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Everything posted by timmo

  1. Lloyd Brevett. Was there anyone before him that had the ska sound? I would say a fair few in the list aren`t really Pioneers, just great bassists who took the sound and genre to a new level. Maybe i am wrong though
  2. You`re Gorgeous by Babybird at a wedding
  3. Sunshine of Your Love - Cream. Basically a blues scale. If you are new to playing music, then Memphis Soul Stew by King Curtis is worth a listen. It has an easy bass line, and you can hear how a song is put together.
  4. I would be looking forward to Blues Pills. I like them.
  5. Ok, thanks for that. I can get on with making a racket in any key i choose
  6. I found some drum loops to play along to. Is there anything that drummers do to determine what key they are playing in, or are they just keyless and you can play the bass in any key you like?
  7. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1433180502' post='2788652'] Damn you guys really are super sleuths...who needs Scooby Doo? [/quote]If it hadn`t been for you meddling kids, I would have gotten away with it
  8. I went to Kingsholm Rugby Ground at Gloucester to watch Madness on Saturday. That was good. Perhaps rugby grounds are better suited than round cricket stadiums
  9. Perhaps one of the Americans that frequent this site could give some details about this. It would be a good opportunity if it was true, but can`t understand why they would contact you, as there must be thousands of decent bass players over there that will fit the bill.For all they know, you could be fatter than the bass player they fired.
  10. I was quite amazed to hear that this will be the first gig Squire will have missed since they formed in 1968. Hopefully he well recover
  11. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1432237601' post='2779661'] He could be on the forum . [/quote]If he had been on here, he would have been ran off the forum a long time ago. Not many famous players seem to make much more than a couple of months without being harangued
  12. R.I.P Loiue. Sad news indeed
  13. Sad news.
  14. Sounds a promising reply if they mean it/. I know it doesn`t help you out, but if it saves someone el;ses bass then it will be good.
  15. timmo

    B SIdes

    I also forgot, Afterglow of Your Love-Small Faces. The B side being Wham Bam Thank You Mam. One of my favourite songs by them, and paved the way for the sound of Humble Pie i would say.
  16. timmo

    B SIdes

    Strange Town - The Jam. The B side was Butterfly Collector. There are a lot of Jam records that had great B sides
  17. I hate Rap and hip hop. The record that really grinds my gears is Paul Simon- You Can Call Me Al. The lyrics are awful too.
  18. As usual, i have had no real plans for any weekend, but i am not going to be able to make it now. I was so looking forward to this, so to say i am disappointed is an understatement.. I had even bought a new Satnav so i would be able to find the place. Hope you all have a good time.
  19. Today i am learning Memphis Soul Stew by King Curtis. All the same for around 1.30 minutes, but it helps to keep the timing going.
  20. [quote name='Gottastopbuyinggear' timestamp='1430308958' post='2760072'] I remember seeing Eric Clapton at the RAH, probably about 25 years ago now. Went with a few mates, and a friend of a friend who I'd met a few times before. Sadly, by the time I bought my ticket I could only get one for right up in the gallery, where I knew the sound would be a bit suspect. The friend of a friend was a nice bloke, a little unsteady on his feet and always walked with a stick the few times I met him. He offered us a lift - we were travelling from Didcot. "Where are you going to park?" I asked - "Ah, don't worry about that", he said. The day arrived, we jumped in his car, drove up to London and parked in a disabled space right outside the RAH. I'd not noticed the disabled badge in his windscreen. That's handy, I thought. "Can one of you do me a favour and get my wheelchair out of the boot" he said... We did, and we helped wheel him to his perfect line of sight spot in the stalls where he enjoyed the show and afterward informed me that the view was brilliant and the sound excellent. I should add that he was genuinely registered disabled, so was enjoying one of the few benefits that comes with the territory. [/quote]Here was me thinking you were going to say he was the best dancer you have ever seen
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429916135' post='2756442'] Sorry to say I've never heard of him. But then I'm quite sure he's never heard of me, either. I don't get why you'd buy a bass on the strength of it being previously owned by a 'celeb'. What possibly difference can it make? [/quote] It is an exclusivity thing i suppose. It also depends on the celeb. I doubt the fact that it was owned by a person i have never heard of, let alone the band would make me pay a premium. However, a Fender used by James Jamerson would probably be different
  22. You could try something totally different and start the set with I Pity The Fool, from his Manish Boys days.
  23. If there is sub sections, i would rather it be done on price. 0-£500, £501-£1000, £1001-£1500,£1501-£50000 for example. If you divide all the basses into Fenders, etc, then you could miss a bargain that you hadn`t originally thought about,
  24. I had a think about who i would like to see at the show next year. I reckon Carol Kaye would be very interesting for a masterclass
  25. [quote name='Johnm93' timestamp='1429907802' post='2756362'] Nice cast, Timmo. Hoping for a bite... [/quote]Nope. I genuinly hate his voice . Do people bite if you say anything negative about Rush? His voice, especially on Tom Sawyer grates on me. The singers named by Seashell, i like. I think they are good singers for the types of band they are in. I like Coverdales voice in Mistreated by Deep Purple. Ahh i just found out Geddy Lee is the singer. I knew he was the bassist, but had no idea he sang.Just shows how much i know about Rush. I still don`t like his singing.
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