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Everything posted by timmo

  1. Van Morrison and Bono. and mike Portnoy amongst others.
  2. Black Star Riders? Esentially a Thin Lizzy tribute with the remnanants of the band that still play Thin Lizzy stuff
  3. Joanne Shaw Taylor. Pretty generic rock blues but very good
  4. [quote name='Deep Thought' timestamp='1446203114' post='2897639'] That sounds like Live Wire, who are bloody good. I'll third Limehouse Lizzy. [/quote]Yes, that is the band. Thanks,
  5. I saw an AC/DC tribute, but the name escapes me. Anyway they kicked of with the early stuff with Bon Scott, and returned after a quick break with a different singer doing Brian Johnson stuff. They wete good. I'll also second Limehouse Lizzy.
  6. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1443472868' post='2875115'] What did you get in the end, Timmo? My recent health issues have led me to think I might be better off with a smaller bass. [/quote]I never bothered in the end. I really wanted one of those Ibanez Mikro`s, but can`t find one. I have perservered with standard scale, but will get a mikro if i ever find one
  7. Not a lot of love for this song by the look of it. I hate it as well.
  8. It is here at number 6 http://www.guitarfella.com/best-electric-guitar/bass-and-brands/
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1443099634' post='2872197'] And Macca did NOT auction his 1963 500/1. He still has it, still gigs it. [/quote] Is it true that he had his original Hofner stolen?
  10. I have watched a lot of his videos. I like them as he makes me laugh, and sometimes he has a point. He says in one of his video`s that he is in Canada, so guessing he isn`t American, unless of course he moved to Canada to his studio.
  11. Sort of reminds me of Sisters of Mercy
  12. That is good stuff. Listened to all of them without skipping
  13. Very good bit of gratuitous 8 string content as well.
  14. I need hardly anything i own. I usually just see something i want, and just get what i like within reason. The only way i justify it, is I am on this Earth once, so i may as well enjoy it as much as i can.
  15. They also offer finance, so £20 a month or whatever to buy it looks attractive to people with little spare cash.
  16. I would say Boris the Spider is a novelty song
  17. Is there a cutoff point to add your name? I may be very last minute. I was probably not going to go a few weeks ago, but i am very interested in the Ableton demo if it is still going ahead.
  18. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1442007493' post='2863846'] They don't. Until they use the wording better. If someone says the Fender is better than the Squire then tell me why they're better and why I should buy one and not the other. Where have I said that's the only acceptable answer? I've said it's as good an answer as any of the others and it's an honest answer. [/quote] [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1442015418' post='2863896'] I don't think anybody is being forced to justify anything. You only owe that to yourself and nobody else. A couple of questions have been asked. Some find them pointless, some don't and respond. Not everybody has the same views... erm, what's surprising? What I don't get is the "this thread is pointless" comments (if it's pointless, what are you doing replying to it?) or feeling like you have to justify anything or that you've been attacked. You don't. You haven't. [/quote] A couple of questions are being asked to justify why they spend x amount on a bass, when none is really needed. If someone does, then it is because apparently they should use words better. We are a bass forum, not an English degree forum, some people including myself are not that clever with words Answers are not forced on anyone , but as said in the top quote, why should anyone tell you why the Fender is better over the Squire. It isn`t needed. If someone tells me a Squire is better than a Fender, i will accept their word, and try them both if i wanted one, because they couldn`t give a quantifiable reason..Sometimes you can pick up a bass, and it just feels right. There just isn`t a definable thing, it just feels comfortable. It can`t always be quantified, as it may have the same neck profile, and same shape body. Like buying a house. You can walk in, and just doesn`t feel right. The house you generally buy, is because it feels right. Nothing quantifiable. Why does a neck feel faster over another? Is there anything definable about it? I am just wondering how a bass which isn`t the best bass, but it sounds best, and got the neck that is favoured is not the best? Sometimes things can not be answered, in a definable way. That is why it is pointless, but Strongbow on a Saturday night makes them relevant again
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1442010241' post='2863868'] You've completely lost me there. If you put two basses next to each other and said one has a thinner neck than another one, then you can instantly prove whether it has by measuring them. That's a quantifiable measurement. Everyone will agree. It's physical. A fact. No doubt about it. If you put two basses next to each other and said one bass is better than the other then that is subjective. Purely an opinion. It's not measurable or quantifiable in any sense of the word. [/quote] You have stated that it isn`t the best bass, but it has the best sound you have tried, and the best neck that fits you, but isn`t the best bass you have tried. Makes no sense to me. If it is the best sound and neck you prefer, out of the bass you have tried, then why isn`t it the best bass you have tried. What makes a worse sounding bass in your opinion , better than the Ibanez. I am just asking what basses you have compared to come to your quantifiable conclusion.
