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Everything posted by timmo

  1. I tried. What i am pissed off with is a site called Get Me In. They are affiliated to Ticketmaster and sellin tickets already for £800 plus a ticket. It is shameful as there are things in place to try to stop touiting, and they are the biggest culprits. http://www.getmein.com/rock-and-pop/kate-bush-tickets.html
  2. It says it is brand new in pristine condition. Except the chip that he has touched up. I wonder what he touched it up with
  3. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1395697936' post='2405328'] Hey, from the same eBay seller, this is FAR more impressive, with a Buy It Now price of £120,000! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BEST-valve-amplifier-BEST-speakers-or-MONEY-REFUNDED-during-1-month-trial-1-/161253480657?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiFi_Amplifiers&hash=item258b74d8d1"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item258b74d8d1[/url] [/quote]I like the question on this one. Someone has aked what exactly he is selling, as the description is a little rambling and confused. The answer is great, if you bother to read it
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1395251291' post='2400270'] But I've seen plenty of pics of people playing Ritters in pub cover bands, which I find quite amusing. [/quote]I wondered why you found people playing Ritters in pub bands was amusing. On seeing the prices, i can see why now. Lovely looking instruments though.
  5. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1395159417' post='2399319'] So I pay for 5 lessons and you get the free one? Doesn't seem fair. [/quote]It seems a fair deal to me
  6. It isn`t that far to the seller from you. Can`t you go and visit and have a look at it. It might be worth it if you are spending that type of money
  7. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1395084666' post='2398517'] We're at [url="http://cherrywhite.bandcamp.com/"]http://cherrywhite.bandcamp.com/[/url] and BoDC can be heard at [url="http://bouquetofdeadcrows.bandcamp.com/album/together-we-fall-2"]http://bouquetofdead...ether-we-fall-2[/url] [/quote] I listened to the Bouquet of Dead Crows, and i like them. Pity they are Cambridge based otherwise i would go see them.
  8. It is £20 an hour around here, but if you pay for 5 lessons up front, i get a lesson free
  9. Only £250 start, and £6 postage/. What is wrong with it as it seems cheap to me?
  10. Nice review. I too was particularly struck by the Warwick Infinity. It looks a bit special. I also fell in love with Eve basses. I have found out they would make a lefty at no extra charge. I`m seriously considering one.
  11. My dad listened to Jazz and Classical. I think that is why i hate that type of music
  12. I have never liked the Smiths. Far to depressing for me, and i don`t like Morriseys singing at all
  13. If you use a small amp, say a cheap 10 watt practice amp, wouldn`t the tone be in the fingers. Is there an auto correct thing on amps to correct tone? I reckon the fingers must play a large part in the tone
  14. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1393929087' post='2385841'] I really wanted to go to this there was not really any named players there that I wanted to see and to be honest I had only heard of a few of them anyway [/quote]That is maybe the reason you should go. I had never heard of TM Stevens, but i thought he was inspirational. A bit American in his message if you get my drift, but very good all the same. In fact i had only heard of Roger Glover and Roger Taylor on the bill before i joined basschat and got to know them. Sometimes, the people you have never heard of can be the better than the people you have
  15. Interesting topic. I know nothing about Fodera, so i am learning a lot from this about basses. I would love to have £3500 to spend on a bass.By the souind of it, you have got a good instrument for the money Glad you are happy with it, it looks nice
  16. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1393876013' post='2385417'] I counted at least 10 lefty basses at the show, including two acoustic, so it wasn't too bad, especially compared to last year. [/quote]Yes i saw a few leftys and the Warwick that you pointed out was tucked away out of sight. I didn`t try any of them as i had an excuse for being rubbish playing right handed. I also had a quick go on a Left handed 5 string Stingray through earphones
  17. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.Being left handed i only tried 1 bass on the Eve stand. I had the salesman turn the volume down as low as it would go so i didn`t embaress myself playing right handed . It was very nice. I would contemplate getting one when i learn to play to a sufficiemt standard. Hopefully i will be a better player next year so get to play more basses. I was expecting there to be more stands, and was hoping for more accessories other than pedals and strings. It was loud, but i thought it might be as it is a bass show. I will be putting this event on my every year list.
  18. I came away with 4 sets of strings so i am happy. Really noisy though. I enjoyed TM Stevens set immensly. He was quite inspirational.
  19. His name is Robin. [url="http://www.doghousestudiosguitarlessons.co.uk/"]http://www.doghouses...rlessons.co.uk/ [/url] Tell him what you need help on, he is a nice bloke and he will tell you if he can help.
  20. I go to a tutor in Gloucester. He is a classical guitarist first and foremost. He seems to think that the bass is a fine instrument, and thinks it is definatley a discipline in its own right.He won`t teach tabs, only music, and he teaches all the way to grade 8 RGT I don`t think he does upright though.
  21. Another line up change [color=#000000][size=5][b][left][url="http://email.5874.co.uk/t/r-l-pdhthll-tdhkhjltiu-d/"]TM Stevens replaces Armand Sabal-Lecco [/url][/b][/size][/color][/left]
  22. It isn`t funny, but i enjoy his playing. He does requests so i check regularly if he has any updates [media]http://youtu.be/rF42uRybKOI[/media]
  23. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1393199832' post='2377372'] I had a similar thing happen to me. I was asked to get up with the band for a song, and just as the drummer counted the song in I looked down at the neck and went 'FECK, IT'S A FIVE STRING!!!'. I'd never played a fiver before and almost had a panic attack. [/quote] I have never held a 5 string bass let alone play one. When you picked it up and realised, what was the problem? Could you have just played the top 4 strings, or are they tuned differently to a 4 string? Is the width of the neck a problem if you are not used to it as well? Are there many main differences apart from the extra string?
  24. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1392643634' post='2370949'] Vox were clever in their marketing and asked guitarists and basses what they wanted and it was an exciting time for designers who could create these types of guitars. For anyone who wasn't around at the time this may be difficult to understand so perhaps you had to be there. [/quote]I can sort of see it. I guess it is a shape that is not the norm, so looks weird to the unitiated
  25. I will try headphones. I have a pair, so will see if it is any different
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