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Everything posted by timmo

  1. timmo


    He has had better backing singers in the past
  2. timmo


    I am watching it now. I like a bit of ELO
  3. I thought it was a hoax when i first heard. Sad news. RIP
  4. I bought a CD of Diana Ross. Obviously I have heard the more well known songs, but some of the lesser known to me are even better. The Supremes must be one of the best backing vocalists in music
  5. [quote name='r16ktx' timestamp='1447089496' post='2904752'] Could the cost of occasional damage be considered as factored into the amount charged for performing? Especially as intoxication is a known hazard, both off and on stage... :-) So I suppose I'm saying you did handle the situation correctly IMHO [/quote]I assume stands and the like could be, being relatively cheap, but it would be hard to factor in a cab head or a bass.
  6. I imagine the drawers would provide better protection than a rack, plus no one would know you have thousands of pounds worth of basses. I like the look of them. Would be even better if they were lockable
  7. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1446207837' post='2897704'] Ouch! That didn't go well at all. I don't know the guy, but your 'leader' does not come off well; just because you lead a band, doesn't make it 'your' band. [/quote]You tell Richie Blackmore that
  8. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1446843427' post='2902937'] If Cozy aint in it (and even with Ritches black magic, he still wont be) then to me it aint Rainbow. Just watch the live in Germany dvd. The guy was a perfect foil for Blackmores playing. [/quote]Cozy is one of the few drummers that i like listening to drum solo`s
  9. I thought it was really good. Not that I am a technical musician. I do think it is unfair to label him as a bad drummer on the strength of one video. He seems to know how to play. Thinking about it, people go on about overplaying, but he is not a lot different from Neil Peart
  10. The line up is a bit underwhelming if you ask me.
  11. I have often thought about how things may have changed if there was not the early demise. Someone said about Hendrix was getting very experimental. Maybe music could have changed dramatically if he had survived.If anyone could have changed the direction music had taken, I think it could have been him.
  12. I bought 2 cheap clip on ones for the road so to speak.. I also have a Seiko that I bought 10 years ago. It never seemed to tune properly, so i replaced it with a Yamaha
  13. I will give you 50 quid
  14. Not sure, but being an avid Planet Rock listener, there has been mention that Joe Lynn Turner desperatley wanted to be incuded, but seems Blackmore snubbed him. It also seem Roger Glover wants no part
  15. The Edge is no better. After bribing town planners to have 5 mansions built on a pristine mountain side, Bono should kick him out of the band if he really believes in the global poverty stuff. Doesn`t set a good example
  16. I have been put off enough Thanks for the replies. I might be tempted if I could get one for a couple hundred .
  17. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1446742624' post='2901985'] Subtle... [/quote] Worth a try
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1446746290' post='2902031'] Hendrix only became "great" because he died young? I wish people would create threads from a position of knowledge, rather than ignorance. [/quote]It could be true. It also helps that you are in the so called 27 club i guess. Who knows in which direction he might have gone if he never died young. He died as a superstar, but if he had survived, he could have ended up as a washed up has been. He was obviously great before he died, as you don`t get to be the main act for Woodstock when you have all the bands on there. Although i like Janis Joplin, I am not sure she would have had the same impact if she was still alive today.
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1446740956' post='2901959'] It's still a very chunky baseball bat; they all are. They weigh more than heavy boat anchors, too. An interesting curiosity, but not, in this modern world, an 'only' bass, imo. Got a link to the one you mention in the OT, by any chance..? [/quote]Yes i have updated the original post with the link
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1446740403' post='2901949'] I can only find this one ... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Watkins-Rapier-Bass-Left-Hander-/272035548885?hash=item3f56950ed5:g:rHoAAOSwjVVVr7l2"]Watkins Rapier Bass, Lefty ...[/url] ... which is definitely for enthusiasts only. Back then, these were used as telegraph poles (I lived only a few miles away from Chertsey at the time, and saw a lot of WEM and Watkins stuff...). There are those that collect 'em, though, and I'd love to be able to find (and afford..!) another Westminster guitar amp (my first, that my elder brother put his foot through..! ). [/quote]That is a different one, but certainly cheaper and a different headstock
  21. He has 2? I am not surprised there are only 7 examples. Why would anyone do it?
  22. I know nothing about them, but I do like the look of it. He has it for buy it now at £650, but says he wants £800 ONO in the dicription. Is it worth £650 ? Oh yes. I knew i forgot something http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Guitar-/272029760814?hash=item3f563cbd2e:g:aicAAOSwo0JWI7il
  23. I am using D` Adarrio chromes. I swapped them for La bella flats. I like them both . I need to experiment with half rounds soon.
  24. I started learning to read music. I am enjoying the challenge. If you have nothing better to do, then I think it is worthwhile.
  25. [quote name='Shedua511' timestamp='1446723491' post='2901718'] You got to separate the man and the artist. A an example, James Brown was a misogynist a-hole, Miles Davis was a pimp in the true sense of the word at one point, I proably wouldn't want to meet either of them, but I love the music!!! [/quote]There are lots of objectional people in music, as in any walk of life, but I think it is the preachy type of people that most probably dislike. John Bonham seemed like a nasty bloke, but I like the music.
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