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Everything posted by timmo

  1. Ahh, thanks. I only own 2 basses, and both are 24. I understand now. I knew it would be something fairly simple, but i just could not get my head around it. Thanks for the replies
  2. You get long scale, short scale and others in between. Some have 20 frets, others have 24. They can be the same length. How do you get the same note from a 20 fret as a 24? That should make some of the notes bigger on the fretbaord with only 20. Basically, how do you get the same note with a bigger fret, and how big, or small can the fret spacing be, before it becomes a totally different note to the note it was intended? I hope that makes some sort of sense.
  3. I suppose a topic could be made of, what bass do you get the best bang for your buck? That could be interesting. From the reports i have read, you can`t get much better value for a bass than Squire.
  4. How about something like Hit or Miss by Odetta. It is a bit folk Blues, but i reckon you could give it a funky vibe. Everyone would have heard of it after the advert, but i doubt many would have heard it live.
  5. I get into a few scrapes with members on here Well, not that many. A lot of it is that i am not the most articulate of people. I usually send a message of apology, which is accepted. Sometimes the written word is hard to understand and give emotion to. I enjoy it here. The majority of people on here are helpful and very nice.Even the Rickenbacker topic was a source of amusement. I hope to get to a few more BC meetings. I wish more people would spend more time in the help section as questions can go unanswered for hours, and the most innocuous things in Off Topic are instantly answered. There are a couple of people on here that i miss .
  6. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1427031073' post='2724837'] I've never taken anything meaningful from an audioclip / vid of a bass. It's hard enough just demoing in a shop, given all the variables like amp / strings etc. Once you're then layering on recording and playback, impossible to get a helpful comparison. [/quote]Would the speakers on your choice of listening to the audio demo make a difference as well?
  7. [quote name='Gottastopbuyinggear' timestamp='1427029247' post='2724816'] Borders? Let's not get elitist. Remember not everyone wants or can afford the high end gear, and there are plenty of more affordable and good quality biscuits that would be perfectly palatable and satisfying for newbies just starting out on their journey. [/quote]If a beginner is lucky, they can be gotten for a pound.
  8. Lets give a mention for Bruce Thomas. I don`t often hear much about him, and i like his bass lines.
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1427020328' post='2724684'] Surely no one has actually read the entire thread? [/quote]I have, and this one, so 25 minutes of my life is wasted
  10. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1427011301' post='2724559'] Can we have a 'comedy rants' section, where this sort of thread can be moved to? [/quote]Perhaps we could have a consumer advice section. Call it Watchdog, and Bonner can be the moderatror
  11. [quote name='James Nada' timestamp='1427016491' post='2724617'] I read the 'Why I soldy Ric' at around lunchtime yesterday - it was at 3 pages I think. To save me about 14 minutes in reading the rest, could someone please summarise the thread here? [/quote]After page 3, the next hiighlight was Kettle Chips. Oh, someone prefers the sound of treacle sponge live, but prefers lemon tart in the studio. About sums it up after page 3
  12. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1426975707' post='2724422'] I hate hob nobs. Anyone who likes hob nobs is a muppet and you are being ripped off if you buy them. Their build quality is rubbish compared to a chocolate digestive. Opinion passed off as fact. I thank you... [/quote]I actually like Hobnobs. I much prefer them to Abbey Crunch.
  13. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1426973569' post='2724400'] Face facts: a 'Septic' poser who's not been here long enough to wipe his arse has managed to get us to take him remotely seriously for 7 whole pages. And I say that bowing to no man in my disdain for RIC Corporation This is what 13 years of socialism gets you. An inability to know when someone's having you over. [/quote] And a day of boredom
  14. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1426968721' post='2724313'] and I just want to say that Chiliwailer is not a second account owned by me [/quote]Liar
  15. I just can`t understand why he needs anyone who likes them to prove they are good in tone. If he hasn`t enough ability to make a Ric sound good, where clearly other posters have on here, then he should perhaps go for lessons to learn how to play.
  16. I have no idea about sight reading books, but i bought beginners reading music, and scales and arpeggis from Bassline Publishing. Very easy to follow, and well written. If there is a sight reading book, and it is as good, then maybe worth a try
  17. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1426949375' post='2723868'] For live gigs I prefer the fuller tone of a hearty treacle sponge. [/quote]Do you think it is better than Spotted Dick?
