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Everything posted by timmo

  1. Are there any Londoners that can tell me what the weather is doing? I am planning on driving to Hillingdon if I can get there. Then I have to rely on the tube. I am not feeling optimistic.
  2. I am starting to worry about the snow. Got some way to go over the Cotswolds to get to the M40. It can get bad over there
  3. I think they are about the same dap, just polar opposites.
  4. Viz top tips are some of the best things ever. I always enjoy my top tip facebook feeds
  5. Well, in that case, I certainly apologise. I thought it was you, but it was someone else. Sorry, I will have my little lie down
  6. Yours really are . You say that snowflake is the most tedious, but you have used Daily Mail as a cliche. So many people use it that it is the ultimate cliche.
  7. I sent my first post on here thinking it was Off Topic. On the topic of old songs, I have heard Olivers Army played on the radio the other day with the original lyrics. I was quite surprised. Maybe they got it mixed up with the radio edit, or has anybody else heard it recently, and seems to be ok.
  8. I think that might be a different meaning today
  9. I don't think I have ever seen so many cliches in one paragraph
  10. I am not too bothered about getting the same people as long as it is at least 5 years between. Hook and Jah Wobble have both been very recently
  11. Nice riff. I am having a go now
  12. We are not professionals, we work in a factory, and believe me, the women are worse. The bloke asks us if anyone knows if anyone here can supply heroin, and constantly swears, then cries to HR is a bit rich really. Yup, a snowflake. If he said at the start that he didn`t like swearing, and refrained from it, then I would say he would have every right to go to HR, and I would say fair play. There is a difference. I think he is a bit of a strange one, as he has had 5 jobs in 2 years. The last one was Honda, and he told us that he was asked why he was doing , whatever he was doing. He quit on the spot because they questioned what he was doing, and why he was doing it, but he said he wasn`t doing anything wrong. I don`t think he likes to be told what to do and how to do it. If it gets really busy, he said he will walk out on his crew
  13. I think that is gibberish. I really believe that there are snowflakes. I am a bit angry as 2 colleagues nearly got sacked because he would not take instructions. He went to HR to tell them that they weren`t professional as they swore at him. Sure, it is a male dominated area where people get frustrated, and heated conversations come up and people swear, then we ask what is for dinner after, and forgotten about. This snowflake, which I will use, swore in front of the hearing , which was overseen by a women in HR, with the complainer constantly swearing and using the C word, and said that he would walk out if it ever became busy again. That is a definition of a snowflake. and don`t care if anyone tells me it is a cliche with 3 likes.
  14. In 50 years time, we will be looked at as intolerant. People will always be offended. You have to look at the time and the circumstances before we criticise the previous generation. There were awful things going on, but I would never judge my grandparents.
  15. Good. I saw your performance at the South East show, and you offered a deal on your albums on a USB drive. I wanted one, but didn`t have the cash. Are you offering a deal similar? If you are , I am there on the Saturday, and will seek you out to buy one
  16. timmo

    best value DAW

    I came looking for a programme. I downloaded Audacity as it was free, and just couldn`t get it too do anything. I have downloaded Reaper for a 60 day trail. I got that working easily(at least sound through the bass) . So looking at the comments, it is looking like Reaper and Logic. I only downloaded Reaper because of some bloke on Youtube called Glenn Fricker highly recommended it. It looks like a lot of you agree
  17. Thanks. I am doing ear training, but trying to familiarise myself to sounds of the interval.
  18. I see Jah Wobble is signed up. As much as I enjoyed his slot last time, i would have preferred someone different as it was only a couple years ago. I am feeling a little underwhelmed by the artists so far.
  19. If I so desire At the moment it is some soul train on the internet. The dancers always amuses me
  20. The best solution is too build a shed at the bottom of your garden. I used to get complaints, but now I can play till 3 AM , or longer if I desire
  21. I have to do the inevitable and learn ear training. The examples are so boring, like Star Spangled Banner and Ode To Joy etc. Has anyone got any better, enjoyable examples please. I so far have Maj 2nd That`s The Way I Like It... KC and the Sunshine Band Min 3rd Smoke on the Water...Deep Purple Maj 3rd Lady Madonna.... Beatles Perfect 5th I Wanna Be Adored.... Stone Roses Octave Pusherman .... Curtis Mayfield Anyone able to fill the gaps of proper songs? Everytime I try to think of something, they all seem to be 5ths and octaves. Preferably descending at the momnent
  22. I understand the reason for being critical. Just that the general listener listen to a band differently. I think non musicians just don`t hear what musicians do. I am in the same category.
  23. Sorry about the S on the end. I am wondering if a lot of musicians are unlucky. Instead of enjoying a show, musicians are seem to be looking to find fault. I don't tend to be too critical as I am not a good enough musician.
  24. I am really enjoying his show. The London fireworks were also fantastiv
  25. Are we still on the merry go round?
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