure there will always be a place fire the nostalgia but will there be as much interest in ten,twenty or thirty years time? I know there is always "my son loves the Beatles " blah blah but generally the next generation aren't that bothered are they?
    [/quote]I would imagine that has been said for the last 20 years or more.

  3. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1455367699' post='2978464']
    As I wrote timmo, anybody can ask what they like.
    I just didn't think Basses for Sale/Trade was the right place.
    TBH I didn't think Basschat was the right place, but that is only an opinion and certainly not my call.
    If I'd seen where it had moved to I wouldn't have started the thread. I only did so because I thought it had been removed.
    [/quote] I don`t think you are wrong to point it out. A little research could tell you it`s rough value, and £2300 is way to much. If it was signed by Hendrix, then it would be worth it. 50 years time it may be worth the £2500. While they are all still alive though, It is way too much in my opinion, even if it included Brian Jones. There again, it would be a 50 year old guitar, so the value of the guitar may bump it to that price.

  4. Well, a scrap of paper with all the Rolling Stones autographs, a seller wants £750. That includes a signature by Brian Jones, which I would imagine bumps up the price significantly.. I would have to say that it is around £2000 overpriced. Maybe £500 tops as although it is a cheap guitar, it is better than a scrap of paper. An album is for sale with the current line up, plus Bill Wyman for £1850, and it doesn`t even include the record. No idea how long these items have been up for sale.
    These are completed listings of Rolling Stones autographs from ebay. so may give a clearer indication of it`s true value.
    pasted wrong link

  5. I have never used a Bass Ace, but as it doesn`t have to plug directly into the bass, it may last longer. The Voxamp is nice, but you need to treat them gently. I broke my first one because I got the headphone lead caught in my clothing, and ripped out the jackplug. That was the mark 1. The Mark 2 seems better because the jack plug rotates, but I am still careful

  6. I would stick at it if I was you. I have been learning for around the same time as you,and I am not very good. I have had loads of lessons, and know theory better than I can play. Treat it like a journey with no end if it is your hobby, as it is mine. As for playing simple songs that any bass player can play is probably not 100% true. Whatever songs you can play, try something similar, but maybe a tad more technical. It is no good trying to go from Bon Jovi to Victor Wooten in 3 years. I have times when i hate playing, so I put it down for a week or so, and come back better, and enjoy every small goal that i achieve. Keep at it, and don`t listen to other people who are not encouraging. Especially not people who can`t play, as they don`t realise how much it takes to get where you are. What you have achieved so far, hundreds of thousands have failed,

  7. I can`t stand U2, but I don`t see anything wrong with the bass. I think i might like them better if it wasn`t for Bono. I actually like simple bass lines. I am listening to a lot of 70`s disco type stuff, and some of the simple bass lines cut through so well, they just don`t need to be complicated. I guess Papa Was A Rolling Stone is an example of being so simple it is effective. If it works, then it works, no matter how complex

  8. I started in a company that was a job for life nearly 30 years ago. I am still there, but lots of mass redundancies, and constant worries about the future, it doesn't seem like a job for life now The other 2 big employers that were regarded as jobs for life have both gone.
    As for having flexi time and holidays, no chance. My holiday is rota'd in my shift pattern, and as I work in a 24 hour factory, there is no scope for flexi time.
    Boring job, but the best money I will ever get.

  9. [quote name='Bikenbass' timestamp='1454247653' post='2967801']
    I didn't.
    He demanded payment for Children In Need when all others gave their time for free. He shamelessly plugged artists and bands he had an interest in on his radio show.
    Sorry for any offence taken.
    [/quote]I guess that his fee would have been worth it as he was one of the few presenters that was high profile and seemingly universally liked, and could get you to part with your money. You could also say that the people who did it for free were shamelessly plugging themselves on such a high profile show, which I would imagine the free publicity would outweigh the potential future earnings. I wouldn`t hold that against them though.

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