  20. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1442007493' post='2863846'] They don't. Until they use the wording better. If someone says the Fender is better than the Squire then tell me why they're better and why I should buy one and not the other. Where have I said that's the only acceptable answer? I've said it's as good an answer as any of the others and it's an honest answer. Do I think the Ibanez is a better bass than all the others I've tried? No. The neck is thinner and I prefer the sound. It's easier on my wallet, ears and fingers, and mine is a nice natural finish. Of those only two are quantifiable. The fact I like the sound and think the wood looks good are just a taste thing. [/quote] I have no idea what your Ibanez is, but you say it isn`t the best you have tried, but it fits your budget. That is fine. The neck is thinner against what? Then you say you prefer the sound. So it isn`t the best bass you have tried, but in your opinion you prefer the sound. You prefer the sound to what? What bass have you tried that is better than the Ibanez, but doesn`t have the sound you prefer?The neck is thinner against which basses you have tried? Surely the Ibanez must be the best you have tried as it has the neck you like and the sound you prefer? Why are some of the basses you have tried, better than the Ibanez? You haven`t really quantified anything, but gave the same sort of answers as other people who haven`t apparently answered in previous posts.
  21. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1441540210' post='2859604'] As I wrote earlier, if you feel you have to defend yourself then maybe you should look at really why you bought the bass. So far only one person has admitted to being an out and out poser. [/quote] Basically, the only reason that seems acceptable to you, if someone just says they are a poseur? While same may, that is not the reason why people buy Fender over Squire. Lots if reasons have been given, even if it doesn`t meet your criteria. Why should people need to look at the reason they buy the bass? If it makes them happy to have that bass, why do they need to look at themselves to justify it in a quantifiable way?
  22. He has quanified it, as he has used it. He has told you that the Double Rectifier is better, so he has qualified it. He doesn`t have to explain it too you why it is better, as that is not the purpose of the video. As he is experienced, I am sure he knows what he is talking about. Seems like you just want to argue for no real purpose to me.
  23. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1441998269' post='2863744'] Which is why we can discuss it forever. Because what one person defines as 'better' is different to what another person defines as 'better'. Because we all have different tastes and requirements. (As has been said in the last few posts) So the discussion is circular... [/quote]So why do you keep questioning everyones opinion when they are defining what they think, in their opinion, their Fender is better than a Squire? The bloke says, his Dual Rectifier is better than his Gorilla. Is he wrong? He thinks that a cheap Peavey is better for the road as he doesn`t care about it so much. Is he wrong? So he is defining what he thinks is better. He has defined what is better to him , so why is it a silly statement when he has defined it ?
  24. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1441987338' post='2863594'] That's a strange thing to say. It's kind of self evident. Better gear is better. Until you define what 'better' is, it's a silly statement. [/quote]Not really strange at all. You should be able to define better yourself. Better doesn`t mean anything but better than the item you are comparing., and that is up too the individual. My interpretation of what he said, was a $60 bass won`t be as good as a $600 bass. Unless you got the $60 bass for an absolute steal. Price in that sort of bracket usually indicates better quality. When you get to the $1000 plus basses, it might be be harder to define. Then it becomes better if you prefer the neck, pickups etc
  25. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1441926715' post='2863115'] I'm going to chime in here to mention that the bassist is in fact a guy called Tom Warrington - an absolutely amazing bassist and a great example of someone who plays Jazz on electric bass with total authenticity. You should watch the rest of this gig before judging him, he plays a fretless precision through an Ampeg and his tone and playing is incredible. He's still playing jazz and teaching in LA as far as I know. [/quote] Thanks for putting a name to the bass player. Now I am not criticising his playing when i said he didn`t have the stage presence of Jaco. It was more tongue in cheek as even Jaco would struggle to have any if he was on the same stage as Buddy Rich.
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