  18. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1426948432' post='2723848'] (My emphasis) Actually I'm not so sure about that one either as it happens! But I digress... Trying to remain even-handed (and notwithstanding all that's been discussed up to now), there aren't really any hard & fast rules about teaching what we might call 'popular' music styles and techniques. In classical tuition the rules and requirements are generally set in stone so that anybody going to learn, say, clarinet will normally have a pretty good idea what to expect. Everybody here seems to agree that just being a good player isn't enough by itself, but beyond that there are different approaches that can be made to work. Yes a good tutor is likely to be adaptable and organised, but IME tutors can differ markedly in their approach and in their particular strengths & weaknesses. Just because a particular student can't get on with a particular tutor, it doesn't necessarily follow that either is at fault; and even then, it isn't automatically the tutor who is at fault. I won't bore people with sordid details of my teaching nightmares, but I suspect all experienced tutors can relate tales of 'students' they wish had never walked into their studio. [/quote] I agree with what you are saying. I am assuming that the RGT course is good, and tutors can be adaptable. All i know is 3 of us went to the same tutor.2 guitar, and me bass. We all said we weren`t interested in grading, all 3 of us were told to get the RGT book, as that was the best way to learn. We all thought it must be true, so we all bought books. It was only when i went to another tutor, i realised how rigid his teaching was. I am not saying everyone found him lacking, as he has a good pass rate.The thing is, if you only have the one tutor, you will never know how good, or indifferent they are. Displaying qualifications such as RGT, you just assume they are going to be good. All 3 of us have different tutors now, and all say the same.
  19. Looking at the Bass Players United Facebook page, there seems to be a lot of love for Rickenbackers. I am sure someone can tell them they are wrong, and why, though.
  20. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1426945683' post='2723786'] [size=4]You're right, listen to these, all '[color=#474747]recorded in Logic, with as little processing as possible to put across the true sound of the instrument' [/color]by Andy Baxter:[/size] [url="https://soundcloud.com/andy-baxter-bass-guitar/70-rick-fingers-pickup-selector-both-neck-bridge-same-with-pick-tones-off-fingers-pick"]1970 4001[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/andy-baxter-bass-guitar/73-4001-black-md1450-neck-both"]1973 4001[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/andy-baxter-bass-guitar/1981-rick-4003s-vd963"]1982 4003S[/url] Shocking! [/quote]Sounds really good to me. He must know how to use [color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] compressors, consoles and tube microphones though [/font][/color]
  21. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1426945449' post='2723782'] There are plenty of things I deem overpriced. Products that don't offer good bang for the buck$. Where I can buy a better quality, cheaper alternative if I choose to. Kettle Chips are a prime contender. I bang on to my mates about Kettle Chips all the time. On and on. And you know what? Not once have they said: "Thanks Skol. Thanks for your insight. I'm now going to change my choice of crisps based on your opinion." Not once. They keep on buying those Kettle Chips. It's as though they value their own opinions more highly than mine. The fools. And so it will always be. Ad infinitum. PS: any unwanted rice pudding? Send it my way. One man's bowl of milky maggots is another's homely pudding. [/quote]I buy Kettle chips when they are a pound. Problem is, i try to eat a few, but keep going back to the cupboard until there are no more left. Walkers Extra Crunchy are my real vice.
  22. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1426945088' post='2723775'] I love my Ritter, ACG, GB (Goodfellows) - I've kept these, sold the Warwicks, Wals and Fenders I've owned. You're welcome to try any of these - come to the next Herts Bash (note the blatant plug!!) [/quote]I would love to take you up on your offer. Sadly i am left handed Sounds like a nice collection you have though
  23. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1426942323' post='2723724'] Just had a look at the area where you have to state what level of competency and grading you believe you would be able to teach to. And blow me you're right. It just says "over reporting could lead to a loss of reputation" But only if people report poor tutors I guess. Kind of undermines the purpose of belonging to an association such as RGT if people aren't honest about their level of competency and there are no means of checking and challenging false statements. I have enjoyed many benefits of belonging to RGT, it would be a shame if it's reputation is undermined by a few. [/quote] The person i went to had something like a 98.8% pass rate. He is a classical guitar player, and a very good one. I have no idea what he was like as a bassist. I assume most guitar players did pass. No idea what the pass rate is for bass players. I seemed to be his only one at the current time. That is the problem i have with RGT. Fine if you want to go down that road, but if that is the only way you can teach, then you are limited, in my opinion as a teacher. Anyone can teach through a book.On the other side of the coin, he was a really nice person
  24. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1426944479' post='2723764'] FWIW I don't like Ricks either, but I also don't like Fenders, Warwicks or Wals - I wouldn't spend all day arguing my point though..It'll be interesting to see what happens when Mr Hall gets wind of this thread... [/quote] Can i ask, what do you like?
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