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Everything posted by timmo

  1. What are they for? Are they some effect that is needed for a rig to sound better? I don`t really understand what they are about
  2. It does say so first and foremost. I guess that is how a lot of bassists, become bassists
  3. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1424193321' post='2693698'] Oasis are probably the most over-rated band of all time so I couldn't care less what Noel Gallagher says. (i'm not a Kaiser Chiefs fan either, but being in Oasis doesn't give him the right to look down on everyone else.... you were total balls Noel) [/quote]I would say there are a lot more over rated bands than Oasis. I can think of Wham. Just to have had them in the charts and still allowed airtime baffles me I liked the first 2 albums. Wonderwall is a classic in my opinion. It is one song that i think will stand the test of time. Maybe classless to critisice another band, but it is probably good for Kaiser Chiefs, just on a smaller scale to Beck.
  4. It may look similar, but it seems to be missing the Ritter flair
  5. Awesome looking Epiphone. I would like one of those
  6. This sounds interesting. I don`t think i have anyting going on at this time. If i come i will be there with my Clover Avenger 4 Left handed. I seem to be smack in the middle of all the closest bass bashes. 100 miles odd from Leicester, London and wherever the South West bash in Exeter area
  7. It shouldn't matter if it was fender,Warwick, or any other manufacturer, the point is that manufacturers not seeming to think it is worth going to the show. I know there are independent makers there which is why great. The main manufacturers are the ones that pull in the punters. Bass direct,which incidentally I am happy they will be there,will not pull in the crowds. Obviously only my opinion. Without the big names attending, the show will die. Especially if the lime up for the masterclass are perceived to be weak,or the same ones keep coming back.
  8. To be fair to the feedback, the negative was because of late delivery. The feedback was 12 days after the sale. Sometimes it is down to the couriers. Maybe a bit slow I remember years ago when you bought something, it always stated it could take 21 days.
  9. No exciting reason for me. I took it up because i found physiotherapy for my hands and fingers boring, so i took up the bass. Seems to work better than the exercises i had, and more exciting.
  10. Perhaps they bought this to make it really authentic, and needed to raise the cash to buy it. You can have has many props as you like, but to make it real, you need authentic items http://www.ebay.com/itm/JACO-PASTORIUS-JAZZ-BASS-1975-FENDER-FRETLESS-ORIGINAL-/151031567068?
  11. I would like to be able to play by ear. I find it difficult to listen to some songs and determine what the note is. Especially past the 7th fret. I think it is a skill worth learning, and something i will try to put more effort in. If you want to learn a song and you can do half of it just by listening, i guess it makes the task easier. That being said, i do use Youtube to find out how it is done.
  12. That is a disappointment. Just shows that the show is that much of an attraction for exhibitors
  13. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1424251775' post='2694265'] Apple only??? That's... hard to justify these days. Ah well, as a die-hard non-apple user, I guess it's one toy less to worry about I like the idea, if it works and sounds as good as claimed, it would tempt me. But it's got to be supported by non-apple products or it's a non-starter for me. Android, Linux and Windows in my home, but not a single Apple apart from the ones in the fruit basket, and they're all intact [/quote]Same for me. It wouldn`t be the price that has put me off, but the restrictions.
  14. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1424202692' post='2693850'] I could always pester Hans-Peter on Facebook and nag him until he gets a small stand at the LBGS and sends in a few basses ... [/quote]Yes please Tell him to bring lefties
  15. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1424202136' post='2693844'] This made me smile today on Facebook: [/quote]About sums it up
  16. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1424202191' post='2693846'] I see your point - Retailers have to make a selection of models from each company, as they can't bring their entire stock. I imagine, though, that if there are more than one big retailer at the show, we may have a reasonable choice of models to try. I attend the show for the masterclasses and performances as much as to ogle the gear, and i haven't been disappointed so far (20+ years attending what used to be called the London Music Show, then the LIMS, then the LBGS). [/quote]It is only my second one. I am making it an annual event. The wife goes shopping with her friend, and i go to the show. It is ideal really. I like coming to London, so it doesn`t make a great deal of difference, as i wouldn`t buy a Fender anyway. Warwick on the other hand, that is a disappointment. I would rather they said that exhibitors didn`t want to come and give a reason instead of there will be everyday shops there. I am looking forward to the ACG and Eve stand
  17. I don`t think that quote has helped matters. I could go to my local retailer and find Fenders. A Fender stand would have been much better.
  18. Why??? That seems to be a total waste of time. The demo videos make it look like a worse idea than i originally thought, and i thought it was a crap idea before the video
  19. [quote name='milesBguitar' timestamp='1424121352' post='2692966'] Was really hoping Warwick was going to be here. First year to the show so will try and enjoy it anyway [/quote]Then you are lucky. This will be my second one, as i went last year. I really enjoyed it. I didn`t realise it was a lot smaller than usual,
  20. Just bought my ticket for Saturday, so i will be definately be there
  21. I have no recording software bar the Ableton which came with the unit. Thanks all. I will give it a good bash this evening. I wouldn`t worry about the recording competition just yet
  22. I have just bought a Focusrite 2i2. I am having difficulty getting it to record. I will have to get the manual printed. I hate it when you don`t get a basic manual. Is the Ableton Live 9 Lite that comes with a free trial any good, or should i look at getting a better programme?
  23. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1424007012' post='2691424'] Yup - I've done that And recently I've got into the habit of leaving instrument stands behind... [/quote]At least you didn`t forget your music stand
  24. [quote name='Sumbabba' timestamp='1422457583' post='2672930'] Pen and paper. I spend way too much time staring into a computer screen as it is I can read music (slowly) but I find transcribing really tricky. I've got a really good ear training app for intervals, chords etc which I always use on the tube but there doesn't seem to be anything for transcribing... [/quote]Have you got link for the ear training app? I need all the training i can get. I would laso gove a thumbs up for Transcribve. Costs £40 ish, but worth every penny. Slowing tracks down doesn`t lose any of the integrity (if that is the right word) of the track
  25. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1423937337' post='2690634'] I thought we were going to discuss parallel parking. [/quote] I know what you mean about that. I have a driveway, but the majority of the neighborhood don`t. The neighbours can get into spaces i could only dream about
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