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Everything posted by timmo

  1. [quote name='wal4string' timestamp='1397238011' post='2422164'] Here we go. This should make things clearer. I have changed the key, but the notes are the same. [attachment=159957:Crossroads.pdf] [/quote]That is much clearer for me. Thank you. I have printed it off,so going to have a crack at it tonight
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1397237216' post='2422155'] ..? [/quote] I meant i misread the natural for a flat, thinking it was just the computer sign for a flat instead of a b. It got me confused as i have not advanced to reading that yet. and not seen the natural before. I am very basic at the moment
  3. Ahh thanks for that. I just got myself confused with the 3 sharps, but they were all flats.
  4. As someone who is not totally up with basses, i am not sure what it is. Looking at the headstock, is it an Alembic? I just can`t make out the label on the headstock.Whatever it is, it looks very nice.
  5. Sorry for this, i am trying to learn music, and can`t play anything tangible outside a limited theory. Is the first four bars A A Gflat Cflat, A A A Cflat C, A A A Cflat C, AA Gflat A C flat A C?
  6. That is good. I will have a crack at that.
  7. I find the easiest way to learn the fret board is playing Pentotonic Natural minor and Major first on G string only, then D, etc. Say the notes as you go, and you learn the string plus the notes of the scales, so 2 things in one. Just one other point, from my tutor, you know you are getting there when you are bored of doing it
  8. I did watch a youtube vid, and it looked fairly easy. BUt i have fallen into the trap of easy looking projects, and realised that some jobs are more skillfull than they look.. I must say, the cab you made looks a top job. Do you still use it, and was/is it as good a sounding cab as you had hoped for?
  9. Its a fender bassman 100. so fairly largish
  10. My first bass was a right hand Warwick Fortress. I am naturally right handed, but because of my little finger being bent out of shape through arthiritis, i changed to left. Took me a while to learn to play left. My worst problem was putting my fingers on the top of the fret, instead of putting it on the bottom. It took my a while to get out of that. The only other thiung i do left handed, and always have done, is to shoot a rifle.(it`s ok, i am not a nut job, i was in the army cadets as a kid). Maybe that is why it wasn1t a massive job to learn to play left.
  11. Has anyone done this, and is it difficult to do, and isd it expensive? A cab i am interested in as a big tear at the back. Apparently it was taken out of the back of a car, and the catch of the boot lid caught the vinyl, so it is a long tear job? It would look awful trying to repair it.
  12. Anyone have a list of the main manufacturers that make left handed basses?
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1396472014' post='2414168'] Merits a full reply, but here's a Wikipedia page on the subject... [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_of_fifths"]Circle of Fifths...[/url] ...Very briefly, one can use it as a means of working out relationships between chords, for progressions, or building chords. Worthy of some study, imo... [/quote]Ahh yes, i have seen that chart. Thanks for the link, i will read that in more detail when the brain can cope
  14. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1396355018' post='2412573'] Get it done please! [/quote] It would be nice
  15. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1396277767' post='2411715'] Regarding it being 'squirreled' away, follow this topic and then you get told when someone posts something in this thread and you can come straight here without navigating. [/quote] Top suggestion. I have just done that. It is so obvious i didn`t think of it
  16. This subforum seems to get lost tucked away under the bass guitars topic. I keep forgetting about it
  17. I`m liking my D`addario`s
  18. [quote name='Grissle' timestamp='1396168426' post='2410510'] Those heads are fab! And they sound equally great for bass, guitar, keys and vocals. Rich clean tone. Though it probably needs at least a cap job by now. [/quote]What is a cap job?
  19. I think there is always something dodgy when they put the paypal link in as well.
  20. There is a similar one on ebay. A slightly bigger cab. I will see how much that goes for, as neither of us has a clue on price. If it is not to expensive, i will see if i can strike a deal. Don`t want to rip him off. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231191543593?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  21. I`ll find out tomorrow what model it is. The head is in really good condition. It has a label saying 300 watts,100 watts RMS, .It has been in his cupboard for 15 years. The cab gas a tear in the tolex at the back. He has kept it in his shed. The brackets are a little rusty, but only surface, so would probably clean up. He has put shopping trolley wheels on it, as he said the original wheels were too small, and kept tipping on stones etc. So not all original. The cab is 4 ohms
  22. My neighbour has one of these from 1976 ish. Are they worth much? It is a valve head.I would buy it from him, but no idea if it is worth anything to me, as it is fairly large and i am only learning. Anyone any idea if they are any good.
  23. Never heard of rope having added character before
  24. Ticketmaster is colluding with itself. They sell the tickets for the promoter, you buy the face value tickets, you then go to Get Me In, which is Ticketmaster. They make money selling you the ticket in the first place, then let you put it on thier website for a markup, which they make more money from that sale. The promoters must know about it, but still let Ticketmaster make more money from becoming touts.
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