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Everything posted by timmo

  1. How can i forget The Dickies http://youtu.be/flMS2gHFOH0
  2. The bass player doesn`t seem to have Jaco`s stage prescence
  3. How about this. Mouldy Old Dough [url="https://youtu.be/aO5GWJJP3FM"]http://youtu.be/aO5GWJJP3FM[/url] Not sure if this is classed as a novelty, but it always comes across as one to me. The Strawbs [url="https://youtu.be/KdOCWUgwiWs"]http://youtu.be/KdOCWUgwiWs[/url]
  4. timmo

    obbm's feedback

    Bought a 3 metre cable. Ordered Thursday, arrived Tuesday. Can`t expect better service for a made to order service. Good comms throughout. The cable looks a lot more robust than the Fender one it is replacing. Thanks Gavin
  5. timmo

    Bit of a dilemma

    The one thing that stops me getting the Clover, is i don`t like sunburst
  6. Why should they have to justify what bass they buy? You have already said that it was just a clickbait topic.
  7. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441496736' post='2859358'] If one does have a nice Fender, what's wrong with somebody asking why they didn't opt for the Squier? Perhaps it does serve their purposes just as well, so is therefore also a relevant option. What is it about that question that has got everyone's knickers in a twist? [/quote]Absolutely nothing is wrong with a Squier. Absolutely nothing wrong with a USA Fender. Absolutely nothing wrong with a suit from George (asda), and nothing wrong with Ted Baker (insert any brand you like). That is why i feel this topic is a bit pointless. If someone says that they just like the build quality and reliability of a Fender bass, over a Squire, it seems to never satisfy you. Maybe that is why you perceive that people have their knickers in a twist.
  8. This has got to be the most pointless topic i have ever seen, and by god has there been some pointless ones. I just don`t understand it. Asking what the point of expensive kit is, which differs, because some people only have a few hundred pounds, and others have thousands. If i buy a £1000 bass, i would say that is expensive. Others might think that £500 is too much, where the other side of the scale, £5000 is acceptable. When people offer their views, it just seems that if you have a made in USA Fender, you are a snob because a Squire would do the job just as well. I hope that some people have never watched Metillica at Glastonbury, because they would be outraged with Robert Trujillo swapping basses every 2 songs or so.
  9. timmo

    Bit of a dilemma

    The Sandberg does look nice. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/sandberg_california_tm4_supreme_cr_left.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...eme_cr_left.htm[/url] Looking at it, it looks very similar to the Clover. I know Jazz basses mostly follow the same Fender style, but it almost looks like they are from the same factory. [attachment=200057:7851567_800.jpg] [attachment=200058:LHJazztop590.jpg]
  10. Sid Vicious. He was a non bass player, but not sure if he loved playing it
  11. Clover Apeiron
  12. I have some money burning in my bank so i was wanting a Jazz bass, as i don`t own one. I can`t make up my mind between a [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_am_std_2012_j_bass_rw_3ts_lh.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...s_rw_3ts_lh.htm[/url] or a [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Clover_Ap_H4_LH_3TSB.html"]http://www.bassdirec...H4_LH_3TSB.html[/url] , I didn`t really want to go over a grand, but so many people go on about Fenders, i just wonder if it would be worth going over the grand for one. Anyone got any thoughts on it. I guess the Fender will sell easier, and not lose a lot of the value compared to the Clover, but not too worried as i never sell anything i own. Or perhaps other suggestions in that price bracket. I have tried the Clover and liked the neck, but chiose the Avenger instead. I knew nothing about basses when i bought it, but just liked the name and style of the Avenger.
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441313907' post='2857922'] I find this "I sound great, therefore I play better" attitude quite hard to understand. [/quote] Most people wouldn`t know if you are playing a Jazz or Precision bass, so why not just have a Squire Jazz and be done with it, as no one would ever need anything different. I can totally get why people like spending thousands on a bass. If it makes them happy then why not. That is what making music is all about. It makes absolutely no difference if you get it or not, if you are happy playing a Squire. Nothing wrong with that either.
  14. I bought the most expensive bass i could afford when i started, because i know that i will keep learning to play to the best of my ability. If i had spent £300 on all the gear, i would give up fairly easily, compared to if i lay out a large chunk of cash on any thing that takes time to learn. Probably not the best bass for the money, but i like it, and that is all that counts for me. As for business sense on spending £2000 on a guitar. It is something you will be playing in your spare time and takes up a lot of your leisure time, so why not treat yourself to the best you can afford
  15. Personally i think a good bass teacher is invaluable. I went to a guitar/bass teacher for a year. He moved away from the area, and i found a bass only player. I have learned more from him in 6 weeks than i did in a year. Saying that, there are plenty of bass players that seem to be able to learn on thier own. I found i was just learning bits i wanted, and the bits i didn`t, i left. With a teacher, you need to be able to do everything you have been taught the previous lessons, otherwise you get lost. Plus an internnet teacher, or book can`t tell you that you have bad technique or doing something wrong.
  16. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1441105337' post='2856022'] Its actually quite scary, you don't need anything but campaign funds and the ability to get people to vote for you, and KW is loaded and popular. [/quote]Even KW hasn`t got enough money to fund a campaign on his own. Obama and his team raised a billion dollars to spend on the election. It is just a publicity stunt for the clown anyway
  17. I guess a lot depends on what type of music you like. I liked brit pop when i was younger, and always thought Bivouac - Tuber was under rated. Still like it today. I suppose if you didn`t like brit pop you would hate it.
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1440240004' post='2849263'] Only a fool bids before the last 15 seconds of an eBay auction. [/quote]I occassionaly put in an early bid, but i am a fool
  19. Yup, there aren`t many lefty specific questions.It does come in handy occasionally though
  20. Excellent playing. I saw the Selene video, but it left me cold. The rest are the same really. Still excellent, but not my thing really.
  21. Micheal Manrig is a new one for me. Which of his work is the best to listen too?
  22. Should i Stay or Should I go?
  23. Just who is the 5 o `clock hero?
  24. Renegades of Funk. Awesome song. Morrello does hardly anything on it, but the bass cuts right through the song. A classic example of less is more i reckon. https://youtu.be/K626gMvu2ds
  25. Jolene and higher and higher, while good songs are not that challenging on any instrument. Perhaps you should select something a lot more challenging, and see how good they are on their respective instruments.
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